Membership | Governing Authority


Ms Brid Horan
View Biography

Chief Officer:

Professor Daire Keogh
University President
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Professors / Full Professors:

Professor Yvonne Daly
School of Law & Government
View Biography

Professor James O'Higgins Norman
National Anti Bullying Research & Resource Centre
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Other Academic Staff:

Dr. Audrey Bryan
School of Human Development
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Non- Academic Staff:

Mr. Justin Doyle
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Ms. Michele Pringle
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Student Nominees:

Mr. Karl Ormsby
President, Students Union
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Ms. Aoife Butler
Vice President for Academic Life
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Employers, Trade Union, Etc:

Mr. David Harney
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Mr. John Darby
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Ministerial Nominees:

Ms. Carol Hanney
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Mr. Cathal Marley
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Ms. Marie Sinnott
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DCU Graduates:

Ms. Marian Corcoran
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Mr. Brian J. Smyth
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Post Graduate Student Nominee

Mr. Anubhav Anand
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Nominee of DCU Educational Trust

Ms. Fiona Naughton
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Mr Seamus Walsh

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