DCU Postal Addresses & Eircodes
Welcome to the Postal Address & Eircode section of the University's Website.
Since its creation in 1975, initially as a National Institute of Higher Education, Dublin City University (DCU) has grown substantially in terms of its geographical footprint. As of May 2023 it now extends across three academic campuses (with circa 70 separate buildings), one research park (DCU Alpha) plus two separate sport facilities (i.e. Morton Stadium and the DCU Sports Campus).
Due to DCU's size and complexity it is essential that there is a system in place to manage the allocation of formal postal addresses and Eircodes across all of its separate locations. The Office of the Chief Operations Officer (OCOO) is the unit responsible for managing that process.
The purpose of this webpage is to provide an overview of how DCU manages its postal addresses and the Eircodes attached to them.
D09 V209
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the DCU Glasnevin Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
DCU Mailroom
John & Aileen O'Reilly Library
DCU Glasnevin Campus
Collins Avenue Extension
Dublin 9
D09 YT18
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the DCU St. Patricks Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
Block F
DCU St. Patricks Campus
Drumcondra Road Upper
Dublin 9
D09 N920
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the DCU All Hallows Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
Drumcondra House
DCU All Hallows Campus
Grace Park Road
Dublin 9
D11 KXN4
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the DCU Alpha Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
Innovation House
DCU Alpha
Finglas Road Old
Dublin 11
D09 FK50
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the DCU Sports Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
DCU Sports Campus
Ballymun Road
Dublin 9
D09 RV10
The above is the default Eircode for all mail deliveries to the Morton Stadium Santry Campus.
It corresponds to the address below.
Morton Stadium Santry
Morton Stadium Sports Complex
Swords Road
Dublin 9
The Office of the COO has the sole authority within the University to engage with An Post with regard to the management of postal addresses and Eircodes. No other unit of the University (e.g. academic, support, research unit or a DCU campus company) is authorised to do so.
The only exception to this principle exists for unconnected third parties on a DCU campus who operate a business or enterprise and are leasing or renting space from the University, or one of its campus companies.
In these cases those parties may manage their own affairs with regard to postal addresses and Eircodes but they should first consult with the Office of the COO before doing so.
As already stated above the Office of the COO (OCOO) has the sole authority within the university to engage with An Post with regard to the management of postal addresses and Eircodes.
In addition, no third party (e.g. company, tenant, other organisation / group) operating from or on any campus of the university may use 'DCU' or 'Dublin City University' in their name or title, wheresoever referenced or published, without the express written permission of the OCOO.
A unique postal address & Eircode will only be allocated to a DCU building or block where it can be determined as either:
a) housing a distinct DCU function or operation
b) where it is a private residence owned by DCU.
If neither (a) or (b) above apply then the building or block is considered to be a ‘Secondary Building’ and a unique postal address / Eircode will not be allocated.
The creation and provision of multiple different Eircodes within the same building or block on any campus of the University is to be avoided so whenever possible only one Eircode will be allocated for each University building or block that meets the qualifying criteria above.
All entities within that building or block will share the same building address and Eircode (see the 'Sharing of Eircodes' section below) but obviously not the same name in the first line of their address.
Separate units within the one DCU building or block may share the same postal address (and therefore the same Eircode) but they will not have the same name in the first line of the shared address. For example not every separate rented unit in the student residential blocks has a unique Eircode but the individual residential blocks they are in do have unique Eircodes.
The impact of this is that is no longer possible to create separate unique Eircodes for different units of the University (e.g. schools, research centres, admin offices, drop off areas etc.) that are physically located within the same University building or block.
In so far as possible the formal University postal address allocated should be aligned with the format of related or similar postal addresses already published on the Eircode website.
In addition, the address will include the closest relevant thoroughfare (i.e. the road by which the address can be physically accessed) e.g. some DCU Glasnevin Campus addresses are ‘Collins Avenue Extension’ while others are ‘Ballymun Road’.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on how postal addresses and Eircodes are created and managed by Eircode can be accessed at the link below.
A detailed guide for staff of the COO's Office on we manage the University's suite of Postal Addresses and Eircodes has been provided below.
Please login via the DCU staff authentication process to view the guide.
All queries or requests in relation to a University postal address or Eircode should be routed through the Office of the Chief Operations Officer at the email address below.