Ashling Bourke


Contact Details

Assistant Professor

SPC M 305
T:Ext. 9254
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Dr Ashling Bourke is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Human Development at the Institute of Education. Her research and teaching interests include the processes that impact on child and adolescent wellbeing and children's rights. Ashling has experience in a wide range of research topics and research methodologies and she has an active research profile the intersection of Psychology, Rights, and Education. She teaches modules on social psychology, wellbeing, learning, research methods, and developmental psychology. 

Her current research projects inlcude;

  • Adolescent engagement in climate change eduaction
  • Social influences on climate change attitudes
  • Teachers' role in child protection
  • Relationships and Sexuality Education
  • Participatory research with adolescents

Ashling has recently been awarded a Dean's Research Fellow at the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre. In this role she is conducting research on the role of social dominance orientation and its interaction with cognitive empathy in the perpetration of cyber-bullying.

Ashling holds the following roles in the University; 

• Cross-faculty subject representative for Human Development (PSP) • Steering Group member of the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education • IoE representative on the University Quality Promotion Committee.  

Ashling completed her BA (hons) in Psychology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, a Masters in Forensic Psychology at University College Cork, and a PhD at Trinity College Dublin. She has held a number of academic and research roles in Trinity College Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and Dublin City University, as well as advocacy roles with children and vulnerable populations in Irish and UK NGOs.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Bourke, A., Cullen, C., & Maunsell, C. (2024) 'Preparing to Teach Relationships and Sexuality Education: Student Teachers’ Perceived Knowledge and Attitude'. SEX EDUCATION-SEXUALITY SOCIETY AND LEARNING, . [DOI]
2024 Warraitch, A., Wacker, C., Bruce, D., Bourke, A., & Hadfield, K. (2024) 'A rapid review of guidelines on involvement of adolescents in health research'. Health Expectations : An International Journal Of Public Participation In Health Care And Health Policy, .
2022 Bourke, A., Mallon, B., & Maunsell, C. (2022) 'Realisation of Children’s Rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to, in, and through Sexuality Education'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS, .
2022 Costello, A., Maunsell, A., Cullen, C., & Bourke, A. (2022) 'A Systematic Review of the Provision of Sexuality Education to Student Teachers in Initial Teacher Education'. Frontiers in Education, 7 . [DOI]
2020 Bourke, A., Morris, S., & Maunsell, C. (2020) 'Adults’ Endorsement of Children’s Protection and Participation Rights and Likelihood of Reporting Abuse'. International Journal of Children's Rights, 28 (2):352-377.
2015 Bourke, A., Kelleher, C., Boduszek, D., and Morgan, K. (2015) 'Factors associated with crisis pregnancies in Ireland: Findings from three nationally representative sexual health surveys'. Reproductive Health, 14 (12).
2015 Bourke, A. and Maunsell, C. (2015) '‘Teachers Matter’: The Impact of Mandatory Reporting on Teacher Education in Ireland'. Child Abuse Review, 25 (4):314-324.
2014 Bourke, A., Doherty, S., McBride, O., Morgan, K., and McGee, H. (2014) 'Female perpetrators of child sexual abuse: characteristics of the offender and victim'. Psychology, Crime and Law, 20 (8):769-780.
2014 Bourke, A., Boduszek, D., Kelleher, C., McBrides, O., & Morgan, K. (2014) 'Sex Education, first sex and sexual health outcomes in adulthood: findings from a nationally representative sexual health survey'. Sex Education, 14 (3):299-309.
2013 Boduszek, D.; Hyland, P.; Bourke, A.; Shevlin, M.; Adamson, G. (2013) 'Assessment of psycho-social factors predicting recidivistic violent offenses within a sample of male prisoners'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Yogalingam, K., Kelleher, C., Bourke, A., Boduszek, D., & Morgan, K. (2013) 'Experiences of crisis pregnancy among Irish and non-Irish adults living in Ireland: findings from the Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy Survey 2010 (ICCP-2010)'. IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE (ONLINE), . [DOI]
2013 Bourke, A.; Boduszek, D.; Hyland, P. (2013) 'The role of criminal cognitions and personality traits in non-violent recidivism: An empirical investigation within a prison sample'. JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY, 3 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Boduszek, D., Hyland, P. & Bourke, A. (2013) 'An investigation of the role of personality, familial, and peer-related characteristics in homicidal offending using retrospective data'. JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2 (2):96-106.
2013 Kelleher, C., Boduszek, D., Bourke, A., McBride, O., & Morgan, K. (2013) 'Parental involvement in sexuality education: advancing understanding through an analysis of findings from the 2010 Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy Study'. Sex Education, 13 (4):459-469.
2012 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2012) 'Comparing a pictorial Stroop task to a viewing time measure of sexual interest'. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment, 24 (5):479-9-500. [DOI]
2012 McNally, S. & Bourke, A. (2012) 'Factors affecting periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers in Ireland'. Irish Medical Journal, 105 (7).

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Ashling Bourke (2023) 'Exploring Child Well-being: An Integration of Children’s Rights and Psychological Perspectives' In: Pushing the Boundaries of Human Rights Education Concepts, Challenges and Contexts. London : Taylor and Francis.
2023 Maunsell, C., Bourke, A., Mallon, B., & Cullen, C. (2023) 'Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ireland: A Children’s Rights Perspective' In: Sex and Sexualities in Ireland Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London : Palgrave Macmillan Cham.

Published Report

Year Publication
2021 (2021) TEACH-RSE Teacher Professional Development and Relationships and Sexuality Education RSE: Realising Optimal Sexual Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan. HSE: Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme, .
2013 Kelleher, Caroline; Smith, Gemma; Bourke, Ashling; Boduszek, Daniel; McBride, Orla (2013) Sex in Ireland in the last decade: sexual health research and its policy implications. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, .
2023 Barry, M., Mallon, B., Bourke, A., Usher, J., Daly, A. (2023) Teachers and Global Citizenship Education: Values, Attitudes and Practices A Research Report on a National Survey of Irish Primary Teachers and Global Citizenship Education. Global Village, .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Bourke, A., Jabbour, S., Martin, A., Walsh, L., & Hadfield, K. (2024) Everyday climate action: What’s preventing behaviour change? Person-Centred Models of Climate Change Attitudes ESRI, Dublin, Ireland, .
2023 Bourke, A (2023) Children's Rights, Participation & Education Symposium Children’s Rights in a Climate Crisis: Participation, Education, and Wellbeing Belfast, UK, .
2023 Ashling Bourke (2023) SPHE Network Conference Well-being in a Climate Crisis: Understanding current well-being and possibilities for ‘well-becoming’ through education Dublin, Ireland, .
2022 Bourke, A. (2022) Social Sciences Education Consortium Conference From risk and adversity to resilience and flourishing: The impact of quality relationships in children’s lives Dublin, .
2021 Ashling Bourke, Benjamin Mallon & Catherine Maunsell (2021) Gender Equality Matters Ensuring gender equality and optimal sexual health and well-being for girls and women through comprehensive sexuality education, grounded in human rights Dublin City University, 12/02/2021-.
2021 Aisling Costello, Ashling Bourke and Catherine Maunsell (2021) SPHE Network Conference Emerging adults’ experiences and perceptions of social media: Impact on well-being Dublin, .
2021 Benjamin Mallon & Ashling Bourke (2021) Gender Equality Matters A Gender Perspective on Children's Rights within Peace Agreements Dublin City University, 12/02/2021-.
2020 Maunsell, C., Bourke, A., Costello, A., Cullen, C. & Machowska-Kosciak, M. (2020) European Association of Research on Adolescence Preparing teachers to teach comprehensive sexuality education to children and young people: Findings from the Irish TEACH-RSE Research Study Online, .
2019 Bourke, A. & Maunsell, C. (2019) International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) The Child-Parent Relationship, Negative Life Events, and Psychopathology in Childhood Paris, France, .
2019 Hadfield, K., Bourke, A. & Maunsell, C. (2019) International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) The Spillover Hypothesis: How Family Dyads Impact Parent-Child Relationship Quality Paris, France, .
2019 Maunsell, C. and Bourke, A. (2019) National Sex Education Conference NSEC TEACH-RSE: A Study of the Role of Irish Initial Teacher Education Programmes in Preparing Teachers to Teach Sex Education Newark, USA, .
2016 Costello, A., Bourke, A., & Maunsell, C. (2016) European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Cadiz, Spain An investigation of the relationship between Objectification Theory, Facebook use and Mood Cadiz, Spain, .
2016 Bourke, A. & Maunsell, C. (2016) European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Cadiz, Spain The role of family relationships on sex education provided in the home Cadiz, Spain, .
2016 Maunsell, C. & Bourke, A. (2016) European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Cadiz, Spain The Role of the School in Learning about Sex and Relationships in Early Adolescence Cadiz, Spain, .
2015 Bourke, A., Hadfield, K., & Maunsell, C. (2015) Society for Research in Child Development Biannual Conference Spillover Hypothesis: The Influence of Familial Subsystems on the Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship Philadelphia, USA, .
2015 Costello, A., Bourke, A., & Maunsell, C. (2015) International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) An Investigation of Objectification Theory within the Context of the Internet Dublin, Ireland, .
2014 Bourke, A. (2014) The National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Dublin The role of implicit social cognition in sexual deviance Dublin, Ireland, .
2014 Maunsell, C. & Bourke, A. (2014) Self, Selves and Sexualities Conference. Dublin City University, Dublin Learning About Sex and Relationships in Early Adolescence: From Here, There and Nowhere Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Bourke, A. & Maunsell, C. (2013) Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin Communication and Closeness: Parent-child relationships Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Bourke A., Kelleher  C., Boduszek  D., McBride O., & Morgan, K. (2013) Sex in Ireland: Recent research and policy implications Consequences of early heterosexual intercourse Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Greene, N., Bourke, A., Maunsell, C., & Gallagher, J. (2013) European Child Health Conference. Dublin City University, Dublin An investigation into the relationship between psychological vulnerabilities and chronic illness in Irish Children Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Bourke, A. & Maunsell, C. (2013) Child Abuse and Neglect 13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference ‘Teachers matter’: the impact of the introduction of mandatory reporting on teacher training and education Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Bourke A., Kelleher  C., Boduszek  D., McBride O., & Morgan, K. (2013) Sex in Ireland: Recent research and policy implications Experiences of crisis pregnancy in Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
2012 Bourke, A., Boduszek, D., Kelleher, C., McBride, O., & Morgan, K. (2012) International Conference in Behavioural Medicine, Budapest Sex education, sexual debut and sexual outcomes in adulthood in Ireland Budapest, Hungary, .
2012 McBride, O., Bourke, A., Doherty, S., Morgan, K., & McGee, H. (2012) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Research Day Clustering of childhood and adulthood experiences of sexual abuse and violence in Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
2011 McNally, S., Bourke, A. & McCrory, C. (2011) Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin Determinants of periconceptional folic acid supplementation in Ireland: findings from the Infant Cohort of Growing Up in Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
2011 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2011) Association for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Toronto The Relationship between Theory of Mind and Empathy Toronto, Canada, .
2011 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2011) National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Brighton Development and Factor Analysis of an Implicit Theories Questionnaire Brighton, England, .
2010 Gormley, M & Bourke, A. (2010) National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Belfast The use of an implicit association task to investigate gender sex cognitive association and analytical issues Belfast, Northern Ireland, .
2010 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2010) British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, Kent The Viewing Time measure of sexual interest: Implications of differing methodology and analysis on correct classification Kent, England, .
2010 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2010) National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Belfast The relationship between pornography use, implicit theories and propensity to sexually aggress Belfast, Northern Ireland, .
2009 Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. (2009) Association for the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Texas A comparison of attentional measurements of sexual interest and methods of data analysis Texas, USA, .
2019 Catherine Maunsell and Ashling Bourke (2019) World Anti-Bullying Forum WABF The Potential of Teacher Professional Development for Relationships and Sexuality Education as a Protective Factor against School-Based Bullying: Some Proposals from the TEACH-RSE Research Study Dublin, Ireland, .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2016 Maunsell, C. & Bourke, A. (2016) SPHE Network Conference Proceedings Social, Personal and Health Education and Intimate Citizenship Education in 21st Century Irish Post-Primary Schools: Meeting Opportunities and Challenges of Junior Cycle Reform through Teacher Professional Development
2023 Costello, A., Bourke, A., & Maunsell, A. (2023) SPHE Network Conference . In: Keating, S., Morrissey, B., Nohilly, M., Maunsell, C eds. Emerging adults’ experiences and perceptions of social media: Impact on well-being
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Society for the Teaching of Psychology Member -
SPHE Network Advocacy and Research on SPHE -
Ireland Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention of Child Abuse and neglect -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2008 Trinity School of Psychology Postgraduate Studentship TCD
01/01/2019 Institute of Education Research Fellowship DCU
01/05/2023 Research Impact Awards Dublin City University


Committee Function From / To
Quality Promotion Committee -
BAJH Programme Board -
IoE Faculty Research Ethics Committee -


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Lecturer in Psychology 01/10/2012 - 06/10/2016
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Research Officer 01/01/2011 - 01/10/2011
St. Patrick's College Teaching Fellow 11/09/2011 - 01/07/2012
Trinity College Dublin Adjunct Professor 03/01/2010 - 01/05/2010
Equinox Substance Misuse Services Advocacy and support worker 01/10/2006 - 01/04/2007
Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Training and Awareness Officer 03/01/2005 - 01/03/2006
Trinity College Dublin Seminar Instructor and Tutor 01/10/2007 - 01/05/2011


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Cork Master of Arts
Trinity College Dublin PhD
National University of Ireland, Galway BA (Hons.)


Journal Role
Reproductive Health Reviewer
Irish Educational Studies Reviewer
Violence Against Women Reviewer
Sex Education Reviewer

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2023 Consultancy Teaching Council Researcher in Residence Scheme Advising school on integrating wellbeing into practice

Research Interests

Children's Rights

Climate crisis: Attitudes and the impact on wellbeing

Climate change education

Child Abuse and Child Protection

Adversity and Resilience

Sexuality and Relationships Education

Developmental Forensic Psychology

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
CC-EASE: Climate Change Education for Action, Sustainability, and Empowerment Principal Investigator 01/12/2023 01/12/2024
Person Centered Attitudes to Climate Change Principal Investigator 13/08/2023 11/02/2024
Teachers and Global Citizenship Education: values, attitudes and practices Researcher 01/02/2022 01/10/2023
Knowledge Exchange to build research capacity on childhood adversity and resilience in Ireland DCU PI 01/05/2020 31/12/2021
TEACH-RSE Teacher Professional Development and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE): Realising Optimal Sexual Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan Co-Principal Investigator 01/04/2019 30/09/2020
Perceptions of Children's Rights Principal Investigator 01/01/2012
Sexual Health Behaviour in Ireland Researcher 24/01/2011 02/10/2011
Implicit Theories of Sexual Offenders Principal Investigator 24/09/2008 24/01/2012

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Joseph ,Rajesh PhD-track Supervisor
O'Toole ,Andrea PhD-track Supervisor
Farrell ,Niall PhD-track Supervisor

Teaching Interests

Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Educational Psychology
Reflective Practice

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024 HD3160
2022 HD311
2023 HD113
2023 HD211
2022 HD3110