Sinead Mcnally

Sinéad McNally is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Early Childhood Education at the DCU Institute of Education.
Sinéad is Principal Investigator of the Autism-Friendly Schools Project, a national study of the school experiences of autistic children and young people funded by a COALESCE award from Research Ireland (formerly the Irish Research Council).
As Editor-in-Chief of the international journal, Active Learning in Higher Education, Sinéad advocates for inclusive research and teaching in university and colleges, and she sits of the editorial board of the International Journal of Early Years Education and the International Journal of Early Childhood.
Sinéad is faculty Co-Chair of the Athena Swan committee on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the DCU Institute of Education, and sits on the university's Steering Committee on Open Research.
Sinéad leads the research group, the Early Language and Learning Lab, which investigates children's development in early education contexts. Her research on inclusive early education, including children's play and early reading, has been funded through the Irish Research Council, the Science Foundation Ireland, the Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South, and the Childhood Development Initiative.
In 2022, Sinéad received the President's Award for Research Impact for her research in Early Childhood Education.
She is an external examiner for the Technological University of Dublin, and welcomes enquiries from prospective doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in children's play, shared reading / early literacy, and inclusive education and autism.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | O’Keeffe, C.; McNally, S. (2024) '‘It’s one of your main things in life like’: how children’s conceptualisations of play can inform educational practice'. Education 3-13, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | McNally, S.; Leech, K.A.; Corriveau, K.H.; Daly, M. (2024) 'Indirect Effects of Early Shared Reading and Access to Books on Reading Vocabulary in Middle Childhood'. Scientific Studies of Reading, 28 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | Gormley, L.; Feeney, A.; McNally, S. (2024) 'A scoping review of research trends and future directions for research on the experiences of autistic students and staff in post-secondary education'. European Journal Of Higher Education, 14 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Gilligan, Therese; McNally, Sinead; Lovett, Judy; Farell, Therese; Kumar, Sona; McLoughlin, Eilish; Corriveau, Kathleen (2023) 'Persistence in Science Play and Gender: Findings from Early Childhood Classrooms in Ireland'. Early Education and Development, 34 (4). [DOI] | |
2022 | Leech, K.A.; McNally, S.; Daly, M.; Corriveau, K.H. (2022) 'Unique effects of book-reading at 9-months on vocabulary development at 36-months: Insights from a nationally representative sample of Irish families'. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 58 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | McNally, Sinead; Downes, Paul; O'Halloran, Laura; Kent, Grainne; O'Neill, Sandra (2022) ''The whole world was lifted off me': the importance of relational supports and peer mentoring for under-represented students accessing university in Ireland'. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (10). [DOI] | |
2022 | O’Keeffe, C.; McNally, S. (2022) 'Teacher experiences of facilitating play in early childhood classrooms during COVID-19'. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | O’Keeffe, C.; McNally, S. (2021) '‘Uncharted territory’: teachers’ perspectives on play in early childhood classrooms in Ireland during the pandemic'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Gilligan, T.; Lovett, J.; McLoughlin, E.; Murphy, C.; Finlayson, O.; Corriveau, K.; McNally, S. (2020) '‘We practise every day’: parents’ attitudes towards early science learning and education among a sample of urban families in Ireland'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | O'Keeffe, C & McNally, S (2020) 'Review Paper on the Potential of Play to Support the Development of Relationships among Young Children on the Autism Spectrum'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies, 13 . | |
2019 | McNally, S.; McCrory, C.; Quigley, J.; Murray, A. (2019) 'Decomposing the social gradient in children's vocabulary skills at 3 years of age: A mediation analysis using data from a large representative cohort study'. Infant Behavior and Development, 57 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | McNally, S.; Darmody, M.; Quigley, J. (2019) 'The socio-emotional development of language-minority children entering primary school in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 38 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2016 | McNally, S., Kent, G., Fagan, B., & Bleach, J. (2016) 'Knowledge Exchange in Early Childhood Research and Practice: Findings from the Early Learning Initiative and the National College of Ireland'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies, . | |
2016 | Hyland, Philip; Shevlin, Mark; McNally, Sinead; Murphy, Jamie; Hansen, Maj; Elklit, Ask (2016) 'Exploring differences between the ICD-11 and DSM-5 models of PTSD: Does it matter which model is used?'. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 37 :48-53. [DOI] | |
2016 | Quigley, Jean; McNally, Sinead; Lawson, Sarah (2016) 'Prosodic Patterns in Interaction of Low-Risk and at-Risk-of-Autism Spectrum Disorders Infants and Their Mothers at 12 and 18 Months'. Language Learning and Development, 12 (3):295-310. [DOI] | |
2014 | McNally, Sinead; Quigley, Jean (2014) 'An Irish Cohort Study of Risk and Protective Factors for Infant Language Development at 9 Months'. Infant and Child Development, 23 (6):634-649. [DOI] | |
2014 | McNally, S., Share, M., & Murray, A. (2014) 'Prevalence and predictors of grandparent childcare in Ireland: Findings from a nationally representative sample of infants and their families'. Child Care in Practice, 20 (2):182-193. | |
2013 | McCrory, Cathal; McNally, Sinead (2013) 'The Effect of Pregnancy Intention on Maternal Prenatal Behaviours and Parent and Child Health: Results of an Irish Cohort Study'. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 27 (2):208-215. [DOI] | |
2013 | Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sin\'ead (2013) 'Maternal communicative style in interaction with infant siblings of children with Autism'. 4 (1):51-69. | |
2013 | McNally, S. (2013) 'Growing Up in Ireland, the National Longitudinal Study of Children: An Evidence Base for Policy in Early Childhood Education and Care'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies, . | |
2013 | Smith, G. & McNally, S. (2013) 'A Three-Pronged Approach to Early Intervention Speech and 119 Language Therapy Delivery in the Community'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies, . | |
2012 | McNally, Thomas and McNally, Sin\'ead (2012) 'Chomsky and Wittgenstein on Linguistic Competence'. . | |
2012 | Quigley, J and McNally, S (2012) 'Maternal response patterns to infant vocalisations: A comparison of at-genetic-risk-for-autism (HR) infants and a group of low-risk (LR) controls'. 60 (5). | |
2012 | McNally, S. & Bourke, A. (2012) 'Factors affecting periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers in Ireland'. Irish Medical Journal, 105 (7). |
Published Report
Conference Contribution
Invited Seminars
Other Journal
Other Publication
Year | Publication | |
2023 | O’Keeffe, C.; McNally, S. (2023) A Systematic Review of Play-Based Interventions Targeting the Social Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Educational Contexts. [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | McNally, S. (2024) Editorial. [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | Lynam, A; Sweeney, MR; Keenan, L; McNally, S (2024) Autistic pupils' experiences in primary and post-primary schools: A scoping review and consultation with autistic pupils in Ireland. [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | McNally, Sinead; Keenan, Lisa; Lynam, Aoife; Ramsbottom, Ciaran; Sweeney, Mary Rose (2024) The lived experiences of autistic pupils in primary and secondary schools in Ireland. |
Honors and Awards
Outreach Activities
Research Interests
Research Projects
Contract Researchers
External Collaborators
Teaching Interests
Developmental Psychology; Research Methods; Autism; Inclusive Education
Sinéad coordinates the Psychology and Dissertation modules on the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education:
EC101 Child Development 1
EC201 Child Development 2
EC207 Psychological Perspectives
EC406 Dissertations 1 Research Methods
EC407 Dissertations 2 and Research Tutorials
She also contribute to Professional Practice modules on the BECE programme and has coordinated postgraduate teaching on the Master's of Education on contemporary research in Early Childhood Education.