Dalkey School Project (DSP)

The students and staff of DSP are very committed to climate justice.
DSPNS is a multi-denominational school under the patronage of the Dalkey School Project and is also a member of Educate Together, the umbrella group for equality-based schools who subscribe to the Educate Together Charter. DSP has always led being the first Educate Together school and still plays an important role working with other ETs.
See their website here
The school has a very well-established Forest School and Sea School. The school celebrates Forest Fridays, whereby all children can participate in Forest School.
Dalkey School Project has a strong commitment to engaging with Sustainable Development Goals. They have documented how they have engaged at all class levels with the goals in multiple ways.
Some examples of how they have engaged include:
Green School participating in Walk for Water to highlight difficulties associated with Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation. See here. They have engaged in whole School projects on Goal 5 Gender Equality. They have conducted library surveys to ensure that representation of different genders and lessons looking at gender roles and stereotypes including discussion on binary/non-binary/trans/cis
Historically DSP staff, students and community have been incredibly involved in campaigns and protests to create a better world. In particular DSP has acted repeatedly to seek better provision for students with additional needs. Campaigning to reduce cuts and provide additional support and services. See here
Students and families have participated in Climate Action protests and have conducted letter writing campaigns both on this topic and on school cuts.
Creativity is the basis for all activities in DSP. All children learn in different ways, so they provide lots of opportunities to facilitate different types of learners in DSP. The importance of discussion, written work is not forgotten but is supplemented with lots of play and outdoor learning.
Station and peer teaching play an important role also.
DSP invites many artists into the school both through BLAST and DLR creativity in the classroom which has enabled us to conduct Forest Fridays.
During Forest Friday the aim is to foster resilient, independent, confident, and creative learners using a flexible approach and natural resources.
Shared leadership is a strong tradition in the school. Teachers and assistants are encouraged to work to their strengths and lead initiatives in which they have a personal/professional interest.
School has engaged with Coaching for Team Leadership enabling staff to reach their potential and share their skills.
Students follow these examples and Student Council and Green School are able to achieve goals for the good of the school community. See here
Importantly parents and families have always played a crucial role in the life of school. Parent volunteers allow the running of programmes such as Forest Fridays, paired reading and facilitate school trips. Parents also share their unique skills for example by teaching drama lessons, cooking, and coding. See here
The PTA organises fundraising events throughout the school year that also greatly add to sense community providing fun social events such as the Halloween Disco, Spring Market and End of Term Coffee Mornings. See here
DSP is a strong DCU Changemaker School and is continually active in networking with other schools. They have also conducted visits to other schools.