EXPLORE - Leading and Managing in DCU - Module 3: Managing people, development, growth and engagement

Woman in wheelchair talking to another woman

MODULE 3: Managing people, development, growth and engagement

After completing this module, you will be able to: 


  • Recognise key best practices for successfully managing people
  • Apply proven methods to help motivate staff and build trust
  • Apply techniques to effectively manage conflict
  • Advance your communication and influencing skills


Please complete the following ahead of the session:

Time to completion: 27 mins
  • Prepare and outline a challenge (10 mins): Think of a trying challenge you've experienced when managing others - for example, giving feedback, managing conflict, dealing with decreased performance etc. Take a few minutes to think about it and briefly document the steps you took, the difficulties you experienced and whether or not you reached a satisfactory resolution. We'll unpack specific challenges in the workshop, so please come prepared!  
  • Watch (4 mins) What is staff development in Universities?
  • Take a quiz (5 mins) Ever wonder how focused you are on developing your team? Get an insight with this Mindtools Quiz: How Well Do You Develop Your People?
  • Read (8 mins) When people feel trusted, they tend to offer trust in return. Want Your Employees to Trust You? Show You Trust Them


In your own time, learn more about development, motivation and growth: