INTRA Programme MA Journalism

- To develop rapidly a range of professional skills appropriate to a career in journalism
- To equip students with a detailed knowledge of the structure and practices of the media industry
- To provide an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of journalists in society
Programme Outline
Students are required to complete a large number of practical assignments, notably in News Reporting, Feature Writing and News Editing, with integrated digital and online skills. They take part in regular Newsday exercises, all-day simulations of the news gathering, reporting and processing that is carried out for print, digital and radio news outlets. A key element of the course is the Project/Dissertation. This can be a major practice project, such as a series of in-depth feature articles, digital production or a radio documentary, or a substantial dissertation on an aspect of media and journalism.
In many instances, Masters of Journalism students have been retained as freelance contributors by their INTRA employer and an increasing number have been offered staff positions. Many graduates are working full-time in journalism, being employed by national newspapers and broadcasters at home and abroad while others are working in magazines and provincial weekly newspapers, as well as in specialist periodicals in medicine, business, sports and technology among other areas. A growing number are involved in on-line ventures.
INTRA Internship
Students are available for a two-month INTRA internship from July onwards.
Course Modules
- News Editing
- News Reporting
- Social and Mobile Journalism
- Media Law
- Journalism Ethics
- Feature Writing
- Video Journalism
- Radio Journalism
- Communication Ethics
- Networked News
- Radio Journalism
- Networked News
- Social and Mobile Journalism
- Feature Writing
- MAJ Project/Dissertation
INTRA (Compulsory)