PR 2 Competency Framework Mapping
PR 2 aims to identify the competencies that are needed by teachers and learners in the healthcare setting to perform and undergo digital assessments. The IO is led by Hanse Institut Oldenburg (HIO) in Germany. As mentioned in the progress report, HIO experienced a change of CEO at the beginning of the project, which means that the lead persons have changed. The new CEO of HIO is very supportive and committed to the AHEAD project, and the change-over has not impacted on the project results in any way.
As part of this IO, the following deliverables have been produced so far. Work is ongoing and further deliverables are being produced. The main results for this IO so far are as follows:
- Finding a suitable assessment (at HIO: putting on sterile gloves is relevant for many continuing education courses)
- Finding a suitable examination subject
- Exchange with teachers about current digital assessment needs
- Video-based assessment on putting on sterile gloves. To this end, we filmed peers putting on sterile gloves and discussed the video with the larger project group in terms of the current digital competencies within project partner countries.
- An expert-based requirements analysis was carried out on the basis of the DigCompEdu framework, which forms the basis of this IO (see Annex 1)
As a result of the preparatory work, HIO has created a specific competence selection sheet based on the DigCompEdu Framework (see Annex 2) that contains all competences with the corresponding competence descriptions. The competence selection sheet was tested locally and is currently in draft in German language. Translation into English and Polish languages will be completed in the next steps.
In preparation for the development of a competency framework that maps the necessary competencies that learners and teachers need to create and use digital assessments, a method was developed and applied to a video-based assessment as an example. In a first step, the necessary competences were selected with the help of an "expert-based requirements analysis" This was taken from the categories and levels of DigCompEdu. Afterwards, the experts were interviewed using a specific competence selection sheet they had created themselves and the results were
The experts now selected the necessary competences and the necessary progression level based on the information from the application plot and their expertise on digital assessments. With the help of the DigCompEdu self-testing tool, which can be accessed online here: DigCompEdu Self-reflection Tools (europa.eu), the teachers of the HIO were then surveyed, identifying possible gaps in competency development, resulting in a need for further training.
The application plot designed for the development of the method to identify the necessary competences for the application of the video-based assessment was tested in the HIO in a course with nurses. For this purpose, the assessment with corresponding tasks and instructions was implemented in a Moodle course. As feedback, it can be stated that the selection of the assessment and the content of the assessment are suitable to be used in teaching.
PR 2 is well on the way. The competency selection sheet based on the DigCompEdu Framework has been designed and tested locally in German language at HIO (lead). An expert-based requirements analysis and interviews have been conducted. Translation and further testing will form the next steps, and will lead to the main project result which is to identify the competencies that are needed by teachers and learners in the healthcare setting to perform and undergo digital assessments.