Aishling Silke

Aishling is a lecturer in Early Childhood
Education at the DCU Institute of Education, St. Patrick's Campus. She is
currently pursuing a PhD focusing on her main areas of interest, Early
Childhood Education(ECE), policy and stakeholder participation. Aishling holds
a Masters in Mentoring, Management and Leadership in the Early Years from the
Technological University of Dublin, a Degree in Early Childhood from Queens
University, Belfast and a Degree in Business Management from Trinity College,
Dublin. Prior to her appointment, Aishling was a senior specialist with Early
Years the Organisation for Young Children in Northern Ireland. She provided
mentoring and training to management and staff in ECE facilities across the
border counties. Aishling is a strong advocate for the ECE profession and is
involved in several organisations which promote workforce professionalisation
and high-quality provision. She has a passion for ECE and strives to pass on
this passion to her students. In 2021, Aishling was awarded the DCU Presidents
Medal for Teaching and Learning and became a Senior Fellow in Advanced HE,
demonstrating her commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in
higher education. Her research and teaching areas include government policy,
advocacy, leadership, mentoring, management, children's citizenship and
participation, sustainability, community and parental involvement within the
early years. Aishling is currently engaging in a three-year research
project working in collaboration with Maynooth University aiming at empowering
children, parents and educators to engage in and influence Ireland’s play
policy. Aishling is also the placement coordinator for students on the Bachelor
of Early Childhood Education Degree. She strives to enhance the student
experience while on professional placement by engaging in research projects on,
the placement experience, mentoring and assessment at a local and international
Conference Contribution
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2022) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Research Interests
Government policy and stakeholder
Leadership & management,
The professionalism of the early years' workforce,
Children's citizenship and participation,
Promoting the achievement of the sustainable development goals within Aistear,
Intergenerational work,
Community and parental involvement within the early years.
Leadership & management,
The professionalism of the early years' workforce,
Children's citizenship and participation,
Promoting the achievement of the sustainable development goals within Aistear,
Intergenerational work,
Community and parental involvement within the early years.