Who is eligible? | Access

The DCU Access Service helps students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds to gain direct entry to DCU through the national Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) and Access DCU Entry Route (ADER) schemes.
Students must be under the age of 23 and have completed their Leaving Certificate.
To qualify as an Access student, your family income must be on or below the specified threshold.
In addition to this requirement, you must also meet a combination of two other criteria, with one indicator meeting the socio-cultural criteria (4 or 5 or 6). This combination of financial, social and cultural indicators will determine your eligibility.
If you have any questions please email us at access@dcu.ie
- Reduced points places in university
- Places on every course
- Academic, social, personal and professional support
- Financial support in college
- On-campus subsidised accommodation (Via the Access DCU Entry Route only)
The Access DCU Entry Route (ADER) is similar to the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) but it is open to students who have missed the HEAR deadline or are seeking subsidised accommodation. The eligibility criteria is the same for both schemes. Students who have applied to HEAR do not need to apply to ADER unless they are seeking subsidised accommodation.