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Access Service

DCU - Bank of Ireland Earn and Learn Programme

DCU's Access Service and DCU Educational Trust have partnered with the Bank of Ireland to offer DCU Access students a unique opportunity to gain paid, professional work experience during their university degree. 


The DCU - Bank of Ireland Earn and Learn programme is an opportunity for second year Access students studying Bachelor of Business Studies, BSc Marketing, Innovation and Technology and BSc in Computing for Business to work in the Bank's fraud team within the contact centre one day per week (Saturday or Sunday) from January to May 2022. 


Benefits to students

  • PAID weekend work (competitive salary)
  • Flexible working hours
  • Working from home
  • Opportunity to improve core professional skills including communication, teamwork and time management
  • Guaranteed pipeline into the BOI Graduate Programme Assessment centres and potential opportunities for further experience (summer internships, continued working opportunities, etc.)


If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact