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What is Ethics & Why does it Matter?

What is Ethics & Why does it Matter?

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“What is ethics?”; “How do we make ethical decisions?”; “Should we always obey the rules in society?”; “Do we have any moral obligations towards the environment?; “Is ethics really just a matter of opinion?”

Join us on Wednesday 23rd February at 6:30pm via Zoom for a free, introductory talk on What is Ethics & Why does it Matter? Dr Alan Kearns will provide a broad overview of ethics, its various aspects and some of the ethical frameworks for decision-making. His talk will also look at why ethics matters today, especially in the context of emerging and ongoing discussions surrounding new technologies, the pandemic, and the environment.

This will be an interactive presentation with questions and discussion.

If you want to find out more about studying ethics at DCU, see our MA in Ethics or MA in Ethics (Corporate Responsibility) programmes.