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School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health

NS5127 | Palliative and End of Life Care

Course summary

This is a 10 ECTS credit blended learning module offered at level 9 (Master’s degree level). It runs over twelve weeks in a blended learning format with scheduled contact hours (2 days in DCU). Please note 100% attendance is required on the contact days. If applicants cannot commit to all the face-to-face sessions, then please do not apply.

This module is aimed at practitioners who are in regular contact with people who have palliative care needs such as those with chronic or life limiting illness. This module aims to provide the student with the knowledge and skills to identify and manage people’s palliative care needs from diagnosis of a chronic or life limiting illness to end-of-life care in a variety of healthcare settings. The module will be of interest to those working in primary, secondary and specialist areas, and aims to increase the students’ competence in delivering best practice palliative and end-of-life care. Module content is underpinned by National Palliative Care policy and the Palliative Care Clinical Competency Framework. This module employs a blended learning experience with two full days in DCU and 12 weeks online education which includes lectures, interactive videos, workshops, and discussion forums. The overall aim of the module is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to integrate a palliative care approach within their practice. The major module assessment involves the completion of a change management assignment. Therefore, students should seek the support of their manager for completing the module and be willing to consider their role as a palliative care champion within their own organisations subsequent to successful completion of the module.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completions of this module, the student will be able to:

  • Evaluate theoretical approaches to palliative care, pain, suffering, grief and their implications on practice.
  • Critically evaluate the assessment and management of pain and other common symptoms physical, psychosocial, and spiritual, for people with advanced disease and at end-of-life.
  • Demonstrate a systematic higher-level understanding of the effective use of communication skills to support and enable therapeutic relationships with the person who has a chronic or life-limiting condition.
  • Critically explore ethical decision-making at end-of-life for the person, family/significant others and the multi-disciplinary team.
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate a palliative care approach for people with chronic or life limiting illness.
  • Critically explore the importance of self-care in environments where staff consistently work with people experiencing dying, death, loss and bereavement.

Course schedule

The course will be delivered part time over Semester 1 in Academic year 2023/2024 (September – December 2023). Contact hours include two full days on campus and eight one hour zoom classes.

Cost of module

The cost for this professional development module is €1,050

How to apply

Application form, CV, passport size photo in jpg/png format and one form of identification should be uploaded and submitted to science@dcu.ie by 5.00 pm, Tuesday 15th August.

Further information can be obtained from:

Dr Mary Nevin Email:

E: mary.nevin@dcu.ie

P: 01-7006917