Requesting Ambulance Assistance on DCU Campus
Where, in the opinion of a DCU first‐aider, a student or a member of staff should attend a Hospital A&E Department / Rapid Injury Clinic the following procedures apply:
1. The first-aider or a designated person at the scene should call the Ambulance. The ambulance control centre will ask questions pertaining to the patient’s status so the caller should be at the scene.
2. Ring 999 or 112 – you will be connected to the emergency services directly. Ask for an Ambulance to attend the campus:
Dublin City University Campus, Collins Ave, Dublin 9
St Patricks Campus, Drumcondra Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
All Hallows Campus, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Specify the building or closest building to casualty location.
In DCU Glasnevin Campus request that the ambulance enter the Campus from Collins Avenue and report to DCU Main Reception where security will be awaiting its arrival.
In DCU St Patrick’s Campus request that the ambulance enter via the main gate and drive through to Chapel where security will be awaiting its arrival.
In DCU All Hallows Campus request that the ambulance enter via the main gate and drive through to reception at Drumcondra House where security will be awaiting its arrival.
3. Notify Security, (01 700) 5999, that an ambulance is on its way. Inform Security which building (and which room in the building) the ambulance should attend, and what the nature of the emergency is.
4. Security will meet the ambulance as designated above and accompany it (or direct it after hours) to the building.