MoodleMunch: Series 3, Webinar 05

MoodleMunch: Lunchtime webinar showcasing digital learning & teaching practices

Target Audience
All Welcome
Educators and those who support teaching, who use Moodle and related digital learning tools
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge
For more information contact

This lunchtime webinar is part of the MoodleMunch community series, designed to showcase good digital learning and teaching practices. Community members share knowledge, good practice and innovations from their own institutions/organisations.

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Cambridge Assessment International Education will deliver presentations. DCU will present on its range of approaches, from simple to comprehensive, to support universal design and inclusion with Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 5.1 'Accessibility and inclusion'). Cambridge Assessment International Education will present on its journey with H5P and Moodle and insights gained (DigCompEdu competence 2.3 'Creating digital resources') 

Further information and previous webinar recordings are available at

This initiative is supported by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.