Student Data Protection Notice

Data Protection Notice Online - Student Username and Password


The purpose of this process is to provide all Dublin City University (DCU) students a unique Username and Password which gives access to DCU systems.

You are consenting to the use of your personal application data already provided to the university, for the purpose of this process. .

The categories of personal data which will be used are:

- Full Name

- DCU Username

- Program Code

- DCU Email Address 

- Student Number

Why we need your data

This is necessary for the purpose of providing you with access to your DCU account to allow you to register as a DCU student.

The personal data provided will only be used for the intention outlined above and for no other reason.

Data protection rules

Data protection concerns the safeguarding of privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data. Personal data is any information relating to a living individual, which allows the identification of that individual. Examples include name, email address, date of birth or telephone number.

DCU must comply with of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988-2018 when it collects and uses your personal data. DCU acts as a ‘Data Controller’ in respect of your personal data and complies with its responsibilities under these laws.

Your rights:

Under data protection rules, you have rights as a ‘Data Subject’. These rights include:

• The right to be informed about what happens to information relating to you (personal data) (Articles 12-14 of GDPR);

• The right to access information relating to you which is held by DCU (Article 15, GDPR);

• The right to rectification, to correct any errors in your personal data (Articles 16 & 19, GDPR);

• The right to erasure, to delete/destroy information relating to you which is held by DCU (Articles 17 & 19, GDPR);

• The right to data portability (Article 20, GDPR);

• The right to object to processing of information relating to you (Article 21, GDPR);

• The right of restriction, to limit the way DCU uses information relating to you (Article 18, GDPR); and,

• Rights in relation to automated decision making, including profiling (Article 22, GDPR).

General information on how DCU collects, uses and discloses personal data, and on your data protection rights, is available through the DCU Privacy Policy that can be accessed via the DCU Data Protection Website.

If you have any questions in relation to your personal data, you may contact the DCU Data Protection Officer, Mr Martin Ward, on 01-7007476 or email further information, please visit the DCU Data Protection Unit Website.

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is the official authority overseeing data protection in Ireland. If you wish to lodge a complaint to the DPC, please visit

Sharing of Personal Data with MAPS Ireland.

Please note that DCU will be sharing application data with an external provider, Management and Professional Services Limited Ireland (MAPs), the support service provider for distribution of usernames and passwords. Students data will be retained by MAPS only until the registration process concludes on 30th October 2020. The categories of personal data which DCU will be shared are listed above in the introduction.