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Minister Paschal Donohoe to address DCU Brexit Institute event on the recovery of Europe

Minister Paschal Donohoe to address event on the recovery of Europe

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On 24th and 25th February, the DCU Brexit Institute will host a virtual event to examine the recovery of Europe with a focus on the €750bn Next Generation EU Recovery Fund, put together by the EU institutions and member states to respond to the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The two-day event will feature an opening keynote from Paschal Donohoe, Eurogroup President and Minister for Finance.

This will be followed by an opening speech from Florentine Hopmeier, Member of Cabinet of Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President.

Register here Day 1 and Day 2

Day 1: Thursday 24th February 1-5pm

  • 1pm Keynote: Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Finance & Eurogroup President
  • 13:30 Panel 1: Next Generation EU & Europe’s Economic, Monetary & Banking Union
  • 15:30 Panel 2: Governance: How does the NGEU work?

Day 2: Friday 25th February 9am - 12:30

  • 9am Panel 3: Values: What are the Criteria and Principles shaping NGEU?
  • 10am Panel 4: The future of the rule of crisis: beyond dialogue and conditionality
  • 11:30 Final roundtable debate: The future of NGEU

The conference marks the launch of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence REBUILD (Recovery of Europe, Budget of the Union: Integration, Law & Democracy), which is a project set up by the DCU Brexit Institute and funded under the EU ERASMUS+ programme to examine in depth the NGEU, focusing on its governance, values and funding, and exploring the significance of this development on the process of European integration.

Please see event programme for full details

Register here Day 1 and Day 2