School of Psychology

School of Psychology

Understanding how people think, act, react and interact is vital to enabling people and organisations to flourish. At DCU School of Psychology, we seek to elevate individual and societal wellbeing, and to bring about positive behavioural change through education.

We offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, each delivered by our experienced and dedicated staff, who have expertise in a broad range of areas within the field of psychology.

We pride ourselves in equipping our students with the skills and competencies to have a successful career in psychology and related areas. We aim to enrich their education through real-world experience, to help them to develop transferable skills and ultimately to enhance their employability.

From living well to illness and disability, to the intersection of technology and wellbeing, and spanning across the social-cognitive and behavioural science of wellbeing, our research centres on strategically important topics and seeks to advance our understanding of human behaviour.
Our thriving research community is led by internationally recognised and externally funded researchers with state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment. The School has an excellent track record in applied, multi-disciplinary and translational research with real-world impact.