Marcos Dias


Profile Photo
Marcos Dias is Assistant Professor and Programme Chair of the BSc in Multimedia at the School of Communications, Dublin City University. He completed a PhD in Media Studies in the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2015 and a MSc with Distinction in Interactive Digital Media from Trinity College Dublin. He also holds a BA in Architecture and City Planning (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) and a BA in Digital Media Design and Production-First Class Honours (Atlantic Technological University - formerly LkIT). He conducts research on citizen wellbeing, performance art and the impact of digital media on contemporary urban living.

In his recent book The Machinic City: Media, Performance and Participation (Manchester University Press, 2021), Marcos investigates the potential of performance art to help us reflect on contemporary urban living and its assemblages of human and machine agency.

Marcos is PI on the Community Engagement Through Performance Art (CEPA) project funded by the Irish New Foundations 2022 award. He is also the DCU coordinator and partner on the Digital Media Network Doctoral Experience (Dimendx) project funded by the ECIU SMART-ER Seed Programme.

He is Chair of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Media, Cities and Spaces Section. As part of the Section, Marcos was the local organiser of the Synthetic City Conference (DCU, 2023), which explored the impact of AI and digital media on urban living.

Marcos is available to supervise multidisciplinary PhD projects in media and communication studies, with a particular interest in the impact of digital technologies in urban space and also the role of public play, participatory art interventions, urban activism and artificial intelligence in the city.

He teaches on the BSc in Multimedia programme across a range of modules, including Media Spaces, Major Production Project, Information Design and Emerging Media, and coordinates the yearly DCU Multimedia Graduate Exhibition. Prior to joining DCU, he was Lecturer in Media Studies in Maynooth University and Assistant Lecturer and Programme Director for the BA in Communications in Creative Media in DkIT. 

Marcos has previously worked as an architect and web designer and was an Editorial Board Member of the Platform Journal of Media and Communications (2010-2011). 


Year Publication
2021 Marcos P. Dias (2021) The Machinic City: Media, Performance and Participation. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Link]

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2021 Carol Barron; Marcos Dias; Mary-Jane Emmett (2021) Report on Changing Patterns of Urban Park Usage in Dublin City Council Catchment Area During the COVID-19 Pandemic. COMMREP

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2019 Marcos Dias and Matt Adams (2019) 'Participating in the City through Performative Urban Interfaces'. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22 (4). [Link]
2014 Marcos P. Dias, Michael Arnold, Martin Gibbs, Bjorn Nansen, Rowan Wilken (2014) 'Asynchronous speeds: disentangling the discourse of high speed broadband in relation to Australia’s National Broadband Network'. Media International Australia, 151 (1). [Link]
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) 'A Machine to See With (and Reflect Upon): Interview with Blast Theory Artists Matt Adams and Nick Tandavanitj (peer-reviewed)'. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 8 (1). [Link]
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) 'Australia's project for universal broadband access: From policy to social potential'. First Monday, 17 (9). [Link]

Online Article

Year Publication
2024 (2024) What makes a successful piece of public performance art?. ELEA [Link]
2021 Marcos Dias; Carol Barron; Mary-Jane Emmett (2021) Park life: how the pandemic changed our use of local parks. ELEA [Link]
2019 Marcos Dias (2019) How to Ensure Robots Behave Nicely in the City. ELEA [Link]
2018 Marcos Dias (2018) Your city is watching you. ELEA [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2011 Marcos Dias (2011) 'The Converging Worlds of ‘Surfing the Web’ and the Sport of Surfing' In: A scholarly affair: proceedings of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia 2010 national conference. Lismore, Australia : Southern Cross University. [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2009 Marcos P. Dias (2009) 'Spatial Awareness and Exploration of the Museum Building (peer-reviewed)' 1 (4) . [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2015 Marcos P. Dias (2015) Book Review: Media and the City: Cosmopolitanism and Difference. BREV [Link]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2016 Marcos P. Dias (2016) Digital Cultural Ecology and the Medium Sized City (ISSN 2398-9467) . In: Sarah Sparke and Graham Cairns eds. A Critique Of Participation In The Digitally-Mediated City Through Mixed Reality Performance Event [Link]
2011 Marcos Dias (2011) ISEA 2011 Istanbul - The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art Digital Performance in Networked Public Spaces: Situating the Posthuman Subject [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 (2024) ECREA 2024 - 10th European Communication Conference Engaging local communities through performance art Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, .
2024 (2024) Accenture The Dock Human - HSS Speaker Series The Machinic City: Probing Contemporary Urban Life through Performance Art Dublin, .
2024 (2024) “Sounds of Dissent”: A Practice-Based Research Symposium on Music, Sounds and the Political Analysing the performative role of sound towards facilitating community engagement – The DCU CEPA Project DCU, Dublin, .
2023 (2023) The Synthetic City Conference The Performance Machine and the Synthetic City: Analysing the Role of Performativity in Contemporary Urban Space DCU, Dublin, .
2022 Dias (2022) The (Post-)Digital City: Media, Technology and Architecture - DIGISTA Final Conference ECREA-Panel: Researching the city (Trans)forming the (post-)digital city: Current issues, future visions University of Augsburg, .
2022 dias (2022) The performative citizen and the post-pandemic smart city: an analysis of digitally mediated perform Smart Cities, Augmented Spaces (panel chair and presentation) ECREA 2022 - 9th European Communication Conference - Aarhus, 19/10/2022-22/10/2022.
2022 Marcos Dias (2022) Communicative Cities Research Network Symposium 2022 Performing Citizenship in the (Post-)pandemic city Urban Communication Foundation and London School of Economics, 24/03/2022-25/03/2022.
2022 Marcos Dias (2022) Streets Ahead: Post-Pandemic Civic Spaces Post-Pandemic Changing Patterns in Usage of Dublin Parks Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA) and Technological University Dublin (TUD), 09/09/2022-10/09/2022.
2022 Marcos Dias (2022) ECREA Aarhus Conference 2022 The Performative Citizen and the Post-pandemic City: An Analysis of Digitally Mediated Performance In Contemporary Urban Space Aarhus, Denmark, .
2020 Marcos P. Dias (2020) The 8th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2020) [Online Recorded Presentation] AI in the City: Speculating on Potential Futures Through Media Art London, 24/07/2020-26/07/2020.
2019 Marcos P. Dias (2019) EUPOP 2019 - The 8th European Popular Culture Association Conference Playful Bots in the City Limerick, .
2018 Marcos P. Dias (2018) Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology - Leuphana University Lüneburg The Machinic City: Future Visions of Digitally Mediated Citizenship Lüneburg, Germany, 19/09/2018-22/09/2018.
2017 Marcos P. Dias (2017) Communication, Art, Media: Probing Impacts and Intersections (ECREA Philosophy of Communication) Probing the Machine-City Through Cinematic Narratives Lisbon, Portugal, 13/10/2017-15/10/2017.
2017 Marcos P. Dias (2017) Urban Data and Media Art Seminar - Maynooth University The Machinic City Maynooth, Ireland, 28/08/2017-28/08/2017.
2016 Marcos P. Dias (2016) Digital-Cultural Ecology and the Medium-Sized City - Arnolfini Centre for Contemporary Arts A Critique of Participation in the Digitally-mediated City Through Mixed Reality Performance Events Bristol, UK, 01/04/2016-03/04/2016.
2016 Marcos P. Dias (2016) Picteilin Conference - Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) Performing in the City Dundalk, Ireland, 22/01/2016-22/01/2016.
2014 Marcos P. Dias (2014) Picteilin Conference - Dundalk Institue of Technology (DkIT) Rethinking Performance in the City Through Participatory Art in Public Spac Dundalk, Ireland, 03/11/2014-03/11/2014.
2013 Marcos P. Dias (2013) OURMedia Dublin Event 2013 - Dealing with Crisis: Community, Alternative, Citizens’ and Social Media in Times of Change - Pre-conference event of the IAMCR 2013 Conference - Dublin City University Playing with Crisis: Reflecting on Media Ideology Through Participatory Art Dublin, Ireland, 24/06/2013-25/06/2013.
2013 Marcos P. Dias (2013) Hybrid City 2 Conference - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Digital Performance in the Hybrid City: Understanding Participation Through Machinic Assemblages Athens, Greece, 23/05/2013-25/05/2013.
2013 Marcos P. Dias (2013) RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens) 66 Meeting - Dublin 2013 Australia's Project for Universal Broadband Access: from Policy to Potential Dublin, Ireland, 13/05/2013-17/05/2013.
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) 42nd Conference of the Urban Affairs Association Participatory Networked Art and the Media City: Rethinking our Social Experience of Public Spaces Pittsburgh, United States, 18/04/2012-21/04/2012.
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) Remediating Urban Space: Exploring Design Responses New Experiences of Mediated Urban Space Through Participatory Networked Art Plymouth, UK, 06/06/2012-06/06/2012.
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) Cultures of the Digital Economy (CoDE): 1st Annual Conference - Anglia Ruskin University Experiencing Digital Performance: Innovative Forms of Social Interaction Cambridge, UK, 27/03/2012-28/03/2012.
2012 Marcos P. Dias (2012) reART:theURBAN International Conference - Gessnerallee Zürich Artistic Strategies to Change the Status of the Spectator Zurich, Switzerland, 25/10/2012-27/10/2012.
2011 Marcos P. Dias (2011) International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2011 Digital Performance in Networked Public Spaces: Situating the Posthuman Subject Istanbul, Turkey, 14/09/2011-21/09/2011.
2010 Marcos P. Dias (2010) Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Conference (CSAA) - A Scholarly Affair 2010 The Converging Worlds of Surfing the Web and the Sport of Surfing Byron Bay, Australia, 07/12/2010-09/12/2010.
2010 Marcos P. Dias (2010) Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES) Inaugural Annual Symposium New Forms of Social Interaction Through Universal Broadband Access in Public Spaces Melbourne, Australia, 21/09/2010-21/09/2010.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
ECREA Member 01/11/2018 -
ECREA Media, Cities and Space section Chair 26/09/2024 -
DCU Water Institute Researcher 15/09/2023 -


Committee Function From / To
Exam Board - BA in Interaction and User Experience Design (IUXD) - Thesis module - Institute of Art, Design and Technology - Dún Laoghaire 22/05/2024 - 17/06/2024
DkIT Programme Validation Panel - Certificate in User Experience (UX) Design / Certificate in Digital Media Design 08/12/2020 - 08/12/2020
Platform Journal of Media and Communication Redesigned the journal's website in September 2010. 01/04/2010 - 01/04/2011


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne PhD
Trinity College Dublin MSc with Distinction
Letterkenny Institute of Technology BA (Hons)
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil BA


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Brazilian Portuguese Fluent Fluent Fluent

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2024 DCU Community Engagement through Performance Art (CEPA) project Exhibition
2023 CEPA Project - Workshops and Performance Event Play
2012 Dynolamp Artwork

Research Interests

Marcos's main areas of research interest are citizen wellbeing, performance art and the impact of digital media on contemporary urban living.

In his recent book The Machinic City: Media, Performance and Participation (Manchester University Press, 2021), Marcos investigates the potential of performance art to help us reflect on contemporary urban living and its assemblages of human and machine agency.

Marcos is PI on the Community Engagement Through Performance Art (CEPA) project funded by the Irish New Foundations 2022 award. He is also the DCU coordinator and partner on the Digital Media Network Doctoral Experience (Dimendx) project funded by the ECIU SMART-ER Seed Programme.

He is Chair of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Media, Cities and Spaces Section. As part of the Section, Marcos was the local organiser of the Synthetic City Conference (DCU, 2023), which explored the impact of AI and digital media on urban living.

He has published four articles in RTE Brainstorm about city surveillance, the impact of robots in everyday life in the city and the changing patterns of park usage in Dublin during the COVID pandemic and the social impact of performance art in urban space. His book The Machinic City: Media, Performance and Participation (Manchester University Press, 2021) investigates the potential of performance art to help us reflect on contemporary urban living and its assemblages of human and machine agency.

Marcos is interested in collaborations on both research-based and creative projects that are concerned with citizen wellbeing, digital media and urban living. His research interests include performative arts, social interaction, media and urban studies, urban activism, artificial intelligence, pervasive media, Internet studies, screen studies, interactive digital design, science and technology studies and philosophy.

Marcos is available to supervise multidisciplinary PhD projects in media and communication studies, with a particular interest on the impact of digital technologies in urban space and also the role of public play, urban activism and participatory art interventions in the city.

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Laszlo ,Istvan PhD Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024/25 Information Design MCO1006
2024/25 Emerging Media ICT1037
2024/25 Media Spaces MCO1008
2024/25 Major Project: Group Production ICT1040