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Students use equipment in engineering lab

DCU Final Year Expo

Glasnevin Campus
School of Computing Labs, McNulty Building
Target Audience
All Welcome
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The Faculty of Engineering and Computing at Dublin City University are delighted to announce that the annual Final Year Expo 2023 will be held on Tuesday, 9 May 2023.

The Final Year Expo allows soon-to-be graduates to display their acquired skills and expertise gained at DCU to industry professionals. The occasion frequently leads to students receiving job interviews and employment opportunities.

For over 30 years, the Expo has continued to grow and develop. The initial event featured around 80 projects, and today we are proud to say that it has grown to over 200 projects. The diverse range of projects reflects the significant efforts and commitment of everyone involved: students, lecturers, technical and professional support teams, and enterprise partners who provide real-world experience, through INTRA placements, for students.

The courses showcasing their projects this year include Computer Applications, Enterprise Computing, Data Science, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (BEng and MEng), and Biomedical Engineering (BEng and MEng).


The schedule of events is as follows:
  • 8.15 am: Welcome address and speeches by DCU President, Professor Daire Keogh, and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Jennifer Bruton in the U Building, DCU’s Glasnevin Campus
  • 8.45 am - 12.30 pm: Project display in the School of Computing Labs, McNulty Building, DCU’s Glasnevin Campus

Industry professionals and employers interested in attending the Expo 2023 can contact clairebodie.flynn@dcu.ie.