Empowering Pedagogies and Promising Practices
The DCU Changemaker Schools Network
Welcome to the first newsletter of this academic year. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the wonderful worlds of our DCU Changemaker Schools.
Are you on twitter? If so don't forget to tweet and tag @DCUCMS #ChangemakerGeneration
Please contact me at fiona.collins@dcu.ie should you need any support or CPD with your school.
We have one simple yet powerful idea. That all children can be Changemakers
'A Changemaker is someone with the skills and confidence to lead change in their home, school and community'
Our four pillars: Empathy | Creativity | Leadership | Teamwork
“We are changemakers because we listen to all voices and try to make our school a fair place for everyone”
Micheal, St. Joseph's Carryduff
We have four new DCU Changemaker Schools

Changemaker Schools Network - New schools added
We now are a network of 19 schools and 6,000 students
Check our new schools out!
Barnacogue N.S.
Ballymoney N.S.
St. Josephs Primary School
Kolbe Special School
Round 5 John Coolahan Research Support Framework

Teaching Council of Ireland
Change leaders from Francis Street School and Dalkey School Project have been successful in attaining a research grant for their study- 'A Critical Exploration of the 'Our Voices Our Schools' programme to promote professional collaboration and learning with two DCU Changemaker Schools to uncover hidden voices'
Read all about the John Coolahan Research Support Framework here
DCU Changemaker Schools Classroom Links

DCU Changemaker Schools Classroom Links
DCU CMS classrooms links is a CMS project which hopes to strengthen ties between schools across the DCU CMS network by linking classroom teachers, students and staff by engaging in collaborative mini-projects. This initiative began in the 2021/2022 school year with 25 classrooms signing up with the desire to grow their DCU CMS networks connections with like minded classrooms.
Little Angels, Tarmon N.S., Dalkey School Project and Francis Street School all worked together on the projects 'A View from Our Classroom' and 'Living Art'.
This year it is hoped more schools will internetwork and explore engaging parents and communities.

Creativity with DCU Changemaker Schools Network
This year we are focusing on the pillar of creativity and are looking forward to exploring this with you, especially on our visits.
On a recent visit to Tarmon N.S. students were learning math's in a very creative way using honeycombs and beehives!
We hope to explore this pillar more in the next newsletter as 'creativity is contagious, pass it on' (Albert Einstein)
More newsletters to come with more ideas of innovative practices in our 19 DCU Changemaker Schools
Don't forget to tweet @DCUCMS #ChangemakerGeneration

We are having a Conference!