INTRA Programme BSc Biotechnology

The Objective of this four-year, full-time degree is to produce graduates for the Bioprocessing Industries, with skills developed at laboratory and pilot plant scale in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and process engineering.
Programme Outline
The first year of the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biotechnology concentrates on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics with an introduction to bioprocessing. The second year develops the biological and engineering aspects of Biotechnology and in third year, specialist areas of biology are introduced such as cell biology, recombinant DNA cloning and bioinformatics. In engineering, students are introduced to bioreactors, primary separations and downstream processing. In fourth year, all students study industrial bioprocessing, proteins and proteomics, genetics and cell biology, immunology and animal cell culture. They also undertake a detailed literature survey. Students then have the opportunity to specialise in one of two Streams, either (1) Biotechnology and Life Science, which includes a laboratory research project, or (2) Biopharma, which features bioprocessing and advanced bioanalysis laboratories, plus three biopharma-themed lecture modules.
Work Areas
Biotechnology students will have the ability to work in roles listed below:
- Process/Bioprocess Engineering
- Process validation
- Protein separation and purification
- Fermentation
- Project Engineering
- Quality control/assurance
- Immunodiagnostics
- Animal/plant cell culture
- Molecular biology/genetics
- Food Processing
- Biochemical Analysis
- Microbiological Analysis
- Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
- Waste Treatment
Biotechnology graduates have worked successfully in the following industries worldwide:
- Pharmaceutical
- Biomedical
- Diagnostics
- Fine Chemicals
- Medical
- Brewing
- Food
- Dairy Production
- Agricultural
- Bulk Chemicals
- Plant Science
- Veterinary
INTRA Internship
Students from the BSc in Biotechnology are required to complete an INTRA placement of up to eight months’ duration at the end of third year.
Course Modules
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Introduction to Bioprocessing
Process Engineering
- Bioprocess Engineering Principles
- Transport Processes Bioprocessing and Instrumentation Laboratory
- Biomolecules and Metabolism
- Microbiology and Genetics
- Cell Structure and Function Practical Biochemistry
- Laboratory Practical Microbiology and Genetics Laboratory
Scientific Topics
- Statistics
- Organic Chemistry
- Scientific Literature
Cell and Molecular Biology
- Gene Cloning and Gene Expression
- Cell Biology, Recombinant DNA Cloning and Bioinformatics
- Advanced Cell Biology
Bioprocess Engineering
- Bioreactors and Primary Separations Downstream Processing
- Bioprocessing Laboratory
Stream 1 Biotechnology and Life Science
- Research Project
- Commercial Biotechnology and Biopharma
- Human Inheritance and Population Genetics
All Students
- Industrial Bioprocessing
- Proteins, Proteomics and Biopharma
- Current Topics in Genetics and Cell Biology
- Immunology and Immunoanalysis
- Animal Cell Biotechnology
- Literature Survey and Experimental Design
Stream 2 Biopharma
- Bioprocessing Laboratory
- Advanced Bioanalysis Laboratory
- Biopharmaceutical Industry
- Regulation and Management
- Biopharmaceutical Facility Design and Operation
- Formulation and Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals
If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.
INTRA Coordinator | Email Address | Contact Number |
Fiona Deane | fiona.deane@dcu.ie | 01-7008877 |