Goran Dominioni


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I am an Assistant Professor in Law (with tenure) at the DCU School of Law and Government. My primary research interests are Carbon Pricing, International Maritime Transport, and Climate Change Law. 

I am currently the PI of a World Bank-funded project on the implementation of carbon pricing in international shipping and of a United Nations Foundation grant on the same topic. In 2022, I was awarded a grant by the Irish Aid Enterprise Fund for International Climate Action to provide training on carbon pricing in international shipping to members of delegations to the International Maritime Organization. I am also a Funded Investigator of the SFI Co-Centre for Climate + Biodiversity + Water.

My research on carbon pricing has been cited in the Financial Times (behind paywall), the Guardian, and France24, and has been awarded prizes by various institutions, including the MIT Climate CoLab (Honorable Mention), ELPAR (Honorable Mention), and the World Bank (Vice President Team Award). 

My research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals (eg, Climate Policy, Journal of Environmental Law, Marine Policy) American law reviews (eg, Arizona Law Review) and policy outlets. I am one of the authors of the World Bank reports Carbon Revenues from International Shipping: Enabling an Effective and Equitable Transition, and Distributing Carbon Revenues from Shipping. I was a member of the team that wrote the World Bank flagship report State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2019. 

I presented my research in various policy fora, including the International Maritime Organization, the OECD/ITF, and the World Bank. 

I have an LLM from Yale Law School and a PhD in law and economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam (European Doctorate in Law and Economics). I have held visiting research positions at Cornell Law School, Copenhagen University, UC Louvain. I frequently consult for various units of the World Bank (headquarter, Washington DC). 

I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students wishing to research climate change law and policy – especially on topics related to fiscal policy for climate change.


Year Publication
2020 Goran Dominioni (2020) Biased Trials: Insights from Behavioral Law and Economics. Wiesbaden: Springer/Gabler. [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Goran Dominioni (2024) 'Carbon pricing for international shipping, equity, and WTO law'. REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMPARATIVE & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, . https://doi.org/10.1111/reel.12540
2023 Goran Dominioni; Dan Esty (2023) 'Designing Effective Border-Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Aligning the Global Trade and Climate Change Regimes'. Arizona law review, .
2023 Goran dominioni (2023) 'Towards an equitable transition in the decarbonization of international maritime transport: Exemptions or carbon revenues?'. Marine Policy, . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105669
2022 Goran Dominioni; Michael Faure (2022) 'Environmental Policy in Good and Bad Times: The Countercyclical Effects of Carbon Taxes and Cap-and-Trade'. Journal of Environmental Law, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1093/jel/eqac003
2022 Dominioni, G. (2022) 'Pricing carbon effectively: a pathway for higher climate change ambition'. Climate Policy, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Goran Dominioni (2020) 'Motivated Reasoning and Implicit Carbon Prices: Overcoming Public Opposition to Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading Schemes'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, . https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.102
2020 Dirk Heine, Michael G. Faure, Goran Dominioni (2020) 'The Polluter-Pays Principle in Climate Change Law: an Economic Appraisal'. Climate Law, .
2020 Goran Dominioni, Alberto Quintavalla, Alessandro Romano (2020) 'Trust spillovers among national and European institutions'. European Union Politics, .
2020 Alessandro Romano Chiara Sotis Goran Dominioni Sebastián Guidi (2020) 'The scale of COVID‐19 graphs affects understanding, attitudes, and policy preferences'. Health Economics, .
2019 Goran Dominioni, Alessandro Romano, Chiara Sotis (2019) 'A quantitative study of the interactions between oil price and renewable energy sources stock prices'. Energies, .
2019 Goran Dominioni, Dirk Heine (2019) 'Behavioural Economics and Public Support for Carbon Pricing: A Revenue Recycling Scheme to Address the Political Economy of Carbon Taxation'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, .
2019 Goran Dominioni, Pieter Desmet, Louis Visscher (2019) 'Judges Versus Jurors: Biased Attributions in the Courtroom'. Cornell International Law Journal, .
2018 Goran Dominioni, Dirk Heine, Beatriz Martinez Romera (2018) 'Regional carbon pricing for international maritime transport: challenges and opportunities for global geographical coverage'. Carbon & Climate Law Review, .
2018 Goran Dominioni, Addolorata Marasco, Alessandro Romano (2018) 'A mathematical approach to study and forecast racial groups interactions: deterministic modeling and scenario method'. Quality and Quantity, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Goran Dominioni; Isabelle Rojon; Rico Salgmann; Dominik Englert; Cait Gleeson; Sotiria Lagouvardou (2023) Distributing Carbon Revenues from Shipping. World Bank, . [Link]
2022 Goran Dominioni; Dominik Englert (2022) Carbon Revenues From International Shipping : Enabling an Effective and Equitable Energy Transition. World Bank, . [Link]
2022 Goran Dominioni; Dominik Englert; Rico Salgmann; Jennifer Brown (2022) Carbon Revenues From International Shipping : Enabling an Effective and Equitable Energy Transition - Summary for Policymakers. World Bank, . [Link]
2021 Goran Dominioni (2021) WTO Law compatibility of a ‘feebate’ scheme on imported products. World Bank, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Goran Dominioni; Evangelia Nissioti (2021) 'Implicit Biases in Trial Settings' In: Encyclopedia of law and economics. New York : Springer.
2018 Goran Dominioni, Alessandro Romano (2018) 'Trial (Implicit Biases)' In: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York : Spinger.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2017 Goran Dominioni (2017) 'Biased Damages Awards: Gender and Race Discrimination in Tort Trials' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Goran Dominioni; Alessandro Monti (2023) Yale & Tufts University Workshop Remaking the Global Trade System for a Sustainable Future Internalizing Climate Externalities from Internationally Traded Goods: Challenges and Way Forward for Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms

Online Article

Year Publication
2020 Barnat et al. (2020) Why and how to measure international transport costs. ELEA [Link]


Year Publication
2020 Romano Alessandro, Sotis Chiara, Dominioni Goran, Guidi Sebastian (2020) The public do not understand logarithmic graphs used to portray COVID-19, LSE Thinks. London: BLOG
2020 Dominioni Goran, Romano Alessandro, Quintavalla Alberto (2020) Trust Spillovers: Does Increasing Public Trust in the EU’s Institutions Undermine Support for National Institutions?, EUROPP. BLOG
2020 Goran Dominioni, Cecilia Sottilotta, Alberto Quintavalla, Alessandro Romano (2020) Public trust and the intertwined fate of institutions in the Covid-19 pandemic. BLOG
2017 Goran Dominioni (2017) Enhancing Carbon Emissions Mitigation through Behavioral Insights: Some Thoughts from the Carbon Forum North America 2017, CPLC. Washington DC: BLOG
2019 Dominioni Goran, Sotis Chiara, Romano Alessandro (2019) A Quantitative Study of Spillovers between Oil Price and Renewable Energy Sources Stock Prices: Lessons for Investors and Policymakers, OBLB. Oxford: BLOG
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2024 ELPAR Honorable Mention Vanderbilt Law School and Environmental Law Institute
01/06/2019 Margaret Gruter Prize Yale Law School
01/06/2019 World Bank Vice Presidential Unit, FY19 VPU Team World Bank Vice Presidential Unit
01/08/2016 Best Group Project Award International Max Planck Research School
01/08/2015 Honorable Mention Massachusetts Institute of Technology Climate CoLab
01/06/2015 Judges Award Massachusetts Institute of Technology Climate CoLab
01/06/2015 Popular Choice Award Massachusetts Institute of Technology Climate CoLab

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2024 Advisory Work International Maritime Organization Member of the World Bank delegation to the International Maritime Organization
2023 Advisory Work International Maritime Organization Member of the World Bank delegation to the International Maritime Organization
2022 Advisory Work International Maritime Organization Member of the World Bank delegation to the International Maritime Organization


Title Year Type Authors
How could the billions saved by decarbonising shipping be spent? 2023 Newspaper article (online) Goran Dominioni
How to green global shipping 2023 Newspaper article (Print) Financial Times - Editorial board

Research Interests

Climate Change Law and Policy; Carbon Pricing; Maritime Transport

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Designing a GHG Pricing Mechanism for International Shipping DCU PI 12/02/2024 30/11/2024
DCU Training on Market-Based Measures for IMO Delegates DCU PI 11/09/2023 10/01/2024
Professional Training on Market-Based Measures in International Shipping for SIDS and LDCs DCU PI 01/09/2022 30/06/2023
Analytical papers on market-based measures applied to international shipping DCU PI 23/05/2022 15/09/2022
Rethinking International Trade for Climate Change DCU PI 14/11/2022 15/12/2022
Decarbonization of Transport Flagship Activity: Specialized Consultant(S) for Position Paper on Carbon Pricing in Shipping, and Working Paper on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms DCU PI 17/05/2021 31/01/2022
Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Growth – Review and Discussion DCU PI 10/11/2021 10/12/2021

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Bohl Gutierrez ,Mauricio PhD-track Supervisor
Bhardwaj ,Chhaya PhD-track Supervisor
Magnetti ,Jeanne PhD Supervisor

Teaching Interests

Climate change law and policy

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 EU and National Climate Change Law LG5035
2022 Foundations of Legal Research LG143