CORE Talent

Core Talent is the online system that drives the implementation of the PRD Scheme in DCU.

For enquiries regarding Core Talent, please contact

The CORE Talent module is available on the dashboard of your CORE Portal. This is the same system that is used within the University for pay and attendance/ leave requests. 

When the annual PRD process commences, Deans/Heads are asked to assign Reviewers to Reviewees.    Upon receipt of this information, Reviewees are matched to their assigned Reviewer on CoreTalent by the Human Resources department.  This is key in ensuring that the PRD documentation flows correctly between the agreed Reviewers and Reviewees.

Once completed, Core Talent is activated and the PRD documentation is deployed to all staff.

The Reviewee can then commence the process of completing and submitting Stage 1 – the self-assessment stage to the Reviewer. 

Please note that all staff receive PRD documentation appropriate to their role within the University eg. Academic, Research or Professional/Support /Technical Staff.