Standard Operating Procedure - Occupational First‐Aid (OFA) and Medical Incident Management
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, Part 7 specifies the legislative requirements for employers for the provision of first‐aid. The procedure outlines how DCU will comply with these requirements.
This Procedure applies to all units of the university, both academic and support, including the campus companies and research centres. These are all hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘university’. The scope of the procedure includes
- Responsibilities
- Provision of First Aid Supplies
- How to Access Occupational First Aid
- How to request an Ambulance
- Non‐Emergency Injury Response
- Reporting of Injuries/Incidents
- Maintenance of First Aid Equipment and Supplies
- Records
- Contact
- History
- Appendix 1 Typical Contents of First Aid Box
- DCU Framework Safety Statement
- School/Unit/Campus Company Local Safety Statement
The Health and Safety Office shall:
- ensure there are an adequate number of personnel trained in Occupational First Aid provide and maintain suitably marked, easily accessible first‐aid equipment, as is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for enabling first‐aid to be given to persons.
- maintain records of all qualified DCU Occupational First Aiders and list same on the DCU Webpage.
- notify Occupational First Aiders in advance of expiry of their certification and arrange for refresher training.
- be responsible for updating all health and safety policies in response to changes in legislation and local developments.
Schools / Units/ Campus Companies’ shall be responsible for identifying appropriate personnel to attend Occupational First Aid training and to respond to first aid incidents. If a First Aider leaves DCU or no longer wishes to participate in the DCU first aid Team, the Head of School/Unit must notify the Health & Safety Office. They should seek a replacement from among their staff and forward that name to Health & Safety Office to be added to the waiting list for next available Occupational First Aid course.
Occupational First Aid Trained Personnel shall:
- respond to incidents requiring First Aid.
- report any incidents requiring First Aid to the Health and Safety Office as soon as is practicable after the event.
- Fully stocked First Aid Boxes are typically provided in the foyer of each building within the campuses. Further detail on locations is provided via the following link. These boxes are managed by the Health & Safety Office.
- All qualified First Aiders are provided with a key to access the wall mounted first aid boxes on their campus. The keys for each campus are keyed alike so the First Aiders can open boxes in any building across their campus.
- First Aid boxes not under the control of the Health & Safety office are the responsibility of the local school/unit/ Campus Company and should be managed to ensure contents are appropriate to the risk and within expiry date.
- Defibrillators are provided at various locations on all campuses, further detail regarding locations is available via the following link.
- A qualified First Aider is defined as a person having successfully completed a 3 day occupational first aid course, or equivalent refresher course within the last 2 years.
- A list of qualified First Aiders and their telephone numbers is typically displayed next to the first aid box in the foyer of each building and on the DCU Health and Safety Webpage. In the event that a first‐aider is required, the injured party or their helper should call the number listed giving clear details of the location of the accident/incident and a brief description of the nature of the injuries. If no first‐aider is available, call DCU Security on (01 700) 5999.
- The caller or other by‐standers should remain with the injured party until the arrival of first‐aider.
- After office hours, a member of the security team, trained in Occupational First Aid will respond to the call.
Where, in the opinion of a DCU first‐aider, a student or a member of staff should attend a Hospital A&E Department / Rapid Injury Clinic the following procedures apply:
1. The first‐aider or a designated person at the scene should call the Ambulance. The ambulance control centre will ask questions pertaining to the patient’s status so the caller should be at the scene.
2. Ring 999 or 112 – you will be connected to the emergency services directly. Ask for an Ambulance to attend the campus:
- Dublin City University Campus, Collins Ave, Dublin 9 or
- St Patricks Campus, Drumcondra Road, Drumcondra, or
- All Hallows Campus, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Specify the building or closest building to casualty location. In DCU Glasnevin Campus request that the ambulance enter the Campus from Collins Avenue and report to DCU Main Reception where security will be awaiting its arrival. In DCU St Patrick’s Campus request that the ambulance enter via the main gate and drive through to Chapel where security will be awaiting its arrival. IN DCU All Hallows Campus request that the ambulance enter via the main gate and drive through to reception at Drumcondra House where security will be awaiting its arrival.
3. Notify Security, (01 700) 5999, that an ambulance is on its way. Inform Security which building (and which room in the building) the ambulance should attend, and what the nature of the emergency is.
4. Security will meet the ambulance as designated above and accompany it (or direct it, if after hours) to the building.
Where, in the opinion of the First Aider, the injured party does not require ambulance assistance, they should be advised to attend the Charter Medical Clinic in Smithfield. (Opening Hours Mon – Fri, 8am – 6pm).
This clinic, which offers assessment and treatment to anyone who has sustained an injury, has direct access to x‐ray and laboratory tests and provides a full range of urgent care services.
The Health & Safety Office has an account with a taxi company. Taxi company details can be found under “Non Emergency Transport to Hospital”. The taxi can be ordered through DCU Reception (office hours) and through Security (after hours) and charged to Health & Safety Office account.
Taxi transfer of injured parties requiring medical attention outside office hours must go to Beaumont or Mater Hospital A&E.

Smithfield Charter Clinic- List of Conditions Treated
For the purposes of internal incident/accident reporting within the University, an Incident/Accident Report Form is available online. The Health and Safety Office will investigate as soon as is practicable.
In the case of a fatality, the University Authorities must immediately inform the Health and Safety Authority (by phone, fax or e‐mail), and the scene of the accident cannot be disturbed, except where action is necessary for securing the safety of any person(s). This latter stipulation also applies in the event of a serious accident. HSA Telephone number: 1890 289 389
Health & Safety Office managed First Aid Boxes are typically located in foyers throughout the campuses. A list of all DCU managed first aid boxes is available at this link. First Aid boxes not under the control of the Health & Safety Office are the responsibility of the local school/unit/ Campus Company and should be managed to ensure contents are appropriate to the risk and within expiry date, Appendix 1.
DCU Health and Safety Office check the contents of all boxes at least bi‐annually and as required after an incident is reported. Each first aid box is numbered, fitted with a tamper proof seal and the date of closest product expiration. If the First Aid Box is accessed, first aiders should notify the Health and Safety Office so it can be restocked.

First Aid box with tamper proof seal
Tamper proof seal. If a first aider is accessing the First Aid box they can use their first aid box key to break the seal. It will be apparent which first aid boxes have been opened since last check.

First Aid Box Reference
First Aid box Reference. Please quote in any correspondence
with Health and Safety Office
The names of occupational first aider must be recorded in the Local Safety Statement along with the location of equipment and facilities. Written records of the dates of all first aid training, including refresher training are kept by the Health & Safety Office and may be made available on request to a Health and Safety Inspector. Records of all cases treated by the first aider are kept in the Health & Safety Office, and will be stored and disposed of in accordance with DCU GDPR Policy.
Revison No |
Date |
Purpose of Revision |
01 | Jan 2018 | New SOP | |
02 | April 2021 | Minor Amendments and Reissue | |
03 | May 2022 |