Student works with autonomous vehicle

DCU Engineering Camps 2023

More than 80 secondary school students curious about engineering and eager to explore the world of STEM participated in the DCU Engineering Summer Camps this year.

The Engineering Summer Camps, generously supported by the School of Electronic Engineering at DCU in collaboration with the Higher Education Authority, were offered free of charge for first to third year students from schools around Dublin.

The camps took place over three weeks and had a clear goal in mind - to introduce students to the world of engineering in an engaging and encouraging way.

The camp was hosted by Phil Smyth of Simply Science, an organisation that focuses on the area of STEM related engagement for people of all ages. Students engaged in a variety of activities led by Phil Smyth and a team of current undergraduate engineering students, including the Egg Drop Challenge. During this activity, each team was tasked with constructing a resilient fort capable of safeguarding an egg from harm as it falls from a height. 

Upon building their knowledge and understanding of engineering throughout the week, the students were organised into teams and were assigned with brainstorming innovative technologies that could be used to help humans in the future. One group proposed a solution to address the issue of water conservation in agriculture. They envisioned a microbit device that would accurately measure and provide farmers with the precise amount of water required to hydrate their soil. 

Throughout each week, our camp participants explored the Stokes Building and the DCU Glasnevin Camps on tours with the university’s student ambassadors. Each week concluded with a wonderful prize-giving ceremony and some delicious pizza at lunch.