Recent publications
Policy and systems
Urban, M., Reikerås, E., Eidsvåg, G. M., Guevara, J., Saebø, J., & Semmoloni, C. (2023 (in print)). Nordic Approaches to Evaluation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education and Care. Global Studies of Childhood, 13(3).
Guevara, J. & Cardini, A. (2021). Mapa de la educación inicial en Argentina: aportes para una agenda de equidad de la primera infancia. Buenos Aires: UNICEF-CIPPEC.
Guevara, J., Urban, M. (2023). UNICEF: self-transformation in a reconfigured global childhood space? In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 1. Elsevier, pp. 488–493. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.01056-3
Guevara, J. & Semmoloni, C. (in press). "Líneas divisorias en la crianza, enseñanza y cuidado de la primera infancia: explorando la fragmentación y las desigualdades desde una perspectiva sistémica". Revista Colombiana en Educación.
Hayes, N. & Urban, M. (2018). In Search of Social Justice. John Bennett’s lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. London: Routledge.
Lake, G., Urban, M., Giblin, F., French, G., & Farrell, T. (2022, 2022/02/23/). Making a difference in the real world. User-centred impact evaluation of an eight-country, community-based early childhood programme. Evaluation and Program Planning, 102062. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102062
Moss, Peter & Urban, Mathias (2020) 'The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study: The scores are in!'. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 18 (2):250-258
Moss, P., & Urban, M. (2020). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study: The scores are in! Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 21(2), 165-171. doi:10.1177/1463949120929466 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1463949120929466#articleCitationDownloadContainer
Smyth, L. (2022, 2022-06-03). Multiple crises, multiple sticky plasters: repositioning regimes of truth in ECEC policy to affirmative ethics of interconnection. Irish Educational Studies, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2022.2074075
Urban, M. (2023). Tales from A Thousand and One Nights? New stories for Early Childhood Education and Care. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2022. Dublin: Education Matters. https://irelandseducationyearbook.ie/irelands-education-yearbook-2022/early-childhood/
Urban, M., Guevara, J., & Moss, P. (2022). ¿PISA desde la cuna? El Estudio Internacional de Aprendizaje Temprano e implicancias para América Latina. Revista Educação e Pesquisa, 48(1). doi:S1678-4634202248248362esp
Urban, M. (2022). Scholarship in times of crises: towards a trans-discipline of early childhood. Comparative Education, 1-19. doi:10.1080/03050068.2022.2046376
Urban, M. (2021). Common Good and Public Service. Crisis lessons for the future of early childhood education and care. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Ireland's yearbook of education 2020. Dublin: Education Matters. https://irelandseducationyearbook.ie/irelands-education-yearbook-2020/early-childhood/common-good-and-public-service
Urban, M. (2020) 'Common Good and Public Service. Crisis lessons for the future of early childhood education and care' In: Dublin : Education Matters.
Urban, M. & Moss, P. (2020). A testing challenge for early childhood. BLOG Link
Urban, M., Lake, G., French, G., Giblin, F. & Farrell, T. (2020). TOY to Share, Play to Care Impact evaluation and policy recommendations: Final report. International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI).
Urban, M. (2019). (E)Utopia: the local, the global, and the imaginary in early childhood education. In: Faas, S., Kasüschke, D., Nitecki, E., Urban, M. & Wasmuth, H. Globalization, Transformation, and Cultures in Early Childhood Education and Care. Reconceptualization and Comparison. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Urban, M. (2018) (D)evaluation of early childhood education and care? A critique of the OECDs International Early Learning Study. In: Michiel Matthies et al. Quality of Childhood. Volume 8. Brussels: Alliance for Childhood.
Professionalisation and Practice
Arndt, S.; Smith, K.; Urban, M.; Ellegard, T.; Blue Swadener, B.; Murray, C. (2020). 'Reconceptualising and (re)forming early childhood professional identities: Ongoing transnational policy discussions'. Policy Futures in Education.
Concannon-Gibney, T. (2021). 'Moving beyond the transmission of knowledge in the lecture hall: a self-study'. Professional Development in Education. Doi: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1876152
Giblin, F. (2019). Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes, Co-located with the 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances Promoting student engagement with a large class (400+): Implications for large sized lectures, small group workshops and online teaching and learning Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Link
Giblin, F. (2021). Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Flipping the flipped classroom online Link
Guevara, J. (2020). "What does it mean to be an early childhood educator? Negotiating professionalism during practicum placements in Buenos Aires (Argentina)." European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 28.3, 439-449.
Guevara, J. & Semmoloni, C. (2020). 'Los docentes de nivel inicial y la lectura de literatura no especializada: un estudio sobre prácticas lectoras en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires'. Espacios en Blanco. Serie Indagaciones, 30 (1). Link
García Hervás, I.; Guevara, J, & Aisenstein, A. (2020) '¿Puericultoras, técnicas o profesionales especializadas? Un análisis histórico de la formación docente para la educación infantil en Argentina a partir de sus planes de estudio'. Historia de la Educacion. Anuario, 21 (1):165-189. Link
Lake, G. (2018). The Learning Relationship: Principles of Effective Learning and Practice in the Early Years. In: Mary Wild (eds.) Professional Dialogues: Rediscovering Early Years Pedagogy and Principles. Cheshire: Critical Publishing.
McCormack, M., Silke, A., Kearns, A., O’Toole, L., Stafford, P., Stokes, T., & Urban, M. (2023 (in print)). Pedagogies of hope. Exploring play opportunities for young children in an urban environment. In T. Bruce, Y. Nishida, S. Powell, H. Wasmuth, & J. Whinnett (Eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich Froebel. Bloomsbury.
O'Neill, S. (2020). 'Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom Starts with the Educator – An Exploration of the Use of Digital Tools by EC Undergraduates' 6 (1) :15-17.
Learning and development
French, G. (2018). The time of their lives: Nurturing babies' learning and development in early childhood settings. Dublin: Barnardos.
Gillic, C (2020) Gillic, C (2020) 'Exploring a Learning Trajectory Approach to Developing Spatial Awareness in Preschool Aged Children'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies, 13.
Gilligan, T.; Lovett, J.; McLoughlin, E.; Murphy, C.; Finlayson, O.; Corriveau, K.; McNally, S. (2020). ''We practise every day': parents' attitudes towards early science learning and education among a sample of urban families in Ireland'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Lake, G. (2021) 'Article to Action: Supporting Peer Mediated Intervention'. Young Exceptional Children, 24 (2):108-110.
O'Keeffe, C & McNally, S. (2021). 'A Systematic Review of Play-Based Interventions Targeting the Social Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Educational Contexts'. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, . Link\
O'Keeffe, C. & McNally, S. (2021). '‘Uncharted territory’: Teachers’ perspectives on play in early childhood classrooms in Ireland during the pandemic'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29 (1):79-95. Link
O'Neill, S. (2018). Technology use in early learning and care - a practice dilemma. Childlinks, 3, 12-17.Concannon-Gibney, T. (2019). Immersing first graders in poetry: A genre study approach. The Reading Teacher, 72 (4), 431-443.
Language and literacy
Concannon-Gibney, T. (2019). Teaching essential literacy skills in the early years classroom: A guide for students and teachers. Oxon: Routledge
Gallgher, A. & Lake, G. (2021) A Tale of Two Halves Collaboratively Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL). NEWSL Link (haber bülteni)
Ní Chlochasaigh, K., Shiel, G., & Ó Duibhir, P. (2021). 'Immersion in a minority language: The performance in English reading and mathematics of primary-level students in Irish-medium schools in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage'. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Education (JICB), 9 (2). Link
Ní Dhiorbháin, A. & Ó Duibhir, (P. 2021). 'Exploring student primary teachers’ linguistic knowledge of Irish'. The Language Learnıng Journal (ONLINE).
Nic Aindriú, S., Ó Duibhir, P., & Travers, J. (2021). 'A Survey of Assessment and Additional Teaching Support in Irish Immersion Education. Languages, 6(2), 62. Doi: 10.3390/languages6020062
Ní Dhiorbháin, A., Mhic Mhathúna, M., Ó Duibhir, P., (2021). 'Parents' experiences of a language focused home visiting scheme in Ireland'. Journal of Home Language Research, :1-14.
Quigley, J., & McNally, S., (2020). Maternal Infant-Directed Speech and ASibs’ Language and Joint Attention. Research poster presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies 2020.