Bunscoil Loreto
Bunscoil Loreto is situated in the heart of Gorey Co. Wexford. They are a mixed urban school with approximately 650 students and over 40 nationalities Bunscoil Loreto is a vibrant school with an ‘All are Welcome’ school anthem. One of the main annual events is a multicultural day in the school, the theme for the day is ‘We Belong’ and the cultures and traditions from countries around the world are displayed. Children, staff, and parents enjoy taking part in the event and showing off foods and traditions from the various countries.
Student Voice
In Bunscoil Loreto student voice is prioritised and celebrated at every opportunity. There are a multitude of student led committee in our school which give children an opportunity to lead change and innovation in our school. These include:
· Student Council
· Gaelbhratach
· Junior Einstein
· Amber Flag
· Green Flag
· Tech Committee
· School of Sanctuary
· Active School
· Creative School
Student Participation
Their school are committed to offering a diverse range of experiences for their children both within and beyond the realms of the curriculum. They engage in the following programmes and activities to nurture creativity, teamwork, empathy, and leadership.
· Debating Team
· Spelling Bee
· Credit Union Quiz
· JEP Projects
· Science Blast
· Junior Scientist Awards
· Athletics
· Rounders
· Morning Meetings
· Traditional Music Group
· Choir
· Sing out Loud
· Action Week for all Committees

Bunscoil Loretto