First Aid
First Aid Team
Block A - Albert College
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Declan Raftery | Office of the Chief Operations Officer | 5117 | A201A |
Kyran O'Brien | Communications & Marketing | 6372 | A247 |
Jennifer O'Halloran | Finance Office | 5540 | A140C |
Natalie Neville | Communications and Marketing | 8518 | A247 |
Block B - Invent
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Alex Forbes | DCULS | BBB15 |
Block C/CA - Henry Grattan/Extension
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Claire Bohan | Student Support & Development | 5164 | Student Advice Centre |
Aurelie Sicard | Student Support & Development | 5031 | CG25 |
Niamh Murtagh | Student Support & Development | 5189 | CG25 |
Trevor Boland | Disability & Learning Support | 6464 | CG28 |
Amanda Kavanagh | Health & Safety Office | 8678 | CG10 |
Paula Hawkins | Health & Safety Office | 7034 | CG10 |
Paula Kierans | Health & Safety Office | 8896 | CG48 |
Block D - Bea Orpen
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block E - Estates Office/Security
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Ray Wheatley | Security | 8015 | |
Seamus Keating | Security | 8990 | |
Eddie Hamilton | Security | 5999 | |
Liam Gaughran | Security | 8990 | |
Paul Mullen | Security | 8990 | |
Vincent Barry | Security | 8990 | |
Rory O'Donoghue | Security | 8990 | |
Bernard Keogh | Security | 8990 | |
Gerard McGee | Security | 5141 | |
Jacek Pawlik | Security | 8990 | |
Mary Whelan | Estates Office | 5242 |
Block FT - Polaris
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Romain Denis | School of Health & Human Performance | 8471 | FT107 |
Simon Devenney | School of Health & Human Performance | 8474 | FT107 |
Martin Sweeney | School of Health & Human Performance | 7865 | FT107 |
Amy Murphy | Insight | 6871 | FT245B |
Block G - LSRF
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Justine Meiller | LSRF | 5726/6239 | G114/118 |
Barry Byrne | LSRF | 5818 | GG08 |
Block GA - NRF
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Leah Nolan | NRF | 7565 | GA108 |
Maurice Burke | NRF | 7605 | GA108A |
Josephine Ozoani | NRF Stores | 7547 | Basement Stores |
Block H - School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Michael McKeon | School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health | 8539 | H260 |
Evelyn Kelleher | School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health | 8536 | H122E |
Keith Rochfort | School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health | 6919 | H231 |
Tracey Harrington | School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health | 7153 | H257 |
Block J - Hamilton Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block K - Students Union/Hub and Londis
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Ciara MacGrath | Office of Student Life | 8725 | |
Una Redmond | Office of Student Life | 5280 | K121 |
Dave Walsh | Londis |
Block L - McNulty Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Gillian Moriarty | Graduate Studies Office | 5214 | LG15A |
Block M - Inter Faith Centre
Name: | School Unit: | Phone Number: | Room Number: |
Block N - Marconi Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Pat Wogan | Physics | 5275 | N221 |
Henry Barry | Physics | 5520 | NG23 |
Block PG - Pavilion
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block PR - Restaurant
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Ombreta Oprisan | Main Restaurant | 5550 |
Block Q - Business School
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Malcolm Brady | DCUBS | 5188 | Q143 |
Muriel Keegan | DCUBS | 5538 | Q108 |
Block QA - MacCormac Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block S - Stokes Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Michael May | Mechanical Engineering | 8885 | SB13 |
Robert Clare | Electronic Engineering | 5867 | S142 |
David Boyle | RAPID | S3151 |
Block SA - Stokes Extension
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block V – Campus Residences
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Oleg Vereshchynskyy | Campus Residence (Security) | 7812 | |
David Doyle | Campus Residence | 8037 | |
Sarah Hughes | Campus Residence | 8613 | |
Dana Nacu | Campus Residence | 5736 | |
Cathy Fitzgerald | Campus Residence | 5736 | |
Nikolai Homin | Campus Residence | 5736 | |
Beata Krol | Campus Residence | 5736 |
Block VB – Residences (DCULS on Ground Floor)
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Amy Hall | Research Innovation Support | 8318 | VBG08 |
Micheál Murphy | Research Project Administration | 7863 | VBG11 |
Block X – Lonsdale Building
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Teresa Cooney | Biotechnology | 8039 / 5138 | XG46 |
Janice Cunningham | Biotechnology | 8039 / 5138 | XG46 |
Deirdre Curtin | Biotechnology | 8039 / 5138 | XG46 |
Vincent Hooper | Chemical Science | 5111 / 5476 | XG28 |
Catherine Keogh | Chemical Science | 5906 / 5476 | X161/XG28 |
Susan Kelleher | Chemical Science | 5409 | X105 |
Mary Pryce | Chemical Science | 8005 | X111 |
Turlough Downes | Mathematical Sciences | 5270 | X134 |
Gary Lawrence | ICNT | 7689 | X243 |
Block Y – Library
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Stephanie Collins | Library | 5041 | Library |
Siofra O'Loughlin | Library | 5041 | Library |
Cliona Ni Liathain | Library | 5930 | Library |
Block U - Sports Complex
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Block Z - The Helix
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Jeni O'Connor | Helix | 700 7130 |
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Derek Brennan | Estates Office | 700 9284 | D121 / Gate Lodge |
Stephen McNeilage | Estates Office | 700 9288 | Gate Lodge |
Carol Doyle | Estates Office | 700 9284 | Gate Lodge |
Sergiu Smuleac | Estates Office | 700 9288 | Gate Lodge |
Conor Sullivan | Institute of Education | 700 9028 | F346 |
Michele Somers | STEM Education, Innovation & Global Studies | 700 9175 | C406B |
Ryan Carey | HR - Main Reception | F-Block | |
Nuala Murray | Library | 700 9196 | Library |
Joe Rogers | Library | 700 9196 | Library |
Name | School Unit | Phone Number | Room Number |
Brian O'Toole | Estates Office | 700 7094 | |
Susan Byrne | School of English | 700 7488 | S216 |
Margaret Lambe | Library | 700 8517 | Woodlock Hall |
Anna Zieba | Library | 700 8517 | Woodlock Hall |
Angela Kinahan | DCU Anti-Bullying Centre | 700 9004 | SG04 |
Isabel Manchado da Silva | DCU Anti-Bullying Centre | 700 9139 | SG04 |
Who is responsible for First Aid in DCU?
The DCU Health and Safety Office is responsible for ensuring there are an adequate number of First Aid trained personnel available. The Health and Safety Office will also ensure that the First Aid Cabinets in the foyer of all buildings are kept stocked.
Procedure for Occupational First Aid and Medical Incident Management
How are First Aid Supplies provided?
DCU Health and Safety Office has engaged an external contractor to check and replenish the First Aid Cabinets in the foyer of all buildings. We ask First Aiders to contact the Health and Safety Office when they use any first aid supplies to ensure First Aid Cabinets restocked.
DCU Campuses First Aid Cabinets Locations
All other First Aid Cabinets, including those in labs and offices, are the responsibility of the School/Unit.
How do I get supplies for a local first aid bag?
The DCU Health and Safety Office manages the first aid bags in the lobbies of the main buildings on campus only; any other smaller kits - if wanted - can be purchased and managed locally.
How do I contact a local First Aider Responder (FAR)?
A list of qualified First Aider Responders is typically displayed next to the first aid box in the foyer of each building.
If no first-aider is available, call DCU Security on (01 700) 5999.
Where are the Defibrillators?
Location of Defibrillators (All Campuses)
How do I call an ambulance?
Non-Emergency Transport to Hospital
Should I report a minor injury?
Yes, report all occupational health and safety incidents if they result in an unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects completion of a task.