Oíche Airneáin: Scéalta & Ceol | Stories & Music
Beidh John Spillane ag ceol agus i gcomhrá le Richie Conroy, Scríbhneoir Cónaithe Gaeilge.
Is amhránaí, ceoltóir, scríbhneoir, scéalaí agus file é John Spillane. Spreagann amhráin thraidisiúnta an Corcaíoch ildánach seo agus bíonn an réalachas draíochta, brón, agus greann le haireachtáil ina chuid ceoil. Is é 100 Snow White Horses an t-albam is déanaí uaidh.
Tuilleadh eolais faoi John Spillane anseo.
Beidh an ócáid seo trí mheán na Gaeilge agus ceol!
John Spillane singing a few tunes and in conversation with Richie Conroy, Irish Language Writer in Residence. John Spillane is a musician, songwriter, performer, recording artist, storyteller, poet and dreamer. Rooted in people, place and story, his music transports the listener and his live performances captivate audiences around the world.
More information on John is available here.
The event will take place through the medium of Irish and song!