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#ChooseToChallenge ... Your Creativity: Get Creative Workshop

To celebrate International Women's Day

Get creative with your colleagues in this highly-engaging and fun online workshop.  

Date: Thursday, 11th March 2021

Time: 11:00am - 11:45am

Location: Online via Zoom

All innovation starts with an idea and every idea begins with creativity. 

Creativity has never been in higher demand. Its value is trumpeted everywhere from Davos to DCU. 

But, creativity is fun: it's stimulating; it's high adrenaline.

To find out more and to hear how to boost your creativity, join us for this virtual guided tour of the components of creativity.  You'll get to do a little creative writing, some fun visualisation exercises and some rapid-fire brainstorming - all shoehorned neatly into 45 minutes.

It's time to challenge your creativity in the company of DCU's Peter Robbins who has worked with many organisations to boost their creativity and innovation.

Workshop Fee: Nil.


Peter Robbins

DCU's Peter Robbins


Peter Robbins is one of Ireland’s foremost experts in innovation and new product and service development. He was global head of innovation excellence for GlaxoSmithKline where he led many of the worldwide, new product launches for Lucozade, Aquafresh, Sensodyne, Panadol, Ribena, alli and NiQuitin. Peter’s PhD is in Innovation. His area of research is how firms organise for innovation. He is a former head of the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University. He is a member of the Government’s National Design Forum and has developed and run courses and workshops in innovation for organisations in the public and private sector. He is on a number of innovation advisory boards in business and the third sector. Peter has trained in the renowned Stanford D School, he is a graduate of London’s What-if creativity programme.  He has published in R&D Management, the Irish Journal of Management: International Journal of Innovation Management; London Strategy Review and regularly speaks at international conferences on the subject of managing creativity and innovation.