Accessibility Awareness Week - DCU Sign Image
DCU Accessibility Week 2021

DCU Accessibility Awareness Week

Off campus
Target Audience
All Welcome
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge

Co-hosted by the Teaching Enhancement Unit and DCUSU, the inaugural DCU Accessibility Awareness Week is scheduled for May 17th - 21st. The aim of this week is get the DCU community talking, thinking and learning about accessibility and inclusive education. Our approach to accessibility is grounded in the principles of Universal Design for Learning, a framework developed to guide curriculum design to give all students equal opportunities to learn. 

Details of all the events are below.


Monday May 17th

11am: Small Changes Workshop: MS Word and accessibility (Facilitator: Trevor Boland AHEAD)

Word documents over the years have become powerful tools for engaging with learners in different ways for academic purposes. When we look at the possibilities of Word through a UDL lens we can find that assistive technology and accessibility are part of Word’s strengths to empower the individual learner. The presentation will highlight the multiple ways Word can support the individual learner but also assist their group work and most importantly have UDL qualities. Register for this event

1pm: Formal Launch of Accessibility Awareness Week

Launch of the inaugural Accessibility Awareness Week by DCU President Daire Keogh.

Register for this event

Followed by:

Live Panel Discussion: How UDL and accessibility intersect to improve learning access and reduce barriers for students.

Chair: Karen Buckley, School of Special and Inclusive Education, Institute of Education



Tuesday May 18th

11am: Small Changes Workshop: Introduction to Assistive Technologies at DCU

(Facilitator - Mary McGovern, DCU) Register for this event

1pm: Panel Discussion: How accessibility supports student engagement

Chair: Dean O’Reilly, DCUSU 

Contributors: TBC

Register for this event


Wednesday May 19th

Small Changes workshop: Using the Loop page UDL template to remove barriers to learning (Facilitator, Suzanne Stone, DCU).

This workshop introduces you to the Loop page template used at DCU as the standard page layout. The template was designed based on Universal Design for Learning principles, and supports you in making small changes to your Loop page design which remove barriers to learning for all students. Register for this event


1pm: Panel Discussion: Accessibility in the Age of the Digital University – A Post-Covid Opportunity for Reform (Pre-recorded discussion, followed by live Q & A)

Chair: Rishi Gulati, School of Law and Government, DCU


  • Ms Renata Zanetti (Independent Consultant)

  • Mr Huy Nguyen (CEO, Founder - Enabler Interactive)

  • Mr Nicholas Parsons (Senior Solicitor and Chair of the Disability

  • Subcommittee of the Law Society of NSW’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee)

  • Dr Mark Glynn (Head of the Teaching Enhancement Unit, DCU)

This panel discussion will be pre-recorded and will be released on the Accessibility Awareness Week Loop page on Wednesday 19th at 1pm. Rishi Gulati will be available at time tbc for Q & A.


Thursday May 20th

11am: Small Changes Workshop: Accessible ways of working

(Facilitated by Equality Diversity & Inclusion Unit, DCU)

Register for this workshop


1pm: Panel Discussion: Benefits of small changes towards accessibility

Chair: Donal Fitzpatrick, School of Computing, DCU


Register for this event


Friday May 21st

11am: Small Changes Workshop: Sounds good to me - A beginner's guide to audio feedback (facilitator Clare Gormley, DCU).

Have you ever thought about using audio-based feedback to promote greater accessibility, engagement, and connection with your students? In this session, Clare Gormley will guide you through the technical basics, highlight some key recommendations from the literature and practice, and get you started on the path to trying it out. 

Register for this workshop


1pm: Panel Discussion: Drawing on UDL principles to improve accessible assessment design

Chair: Dr. Mark Glynn, TEU


  • Rob Lowney, Teaching Enhancement Unit

  • Lisa Padden, Project Lead - University for All, UCD

  • Evelyn Kelleher, DCU

Register for this event