Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design

Universal Design within your ways working relates to the way in which you design and deliver your outputs. This could be the way you organise a meeting, or the way you develop a document or even, the way you send an email.  

Adopting inclusive way of working means your outputs can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their ability or disability, gender, age, race, family status or any other protected characteristic. 

By considering the diverse needs and abilities of all staff, students and stakeholders in the design and delivery of your work, you will create outputs that meet peoples' needs in way that is effective and efficient. 

The 7 Principles of Universal Design
  1. Equitable Use

  2. Flexibility in Use

  3. Simple and Intuitive Use

  4. Perceptible Information

  5. Tolerance for Error

  6. Low Physical Effort

  7. Size and Space for Approach and Use

Universal Design for Learning

The DCU Teaching Enhancement Unit (TEU) provide a comprehensive overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Visit the TEU webpages to find out more about UDL at DCU.