Ringsend BNS
St Patrick’s BNS, Ringsend
Ringsend B.N.S. is a DEIS Band 1, all-boys school located in the heart of Dublin City.
Check out their website here
Student agency, voice, and participation
Ringsend BNS has an active Student Council with representatives from each class on the council. Ringsend BNS has established new committees this year to cover other areas of interest:
- Wellbeing Warriors (health and being active),
- Future Leaders (social justice), Sustainability Squad (environment) ,
- Cyber Crew (digital issues and online safety).
Engagement with SDG’s:
Ringsend BNS is working with Dublin City Council on a litter-picking project as well as being involved with a local group called the Irish Nautical Trust on a project based on recycling waste gathered from the Liffey.
Social Justice Issues:
Ringsend BNS has worked with Show Racism the Red Card, Pieta House, GOAL, FUSE, AsIAm, Lust for Life, Barnardos, Webwise, Be Internet Legends, Dept of Foreign Affairs, Dail Eireann, Think Equal, Children's Ombudsman and NEPS on various initiatives and projects over the last year.
Ringsend BNS has introduced Peace Circles this year at the senior end of the school and this has been very successful. They will roll out Think Equal in September.
Ringsend BNS has just finished its turn as part of a Creative Schools Cluster. A local artist, Rhona Byrne, is also working with the school on an art project using recycled waste materials.
Research and research interests: Ringsend BNS has worked with the NCCA this year and some pupils presented at a major conference in Croke Park. Ringsend BNS will lead research on the efficacy of the new Think Equal project when we introduce it next year in the hope of spreading it to other schools.
Ringsend B.N.S. is a proud DCU Changemaker School and can be found on X and Instagram

DCU Changemaker School