Emma Delemere


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Dr Emma Delemere is an Assistant Professor at the DCU School of Psychology. Emma has a B.A. Psychology from Maynooth University, an M.sc. in Applied Behaviour Analysis from Queen's University Belfast, and a PhD in Psychology from Maynooth University, and is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst in good standing. While employed as a researcher in the Centre of Innovative Human Systems at Trinity College Dublin she worked on the SafePASS H2020, EVIDENT H2020 and TRACT projects. Working with industry, academic, policy and stakeholder organisations across Europe, these projects sought to explore the behavioural factors impacting both pro-environmental and safety-critical behaviours. Emma has over 10 years experience working with community stakeholders and non-governmental organisations to establish shared goals and drive meaningful change using behavioural science. 

Research Interests

Emma is interested in exploring how behavioural science can be applied to solve complex social challenges, particularly in the areas of health and sustainability. Interests include the psychosocial impacts of chronic and serious illness (particularly paediatric cancer), connected health, psychological flexibility, acceptance and commitment therapy, pro-environmental behaviour change, behavioural biases, community behavioural psychology and sustainability.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Katerina Dounavi; Emma Delemere (2021) 'Parent-Implemented Bedtime Fading and Positive Routines' In: Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Switzerland : Springer Cham. [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 (2023) 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) Behaviour Change Techniques within Smartphone Application Connected Health Interventions for Paediatric Cancer: A Review [DOI]
2022 Emma Delemere; Paul Liston (2022) HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games Engaging Serious Games for Energy Efficiency [DOI]
2022 Paul Liston; Alison Kay; Emma Delemere (2022) Ergonomics & Human Factors 2022 International Conference Advancing a Social Licence to Operate for improved evacuation of cruise ships
2022 Paul Liston; Alison Kay; Emma Delemere; Lazaros Karagiannidis; Margarita Kostovasili; Angelos Amditis; Dimitris Drakoulis; Panagiotis Veltsistas (2022) HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Papers: HCI for Today's Community and Economy Acceptability and Usability of Location-Support Technologies for Cruise Ship Evacuations [DOI]
2021 Emma Delemere; Rebecca Maguire (2021) 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) Technology usage, eHealth literacy and attitude towards connected health in caregivers of paediatric cancer [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Emma Delemere; Paul Liston (2024) 'Empowering consumers to repair: The utility and acceptability of a serious game to examine decision-making behaviour regarding home appliances in Ireland'. Energy Research and Social Science, 109 . [DOI]
2023 Emma Delemere; Isaiah Gitonga; Rebecca Maguire (2023) 'A Really Really Almost Impossible Journey Perceived Needs and Challenges of Families Impacted by Paediatric Cancer: A Qualitative Analysis'. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, . [DOI]
2023 Delemere, E., & Maguire, R. (2023) 'Caregivers of children feel confident about using the Internet for health information'. Health information and libraries journal, 40 (1). [DOI]
2022 Emma Delemere; Paul Liston (2022) 'Exploring the Use of Behavioural Techniques in Serious Games for Energy Efficiency: a Systematic Review and Content Analysis'. Behaviour and Social Issues, 31 . [DOI]
2022 Emma Delemere; Suzanne Guerin; Gemma Kiernan; Eimear Kinsella; Isaiah Gitonga; Rebecca Maguire (2022) 'Perceived impacts of a therapeutic recreation based hospital outreach programme (HOP) for children with chronic or severe illness: Qualitative analysis'. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 49 :101646-101658. [DOI]
2022 Emma Delemere; Isaiah Gitonga; Rebecca Maguire (2022) 'Utility, barriers and facilitators to the use of connected health to support families impacted by paediatric cancer: a qualitative analysis'. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30 :6755-6766. [DOI]
2021 Emma Delemere; Rebecca Maguire (2021) 'The role of Connected Health technologies in supporting families affected by paediatric cancer: A systematic review'. Psycho-Oncology, 30 (1):3-15. [DOI]
2018 Emma Delemere; Katerina Dounavi (2018) 'Parent-Implemented Bedtime Fading and Positive Routines for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48 :1002-1019. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2021 Consultancy Barretstown Research project exploring the impact of the Barretstown Hospital Outreach Programme for families of children with serious illness

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2022 Educational Outreach/Public Engagement South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and An Taisce As part of Dublin Climate Action week, interactive serious game workshops were delivered to members of the public in collaboration with South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and An Taisce
2021 Community-based research RISING Collaboration with RISING to explore the factors impacting energy decision making and the potential utility of a serious game to address these challenges.