Single Module Programme (Psychology)
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering:


The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.


Single Module Programme (Psychology), Continuous

Students may register for one to four modules in one academic year, from the following module list:

  • PSY1080: What is Psychology? 
  • PSY1081: Exploring Psychological Research 
  • PSY1085: Cognitive Psychology and Biopsychology 
  • PSY1087: Abnormal Psychology and Psychological Counselling

A specific request to study any other psychology module must be made to 

PSY1088: Advanced Research Methods and Project. Please note this is an advanced module and involves the completion of a research project. This type of module requires a high level of commitment and therefore students should carefully consider registering for this module along with other modules. It is exceptional for a SMPPY student to take this module. 

PLEASE NOTE: Where a student registers/is given leave to register for modules outside of the combinations detailed above, a schedule free of timetabling clashes cannot be guaranteed. If you think you may have registered for modules outside of the combinations permitted in this document please contact as a matter of urgency. 

Please see the online prospectus for the SMPPY for more information.

Optional Modules

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
PSY1080 What is Psychology? 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1081 Exploring Psychological Research 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1082 Social & Organisational Psychology 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1083 Developmental & Educational Psychology 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1084 Quantitative & Qualitative Research in Psychology 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1085 Cognitive Psychology & Biopsychology 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1086 Individual Differences 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1087 Abnormal Psychology & Psychological Counselling 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1088 Advanced Research Methods & Project 15 Semester 1 & 2
PSY1076 Wellbeing Summer School 5 Semester 1, 2 & 3