DCU Refugee Week
Monday 14th
The SU team re-launch a ‘Wish for Mehwish’ campaign.
6-7 pm: Exhibition of Artwork from Syrian Children in the Cregan Library, St Patrick’s Campus, DCU
Places of ARcture, in collaboration with DCU University of Sanctuary, invite you to the launch of Homing Pigeons, an exhibition of artwork from Syrian children in Aleppo and from families who participated in the Homing Pigeons workshops in Ireland.
An introduction to the project will be given in the Seamus Heaney Theatre followed by a reception at 6:30 PM. The exhibition is curated by architect, Muhammad Achour and author/illustrator, Tatyana Feeney.
Please register for your free ticket here
Tuesday 15th
12-12.30 pm: Interdenominational Gathering for Peace in Ukraine in the Interfaith Centre. Followed by tea/coffee. All are welcome.
13 -13.30 pm in the Hub - Solas room: Screening of a short 20-minute film titled Children in Direct Provision. The film was produced by the Ombudsman for Children's Office in 2019 and provides an account of children's experiences of living in Direct Provision in Ireland. It gives a voice to children who are seldom heard. Link for anyone not able to attend the viewing - https://www.oco.ie/directdivision/direct-division-film/
7-8 pm: A webinar on the Community Sponsorship Programme for Refugees to our network of campuses. It is an opportunity for our HEI communities to turn concern into action by rallying together to support individuals and families in need of (temporary) sanctuary, and as such, will complement the drive by the Irish Red Cross 'Pledge a bed' campaign. To receive a link to the webinar REGISTER HERE.
Wednesday 16th
Launch of University of Sanctuary scholarships for 2022/23
12.30 -2 pm: Intercultural potluck lunch
In collaboration with the MELLIE project, the University of Sanctuary committee will host an intercultural potluck lunch followed by music in the Interfaith Centre. Dress up in your St Patrick’s Day best, bring along a dish from your country or a favourite food for sharing and join us for some fun.