Single Module Programme Psychology

Course Details

Course Code:
Course Type:
NFQ Level:
- Please see for further information
Delivery Modes
Online Distance Learning
Minimum Points:
4 years
+353 (0) 1

Are you interested in upskilling by studying psychology modules? Are you seeking to study for personal enjoyment? Then the Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) is for you.


Overview Icon

Professional Development or Personal Enjoyment

The Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) study option offers you the attractive opportunity to study, at an Honours degree level, an array of interesting psychology modules, through online distance learning, without having to commit to a full-time, or part-time, campus-based programme.

The psychology modules are part of a programme that is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), which ensures that the programme meets the highest standards for undergraduate, pre-professional education and training in Psychology. 

Click on this link to watch our Open Day taster lecture and find out more.



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The Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) allows students to undertake study at university degree level for personal enjoyment or professional development purposes without having to commit to study towards an exit award.

Studying on the Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) modules will develop skills such as critical thinking, high quality written expression, and transferable skills such as organisation and time-management. The knowledge, abilities and skills you will develop are highly valued by employers and will also be useful and valuable to you should you undertake any further study.

The Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) is often used by students as a stepping stone to further study of, and careers within, the discipline of psychology.

Entry Requirements

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Applicants aged over 23 years on January 1st in the year of entry are eligible for admission to the programme and are granted a place subject to 1) submission of an application, supporting documentation where appropriate and deposit, 2) availability of a place.

Applicants under 23 years on January 1st in the year of entry must satisfy the normal minimum degree entry requirements of Dublin City University which are detailed:, and are granted a place subject to 1) submission of an application, appropriate supporting documentation, and deposit, 2) availability of a place.

All Applicants must complete a personal statement and indicate which module(s) they wish to take. Personal Statement Template

In addition, applicants who are non-native speakers of the English language must satisfy the university requirements for competency in the English language.


Course Structure

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The Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) study option allows students to undertake study at (level 8) degree level for personal enjoyment or professional development without having to commit to study towards an exit award.

This stand-alone programme offers students great flexibility in that they can vary the number of modules they register for in a given year to match the other responsibilities in their life. Given that registering for a module means committing to the workload associated with that module, this flexibility allows a student to only take on the work they can accommodate in a given year. When deciding how much work to take on, students should consider the time needed to: study learning materials; actively participate in tutorials; and the time they need to set aside to interact with tutors and other students in the online discussion forums. Students on this programme also have a good degree of flexibility in terms of time, place and pace of studying as they do not have to attend campus-based classes on a regular basis.

The psychology modules are part of a programme that is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), which ensures that the programme meets the highest standards for undergraduate, pre-professional education and training in Psychology. 

Course Structure/Module Selection:

Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) students may choose from the following modules depending on the number of credits, and type of module, they want to study, or need to achieve for upskilling purposes:



It should be noted that studying one, or a small number of, psychology modules is not a route to graduate membership of a Psychological society, and therefore is not a route into the field of Psychology in and of itself. Students need to complete one of our psychology programmes, for example the MSc in Psychology (Conversion) programme or the online BA in Humanities (Psychology Major) programme in order to be eligible for graduate membership of a Psychological society.

Please note that the programme is under constant review and there may be changes to the structure, content and presentation of the programme in future years.

Each module is awarded 15 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credit points.

Mathematics Recommendation:

Please note that the Single Module Programme Psychology (SMPPY) programme involves a number of modules that focus on Psychology research methods, which require a competence in mathematics roughly equivalent to pass Leaving Certificate level. While a Leaving Certificate mathematics qualification is not mandatory, students without recent exposure to mathematics should consider updating their skills by enrolling in a Leaving Certificate mathematics course or by studying Leaving Certificate mathematics textbooks.

Because of the way the programme is structured, you do not have to defer commencement of the programme while you develop your competence in mathematics. You could update your skills in parallel with other modules not requiring competence in this area, specifically PY100: What is Psychology?, before taking PY110: Exploring Psychological Research.

Technology and Online Skills Requirements:

Your learning experience as a DCU Connected student is enhanced through the use of learning technology and rich digital media. We understand that students will have varying degrees of technical experience and ability when they begin their studies. Due to the key role technology will play in your studies you should be ready to engage with relevant technologies to a minimum level when you begin your studies. That is, you should be familiar with using email, browsing the Internet, downloading files, and using the word processing package Microsoft Word. When you begin your studies you will then further develop your skills with using technology in your studies. Becoming more confident in the use of technology, as you study, will then help you succeed as an online learner.

Fees and Funding

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EU Status Fee Part-time
€900 per module
Non EU Fee Part time
€1,288 per module

How To Apply

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To apply for this programme:

  • All Applicants must apply through DCU's Student Application Portal which is available here. Here is a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application.
  • If applicable, provide evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.  Please see link
  • All Applicants must complete a personal statement and indicate which module(s) they wish to take. Personal Statement Template

Study Visas are not required for this online course/programme.

Application Deadlines

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the programme is full or until the following dates:

  • Closing date for non-EU applicants is 1st July 2024.
  • Closing date for EU applicants is 30th July 2024.

All entry requirements should be met before the commencement of the programme.


Queries from EU applicants should be directed to 

Queries from non EU applicants should be directed to

Commencement of Programme

The programme commences in September 2024.

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