Manuel Fernández López


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Dr Fernández López is currently Assistant Professor in Education for Sustainable Futures in the School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies. Manuel’s chief interests lie in the intersection between education and society and in the emergence of sustainable futures in education for well-being; and aimed at interdisciplinary over the last fifteen years, through working in academic disciplines such as Engineering, Philosophy, and Psychology.

Prior to joining DCU, Manuel has resided and worked outside Spain for more than eleven years, and developed and worked in projects in Cuba, Ireland and UK, Norway, Spain, Seychelles, Mexico. In Norway he was awarded funding for the study of long-term thinking for the green economy (EEA) at the Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics, where he contributed to gather further research funding and also lectured in areas of forward-thinking areas of inquiry and sustainable development management.

Manuel has lectured at postgraduate level for five years to future technology teachers at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Society and Education, and Innovation), and supervised numerous postgraduate research projects in education, developing emergent and pioneering practices in the area of future studies and education. He has also been a lecturer in Responsible Communication in the area of Social Responsibility at the Open University of Catalonia.

His commitment to the integration of innovative futures thinking methods in education through participatory approaches aims at the transformation of communities. This is reflected in various key projects he has developed and the related publications. He also worked as a secondary school teacher, and within this context served as well in VET and was also contracted in the education of disadvantaged students and youth at risk. Manuel has collaborated with United Nations (UNFCCC) on futures thinking for resilience in the context of climate change.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Elena Sevilla; Manuel Fernández López (2024) '(2024 Forthcoming, Springer Nature) Analysis of the future of the Spanish insurance sector to the development of sustainable finance' In: (2024 Forthcoming, Springer) Building Global Societies Towards an ESG World: A Sustainable Development Goal in the 21st Century. [Link]
2021 (2021) '(In Spanish) Study of the professional teaching identity of future teachers in Vocational Training and Technology in the context of the Master in Secondary Teacher Training' In: Nodos del Conocimiento.
2021 Manuel Fernández López (2021) 'From the desired social vision (2030) and the catastrophe to educational innovation in professional training for sustainable development. A training proposal in prospective thinking with the teachers of the future. (In Spanish)' In: Nodos del Conocimiento. [Link]
2019 (2019) 'Sustainable Development In The Context of Professional And Vocational Training: Gender Equality Challenges' In: Congreso internacional de innovación educativa.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 (2017) First conference on engineering education in the XXI century Who am I in the year 2030? Results and potential of the study of the self in engineering education

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Daniela Toro; Manuel Fernández López (2023) 'The prospective view: trends and challenges for the future of social responsibility'. OIKONOMICS, .
2022 Manuel Fernandez Lopez (2022) 'Exploring forward-thinking technology perspectives of sustainable development for the year 2030 in the identity of engineering students'. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (1). [Link]
2021 (2021) 'Towards a long-term sustainable development vision in the self: a study with engineering students'. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, . [Link]
2017 Manuel Fernadez Lopez; Octavi Piulats (2017) 'Developing Ecological Awareness and Responsible Business'. Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, .
2017 Manuel Fernández López; Octavi Piulats (2017) 'Developing Ecological Awareness and Responsible Business'. Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, .

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Manuel Fernández López (2023) Aproximació a la consciència plena des de la pràctica en el Màster MFPS de la UPC. Explorant el potencial per al desenvolupament d’un projecte de recerca i innovació.
2023 Manuel Fernández López (2023) Non-Violent Communication from the attentive gaze look at the Master's in Secondary school Teacher Training of the UPC. Exploring the potential for the development of a research and innovation project.
2016 (2016) Long-term scenarios and self-perspectives. Exploring ethical considerations in the context of technological innovation for equality and well-being.
2016 (2016) Leading aproaches for long-term thinking for sustainable development in higher education and business in the north of Norway.

Published Report

Year Publication
2018 Manuel Fernández López (2018) Food shortage and smart cities. Focus on a long-term vision and a food shortage scenario prevention as an opportunity to shape the future in the north of Norway. .
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