Linda Adams


Profile Photo

Linda Adams is a musician, teacher and PhD researcher. Her current research involves an investigation into the effects of harmonic context on expectation in musicians and non-musicians. Linda graduated with a BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre in 2007. She subsequently began performing with various ensembles and composing for and performing with her own piano trio. In 2014 she received a M.Phil in Music and Media Technologies. She has since published research on methods of MIDI humanisation and generative composition in MaxMSP, object-based audio, and music cognition. She has presented at conferences in Ireland and internationally. Linda joined the faculty of Newpark Music Centre in 2007 and began teaching Piano Studies and Harmony on their BA in Jazz Performance. She currently teaches on DCU’s BA in Jazz and Contemporary Music Performance, lecturing in Piano, Harmony, Arranging, Music Technology and Aural Training.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Linda Adams (2022) Joint SMI/ICTM Ireland Postgraduate Conference Surprised by Sound: Investigating expert musicians' and general listeners' reactions to harmonic surprises in jazz and popular music
2017 Coleman, W., Adams, L., Cullen, C., & Yan, M (2017) Institute of Acoustics - 21st Century Developments in Musical Sound Production, Presentation and Reproduction Perception of Auditory Objects in Complex Scenes: Factors and Applications
2022 Linda Adams (2022) Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference 2022 Incorporating musical diversity into the study of harmonic expectation

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Linda Adams (2021) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology An Investigation of Harmonic Expectation: Specialist Musicians and General Audiences Aarhus, Denmark, . [DOI]
2018 Adams, L., O’Sullivan, L., Cullen, C. (2018) Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) Annual Conference Automated Rhythmic Humanisation as a Structural Marker in Music Ulster University, .
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Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Performance Ear Training MC330
2022 Jazz and Contemporary Harmony 3 and 4 MC217
2020 Keyboard Skills and Tonal Harmony MC119
2022 Instrumental / Vocal Labs 1 MC117
2022 Instrumental / Vocal Skills 3 MC325
2022 Arranging 1 and 2 MC214
2022 Arranging 3 MC320
2022 Instrumental / Vocal Labs 2 MC219
2022 Jazz and Contemporary Harmony 1 and 2 MC115
2022 Music Technology 1 MC124
2022 History of Western Music MC123
2022 Jazz Aural Training 1 and 2 MC114
2022 Performance/Keyboard/Aural/Choir MC308
2020 Jazz Composition 1 MC122
2022 Jazz Aural Training 3 and 4 MC216
2022 MC329