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DCU Institute of Ethics

Visiting Scholars

Anna Alichniewicz


Prof Anna Alichniewicz

Dr. Anna Alichniewicz is assistant professor and acting head of  the Department of  Bioethics, Chair of Humanities at the Medical University of Lodz, Poland  and  co-head of  Lodz Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine,  the Medical University of Lodz, Poland  and  from the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Lodz, Poland.

Anna received her Ph.D. in philosophy from University of Lodz. Anna specializes in bioethics and phenomenology. The topics of her special interests are  phenomenology of embodiment, philosophical thanatology and bioethics of end-of-life. Currently Anna is working on her post-doctorate degree in philosophy of embodiment. She worked as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Ethics from October 2 until October 31, 2017.


Vilius Dranseika


Dr Vilius Dranseika

Dr. Vilius Dranseika is lecturer and researcher at the Department of Logic and History of Philosophy and researcher at the Centre of Oriental Studies at Vilnius University, Lithuania. He also lectures at the Advanced Certificate Program in Research Ethics at Vilnius University – Union Graduate College. Furthermore, he works as a researcher at the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Dr.  Dranseika worked as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Ethics from July 1 until July 5, 2015.

Emilio García Sánchez


Prof Emilio García Sánchez 

Professor Emilio García Sánchez, biologist, holds a Postgraduate Masters in Bioethics from the University of Navarra, Spain (2010). The topic of his thesis is The return of virtue bioethics to the crisis of nature. Currently, Prof. Sánchez teaches Bioethics at the Faculties of Medicine and Nursing at CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Valencia, Spain).

Emilio is Principal Investigator of the Bioethics Research Group at the university. His line of research is the ethical and sociological analysis of human vulnerability in today's culture: health and bioethical implications. Emilio has published two articles on the recognition of the nature and dignity in the terminally ill (his latest article, The rescue of the human in the patient who dies, is published in the Journal of Bioethics, 2012). Emilio is editor of nº 77, Vol. XXIII, of the Journal of Bioethics, titled Eugenics in Today's Society (May 2012). Currently he is investigating bioethical issues raised within the field of aesthetic medicine and has already published an article on this subject (The tyranny of perfection. Bioethical Implications (July 2013, Ed. Comares)). Emilio worked as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Ethics from July 17 until September 18, 2014.


Marco Tuono


Dr Marco Tuono

Dr. Marco Tuono completed a MA in philosophy at the University of Venice (Italy). He has published various papers regarding bioethics and applied ethics: brain death, vegetative state and privacy. His initial interests in philosophy were addressed to the mind-body relationship. Currently he is working on a PhD in philosophy. His studies are focused on the link between multiculturalism and mental disorders, considering the range of explanations given by non-Western cultures to epilepsy and schizophrenia. Marco Tuono worked as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Ethics at Dublin City University from October 17, 2011 until January 18, 2012.