Research Outputs
NODE colleagues are active in a wide range of research and development projects in digital, blended and online learning. Every year produce an impressive number of publications and scholarly outputs.
2023 Outputs
al Haj Ali, M., Lowney, R., & Brown, M. (2023). Harnessing the potential of learning analytics: Yes of course we can! Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 20th June.
Beirne, E., & Brown, M. (2023). Student readiness for digital education. Invited presentation at Digi-TEL Pro Accelerator Event, Barcelona, 26th January.
Beirne, E., Brown, M., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2023). Understanding student readiness for online learning: Lessons from a systematic literature review. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 20th June.
Beirne, E., Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2023). Clicking with confidence: Influence of a student co-designed MOOC on students’ emotions and online learning self-efficacy. Online Learning, 27(2), 3-26.
Beirne, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2023). A crowdsourced guide to online learning: Advice from learners for learners. DigiTel Pro, EADTU.
Beskorsa, O., Mendel, I., Fasching, M., Otrel-Cass, K., Costello, E., Lyngdorf, N.E.R., & Brown, M. (2023). Hacking Innovative Pedagogy: Innovation and Digitisation to Rewild Higher Education. A Commented Atlas. University of Graz.
Bozkurt, A., Gjelsvik, T., Adam, T., Asino, T. I., Atenas, J., Bali, M., Blomgren, C., Bond, M., Bonk, C. J., Brown, M., Burgos, D., Conrad, D., Costello, E., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., Deepwell, M., Deimann, M., DeWaard, H. J., Dousay, T. A., Ebner, M., Farrow, R., Gil-Jaurena, I., Havemann, L., Inamorato, A., Irvine, V., Karunanayaka, S. P., Kerres, M., Lambert, S., Lee, K., Makoe, M., Marín, V. I., Mikroyannidis, A., Mishra, S., Naidu, S., Nascimbeni, F., Nichols, M., Olcott, D., Jr., Ossiannilsson, E., Otto, D., Rodriguez, B. C. P., Paskevicius, M., Roberts, V., Saleem, T., Schuwer, R., Sharma, R. C., Stewart, B., Stracke, C. M., Tait, A., Tlili, A., Ubachs, G., Weidlich, J., Weller, M., Xiao, J., & Zawacki- Richter, O. (2023). Openness in education as a praxis: From individual testimonials to collective voices. Open Praxis, 15 (2), pp. 1–37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55982/openpraxis.X.X.574
Bozkurt, A., Xiao, J., Lambert, S., Pazurek, A., Crompton, H., Koseoglu, S., Farrow, R., Bond, M., Nerantzi, C., Honeychurch, S., Bali, M., Dron, J., Mir, K., Stewart, B., Costello, E., Mason, J., Stracke, C. M., Romero-Hall, E., Koutropoulos, A., Toquero, C. M., Singh, L Tlili, A., Lee, K., Nichols, M., Ossiannilsson, E., Brown, M., Irvine, V., Raffaghelli, J. E., Santos-Hermosa, G Farrell, O., Adam, T., Thong, Y. L., Sani-Bozkurt, S., Sharma, R. C., Hrastinski, S., & Jandrić, P. (2023). Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): A collective reflection from the educational landscape. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), 53-130. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7636568
Brown, M. (2023). The duality of micro-credentials: A Pushmi-Pullyu perspective. Invited keynote at Innovating Higher Education, IHE 2023, EADTU Conference, Istanbul, 4th October.
Brown, M. (2023). Untubing AI in assessment: A primer for future's sake. An invited presentation for the International Educational Assessment Network, 26th September. [Video].
Brown, M. (2023). Decoding micro-credentials: Learning unbundled or bundles of trouble. Keynote presentation at HELMeTO 2023, Foggia, Italy, 14th September.
Brown, M. (2023). Uncaging digital education: A talk on the wild side. Invited keynote address at EdMedia + Innovate, Vienna, 14th July.
Brown, M. (2023). International standards, practices and supports for the quality assurance of micro-credentials. Presentation at EADTU webinar series on Micro-credentials and AI, 5th July.
Brown, M. (2023). A digitally enabled ecosystem of micro-credentials: A complex ecosystem with many diverse habits. Invited presentation at Microcredentials a Labour Market Megatrend, Cedefop virtual event, 23rd June.
Brown, M. (2023). Opening a new page on Foo Foo the Snoo: Remixing the digital education playlist. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 20th June.
Brown, M. (2023). The magic of micro-credentials: Learning unbundled or bundles of trouble? Invited presentation at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 9th June.
Brown, M. (2023). The dark, dirty and dangerous side of the digital coalface: Effectively educating educators about cybersecurity. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 2nd June.
Brown, M. (2023). The magic of micro-credentials: Digital transformation or bundles of trouble? Invited keynote at Unlocking Professional Potential with Micro-credentials, Kaunas University of Technology, 26th May.
Brown, M. (2023). Quality assurance of digital teaching and learning: The challenge of mastering a difficult dance. Invited keynote at Digiõppe Kvaliteedi, korraldab Eesti Hariduse Kvaliteediagentuur (HAKA), Estonia, 19th May.
Brown, M. (2023). Rewilding digital education: Innovation for our future’s sake. Invited keynote presentation at International Innovative Teaching Conference, People, Environments, Teaching: Towards an Integrated Model for Innovation, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 18th May.
Brown, M. (2023). Micro-credentials and the leadership imperative: What can we learn from the Irish and broader European context? Invited presentation at National Micro-credential Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 24th March.
Brown, M. (2023). The leadership imperative: Developing a successful micro-credentials implementation strategy. Invited presentation at Micro-credentials Masterclass, International Micro-credentials Summit, Castelldefels, Barcelona, 23rd March
Brown, M. (2023). Rewilding digital education: Untethering teachers for future’s sake. Invited keynote presentation at SITE Conference, New Orleans, 16th March.
Brown, M. (2023). Developing readiness for digitalisation: What counts and what should count? [online] Invited presentation for Knowledge Building Activity, European Digital Education Hub, 27th February.
Brown, M. (2023). Learning for positive ageing in the digital society: The challenge of a lost generation. Paper at Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference, Lillehammer, 17th February 2023.
Brown, M. (2023). Closing the page on Foo-Foo the Snoo" What's next for the digital education playlist? Presentation at EdTech Winter Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 27th January. [video]
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Girme, P. (2023). Developing National QA for digital education: Insights from the Irish experience. Full paper at Innovating Higher Education, IHE 2023, EADTU Conference, Istanbul, 6th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Girme, P. (2023). Quality is like a box of chocolates: Developing national QA guidelines for digital education. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Girme, P. (2023). Quality is like a box of chocolates: Developing National quality assurance guidelines for digital education. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 1st June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Girme, P. (2023). The quality challenge of digital higher education: How are institutions and national QA agencies responding? Presentation at EdTech Winter Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 27th January. [video]
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). The quality assurance of micro-credentials: A global scoping review of current practice. Full paper at Innovating Higher Education, IHE 2023, EADTU Conference, Istanbul, 5th October.
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). Quality assurance of micro-credentials: An international review of current practice. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). Micro-credentials and quality assurance: An international review of current practice. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 1st June.
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). International standards, practices and supports for the quality assurance of micro-credentials: Final report. OECD, Paris.
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). Emergence of online alternative credentials in higher education and quality assurance. Invited presentation at Ensuring Quality Digital Higher Education in Hungary: The Path to Modernisation, Győr, Hungary, 29 March.
Brown, M., & Duart, J. (2023). International standards, practices and supports for the quality assurance of micro-credentials: preliminary findings. Invited presentation at OECD International Peer Learning Day on Micro-credential Policy Implementation, 2nd March.
Brown, M, McGreal, R., & Peters, M. (2023). A strategic institutional response to micro-credentials: Key questions for educational leaders. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2023(1): 7, pp. 1–17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/jime.
Brown, M. Ossiannilsson, E., & Peters, M. (2023). Leadership for micro-credentials: What should educational leaders be doing in response to the micro-credentialing movement? Workshop at Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference, Lillehammer, 17th February 2023.
Brown, M., & Peters, M. (2023). Talking about micro-credentials: A conversation about learning, leading and institutional transformation. Action Lab at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 20th June.
Costello, E. Brown, M., & Farrell, O. (2023). Yes, we can but should we? Disentangling the hype, hyperbole and hysteria in the face of Artificial Intelligence. Action Lab at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Costello, E. Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Cooney, R. (2023). Who are you (and what do you do)? Being and doing in learning design. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Farrell, O, Brown, M., & Brunton, J. (2023). Addressing the challenge of creating a sustainable Open Educational Resources ecosystem. Paper at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Belfast. 1st April.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Brown, M. (2023). Open educational resources are not free. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 1st June.
Farrell, O., Costello, E., Brunton, J., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Cooney, R. (2023). What is it like being a learning designer? Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 1st June.
Farrell, O., Farrow, R., Granly, J., Ehlers, U., Brown, M., & Brunton, J. (2023). Open education in Europe: A panel discussion. Action Lab at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2023). Between the rocks and hard places: Exploring the experiences of Educational Technology Leaders. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2023). Leading educational technology change: It’s like “driving with the handbrake on”. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, 1st June.
Girme, P., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2023). Building better sanctuaries: A case study of the Universities of Sanctuary initiative in Dublin City University. Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Gormley, C. Lowney, R., Stone, S., & Brown, M. (2023). Shaping the future of higher education: What is the role of the centre for academic development? Paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Dublin, 19th June.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. Oliver, B., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Brown, M. (2023). A snapshot in time: The next new normal and micro-credentials. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20 (44), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-023-00409-2
2022 Outputs
al Haj Ali, M., Glynn, M., Lowney, R., & Chromec, J. (2022). Configurable Reports plugin capabilities. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Altuna, J., Andone, D., & Brown, M. (2022). Strategy and organisational culture: Thematic peer group workshop. European Learning and Teaching Forum, Onsite, Online, Onpoint? European Universities Association (EUA), 17th February.
Beatty, C., Brunton, J., & Pallaro, S. M. (2022). Assessing accessibility and inclusion practices in online undergraduate programmes. Oral Presentation at ILTA EdTech Winter Conference [online], 13th January.
Beatty, C., Brunton, J., & Pallaro, S. M. (2022). Implementing best accessible and inclusive teaching practices: Lessons learned from feedback on online undergraduate modules. Oral Presentation at MoodleMunch webinar [online], 1st March.
Beirne, E., & Brown, M. (2022). Student readiness for online learning. Presentation at DigiTel Pro accelerator event, Delft, The Netherlands, 6th October.
Beirne, E., Brown, M., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2022). Learning how to learn online: A systematic review of student readiness. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 26th June.
Beirne, E., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2022). Student readiness for digital learning: A systematic review of the COVID-19 research. Paper at Digital Education: From Sideshow to Centre Stage, ILTA EdTech Winter Conference, 13th January.
Beirne, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2022). Student readiness for online learning: A systematic literature review. Report published for DigiTel Pro, European Assoication for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Beirne, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2022). Student Readiness for Online Learning: A Systematic Literature Review During the COVID-19 Crisis. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Brown, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2022). Clicking on with Confidence: The Influence of a MOOC on Students’ Emotions and Online Learning Self-Efficacy. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Brown, M. (2022). Leading in changing times: Building a transformative culture. In O. Zawacki-Richter, I. Jung (eds.), Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0351-9_28
Brown, M. (2022). Digital Learning Ecology: Possible | Probable | Preferred | Futures. Presentation as part of DCU / Tampere University benchmarking meeting, 2nd December, 2022.
Brown, M. (2022). Unboxing digital transformation: Reshaping Education for Better Futures. Invited keynote presentation at The Third International Conference Innovative Education in an Era of Change, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 29th November 2022.
Brown, M. (2022). Developing a strategic institutional response: What type of strategy, leadership and internal structures are required to develop and execute a micro-credential strategy? Invited keynote presentation at MicroCredX, Graz, Austria, 4th November.
Brown, M. (2022). Exploring digital transformation: An overview of future trends. Invited presentation at QQI 10th Year Anniversary Conference, Dublin, 18th October.
Brown, M. (2022). Session 4 – National standards guidelines and associated indicators for the quality assurance of digital higher education in Hungary. Presentation at National Roundtable on Policy Options for Hungary to Assure the Quality of Digital Higher Education. Budapest, 4th October.
Brown, M. (2022). The next big thing: Is this the year of the micro-credential? Invited keynote presentation at the 5th International Conference on Open and Distance Education, Eskişehir, Turkey, 28th September.
Brown, M. (2022). Blended learning in teacher professional development contexts: Supporting transformative practice. Invited presentation for Professional Development Advisory Board, European School Education Platform, 28th June.
Brown, M. (2022). Global dialogue on micro-credentials: A conversation with many threads. Keynote presentation at Global Dialogue on Micro-Credentials Initiatives and Perspectives on Small Learning Units from around the World, DAAD, 23rd June.
Brown, M. (2022). The quest for quality in digital higher education: A critical analysis of QA frameworks. Full paper at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 20th June.
Brown, M. (2022). How are quality assurance agencies evaluating and supporting the quality of digital higher education? Opening presentation at International Quality Assurance Standards, Practices and Supports for Digital Higher Education, Online Conference, OECD, 14th June.
Brown, M. (2022). How to support higher education institutions to deliver high quality digital education? Invited presentation at International Quality Assurance Standards, Practices and Supports for Digital Higher Education, Online Conference, OECD, 14th June.
Brown, M. (2022). Let's talk quality in digital education: Creating a culture of continuous improvement. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 27th June.
Brown, M. (2022). Beyond counting sheep: The (re)spinning of the micro-credential. Invited keynote at Micro-credential Symposium. Australian Technology Network, 28th April.
Brown, M. (2022). Foo-Foo the Snoo returns: In praise of slow reading with open scholarship. Paper at OER22, London 26th April.
Brown, M. (2022). The spinning of the micro-credential: A wolf in sheep's clothing? Invited presentation at Africa Council Qualifications Framework Training Week, 21st April.
Brown, M. (2022). Getting a BOLD edge: Student readiness for learning in a digital world. Invited presentation at the University of Delft, 13th April.
Brown, M. (2022). Making micro-credentials: Are we mixing oil and water? Invited keynote address for Micro-credential Forum: The Practitioner's Toolbox. eCampusOntario, 11th March.
Brown, M. (2022). A manifesto for micro-credentials: Fairy-dust or star-dust? Invited presentation for Evidence Session - The Role of Micro-credentials in a Future Skills System. UK Lifelong Education Commission, 1st March.
Brown, M. (2022). The unfinished micro-credential canvas: Are we mixing oil and water? Presentation at FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN), 17th February.
Brown, M. (2022). Transforming higher education: From COVID fixers to future makers. Invited presentation [online] at SFDN forum, Switzerland, 17th February.
Brown, M. (2022). The growth of micro-credentials: Some introductory questions. Invited keynote presentation for International Conference eLearning for Human Capability Development, Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia, 27th January.
Brown, M. (2022). Overview of micro-credential implementation: Running to catch a moving train. Invited keynote presentation [online] for MicroCredX, 19th January.
Brown, M., Altuna, J., Androne, D., & Peterbaurer, H. (2022). Promoting a culture of learning innovation: Why a good strategy isn't enough. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 26th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022). Five major trends shaping online learning: A multifocal view of possible futures (trans. by Junhong Xiao). Distance Education in China, 6, 21-35. DOI:10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.2022.06.003
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022). Digital education as social practice: Major trends shaping online learning futures. Rivista di Digital Politics, 3, pp. 455-484, doi: 10.53227/103800
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022). A helicopter view of possible futures: An analysis of major trends in online learning. Paper at Digital Education: From Sideshow to Centre Stage, ILTA EdTech Winter Conference, 13th January.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Girme, P. (2022). Listening session for revised QQI Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for Providers of Blended and Online Learning Programmes, 20th & 21st October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2022). A return of Foo-Foo the Snoo: Top reads from 2021. Paper at Digital Education: From Sideshow to Centre Stage, ILTA EdTech Winter Conference, 13th January.
Brown, M., & Farrell, O. (2022). The next normal of online education: Developing a fit-for-purpose institutional model. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Brown, M., & Farrell, O. (2022). A new era for online education: The challenge of finding the right model. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 26th June.
Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2022). Unboxing micro-credentials: An inside, upside and downside view. (Descifrando las microcredenciales: en qué consisten, ventajas e inconveniences). Culture and Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/11356405.2022.2102293
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2022). Where next for micro-credentials? Building on the literature. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 27th June.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2022). Reviewing the micro-credential literature: More than just another passing fad? (trans. by Junhong Xiao). Distance Education in China, 5,41-55. DOI:10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.
Brunton, J., Beatty, C., & Pallaro, S. M. (2022). Changing mindsets: Considerations for improving accessibility and inclusion in online learning design and practice. Invited presentation at BUKA project meeting [online], 31st May.
Brunton, J., Beatty, C., & Pallaro, S. M. (2022). Working towards more accessible and inclusive teaching and learning practices for online, higher education students. Synergy Session at EDEN2022 Conference, Estonia, 21st June.
Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2022). Will artificial intelligence be able to write my college essay? RTE Brainstorm, 27th September. https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2022/0927/1325695-students-ai-algorithm-e…
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Farrell, O., & Girme, P. (2022). Hackathons and the challenges of rewilding our pedagogical thinking. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Girme, P., Donlon, E., & Farrell, O. (2022). Unpacking the hack: Educational hackathons as emergent pedagogy. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 27th June.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Butler, D., Girme, P., Kaya, S., Kirwan, C., ... & Paterson, L. (2022, April). Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM: From theory to practice in a large scale research project. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference (pp. 909-916). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/
Costello, E., Walsh, S., Girme, P., Concannon, F., Farrelley, T., & Thompson, C. (2022). Who cares about learning design? Near future superheroes and villains of an educational ethics of care: Learning, Media and Technology, https://www.
Delaney, L., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2022). Exploring Perceptions and Use of Third-Party Online Learning Support Services for Online University Students. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 21st October.
Donaldson, L. (Ed.). (2022). Exploring the diversity of Eportfolio practice: An international sharing of practice, activities, & assessment. NIDL. Dublin.
Farrell, O., Brown, M., & Brunton, J. (2022). How do we create a European open education ecosystem? Paper at Digital Education: From Sideshow to Centre Stage, ILTA EdTech Winter Conference [online], 13th January.
Farrell, O., Brown, M., Brunton, J., & O'Regan, M. (2022). Creating a sustainable OER business model: Free+ open? Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Farrell, O., O’Regan, M., Whyte, A., Aceto, S., Brown, M., & Brunton, J. (2022). Strategic support for OER value proposition. Encore+ Policy and Strategy Report (1). Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6720310
Flynn, S., Lowney, R., Molloy, K., Munro, M. & O'Reilly, M. (2022). Getting Started with Personal and Professional Digital Capacity: An open course. Irish Learning Technology Association Winter Conference. Online.
Flynn, S., Lowney, R., Molloy, K. & Stone, S. (2022). An Open Approach to developing Educators’ Digital Capacity: Lessons learned from the cross-institutional development and delivery of an Open Course. OER22. Online.
Flynn, S., O'Callaghan, C., Molloy, K., Munro, M., Boldt, A., Moloney, D., O'Reilly, M., Scrochi, C., Bustillo, M., O'Connor, M., Stone, S., Lowney, R. & Johnston, J. (2022). Getting Started with Personal & Professional Digital Capacity: Reviewing the First National Rollout. ILTA EdTech Conference. Cork.
Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2022). Central or peripheral? Experiences of leading educational technology from the "middle" in Irish higher education. Presentation at EdTech annual conference, Irish Learning Technology Association, Cork, 27th June.
Girme, P. (2022). Bridging the 10% gap: The need for blended learning approaches for refugees, migrants, and international protection applicants (pp. 31-33). 6th Edition of the EADTU Envisioning Report. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Maastricht.
Gormley, C. & Lowney, R. (2022). It sometimes takes two: Making coteaching work in practice. Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Online.
Gormley, C., & Lowney, R. (2022). Walking the Talk: Two newbies’ experiences of co-teaching. Institute of Education Teaching and Learning Day. Dublin City University.
Gormley, C., Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2022). Adaptable ABC: Learning Design for All. In T. Jaffer, S. Govender & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.), Learning Design Voices. Advance preprint. https://doi.org/10.25375/uct.
Gormley, C & O'Riordan, F. (2022). Organised Chaos: Early reflection on facilitating a hackathon for academic staff. IOE Teaching and Learning Day, May.
Kirwan, C., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022). ADAPTTER: Developing a Framework for Teaching Computational Thinking in Second-Level Schools by Design Research. TechTrends, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/
Lowney, R. (2022). From profiling and practising to progressing student partnership in assessment. National Student Engagement Network, Maynooth.
Lowney, R. (2022). Students as Partners in Assessment (SaPiA) Case Study. National Student Engagement Programme.
Lowney, R. (2022). Practising student partnership in assessment. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) 10th Anniversary Conference, Dublin.
Lowney, R. (2022). Wouldn’t change a thing: using educational change theory to critically reflect on digital learning innovation adoption. Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Annual Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Lowney, R. (2022). Come MoodleMunch with us. Irish Learning Technology Association Winter Conference. Online
Lowney, R. (2022). Students as partners in assessment: the experiences of an Irish university. University of Hull Teaching and Learning Conference. Online.
Lowney, R. (2022). Learning analytics for critical data literacy: A case study from an Irish university of sharing students’ own learning analytics data with them to foster critical data literacy. European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN) PhD Symposium. Online.
Lowney, R. (2022). Supporting educators’ digital competence development through a community initiative. MoodleMoot Croatia. Online.
Lowney, R. (2022). Partnership practices in assessment. Change Agents Network (CAN) Conference. Online.
Lowney, R. (2022). Staff and student experiences of Moodle Board in supporting collaborative learning. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Lowney, R. (2022) Tidy Moodle, Tidy Mind - cleaning, categorising and creating conventions for courses. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Lowney, R., Bali, M., O'Reilly, D., Smeaton, A., & Mahon, C. (2022). Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches to Support Wellbeing. National Forum Seminar Series. Online.
Lowney, R., Campau, S., & Glynn, M. (2022). Gamification to promote engagement among new students. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Lowney, R., O'Riordan, F. & Campau, S. (2022). Students’ views on academic integrity. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) 10th Anniversary Conference, Dublin.
Lowney, R., O'Riordan, F & Campau, S. (2022) Students’ views on academic integrity: exploring their declarations across three years of academic integrity weeks. #IUADigEd Webinar Series. Online.
Lowney, R., Ní Bheoláin, R., O'Riordan, F. (2022). Supporting Student Partnership in Assessment with Technology. ALT CPD Webinar, April.
Lowney, R., & O'Keeffe, N. (2022). Supporting academic integrity through Moodle, Mahara and Ouriginal. Catalyst EUSer Community Conference, Online.
Lowney R., O'Riordan, F., & Campau, S. (2022). Students’ views on academic integrity: exploring their declarations across three years of academic integrity weeks. European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism. Online.
Lowney, R., Stone, S., Scanlon, L.A., Smyth, S. & Mooney, S. (2022). Digi-Skills. ie: a student-curated hub for digital skills development. Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Annual Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2022). Crowd-sourcing an OER of digital assessment exemplars. OER22. Online.
Lowney, R., & Stover, A. (2022). Leveraging Moodle to support student transitions to university. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Lowney, R., Uí Laighléis, G., Mac Ristearid, S., Ní Mhuircheartaigh, É. (2022). Supporting asynchronous video assessment with Unicam. Irish Learning Technology Association Winter Conference. Online.
McGreal, R., Brown, M., Olcott, D., & Read, T. (2022). A Question of Leadership: Strategic Positioning of University Micro-Credentials. Workshop at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
Ni She, C., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Costello, E. (2022). Integrating Design Thinking into Instructional Design: The #OpenTeach Case Study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(1), 33-52. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6667
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Mac Lochlainn, C., Beirne, E., & Brown, M. (2022). “What have micro-credentials done for me lately?” Reorienting discourses and action for social value. Presentation at the Innovation in Higher Education Conference, EADTU, Athens, 20th October.
O'Riordan, F. (2022). A Fireside Chat on Interactive Oral Assessments: using evidence-based practice to inform innovative, equitable and engaging learning and assessment design. Echo360 Global Community Conference 2022, June.
O'Riordan, F. & Lake, G. (2022). An Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign across a University. International AHE Conference 2022, June.
O'Riordan, F., Logan-Flemming, D., & Ward, M. (2022). Interactive Oral Assessment: A viable future-focused assessment approach. UNESCO World Higher Education Conference, Fireside Chat Video Contribution, May.
O'Riordan, F. & Lowney, R. (2022). Promoting Academic Integrity: A University Initiative. International AHE Conference 2022, June.
O'Riordan, F., O Bróin, D., & Ward, M. (2022). CBL@DCU. ECIU COLLab Conference, February.
Staring, F., Brown, M., Bacsich, P., & Ifenthaler, D. (2022). Digital higher education: Emerging quality standards, practices and supports, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 281, OECD Publishing, Paris,https://doi.org/10.1787/f622f257-en.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2022). Student Perspectives on Digital Skills: Emergent findings from a research study of digital skills conducted at DCU as part of the Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning Project 2020-2022. Dublin City University. https://doi.org/10.5281/
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2022). The future is digital: A post pandemic vision of assessment. Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Annual Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2022). Learning ecology theory as a tool to support student digital competences in higher education. 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22). Valencia, Spain.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2022). Reflecting on a learning ecology approach to consider contexts in which students can develop digital competences for the workplace. 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22). Valencia, Spain.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2022). UDL, Moodle and Me. MoodleMoot Ireland and UK. Online.
Stone, S., Scanlon, L.A. & Lowney, R. (2022). Developing digital competences: views from the workplace. Irish Learning Technology Association Winter Conference. Online.
Stover, A. & Lowney, R. (2022). Reimagining the student welcome experience - My DCU. Times Higher Education (THE) Campus Live. London, United Kingdom.
Stover, A., Menendez Tarrazo, A. & Lowney, R. (2022). ‘Welcome events make the transition to hybrid’. Campus. Times Higher Education.
Ward, M., Senchea, M., & Gormley, C. (2022). Teaching, Learning & Assessment within a School of Computing: Did student partnership have an impact? AISHE-J Special Issue Student Engagement and Partnership in Irish Higher Education, 14(1).
2021 Outputs
Barahona, M., Brown, M., Barrientos Amador, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2021). Developing an international framework of micro-credentials for Costa Rica and Central America based on the European approach. Paper at I-HE2021, Innovating Higher Education Conference – EADTU, Bari, Italy, 5th November.
Beirne, E., Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2021). Collaborative MOOC design: Insights and lessons learned. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 15th January.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Brown, M. (2021). "I feel like a guinea pig": Emotional responses to the online pivot.Paper presented at the Annual EDEN Conference, 23rd June.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Brown, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). Confidence counts: Fostering online learning self-efficacy with a MOOC. Proceedings of eMOOC and Learning@Scale conference, 22-24 June.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Brown, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C (2021). Micro-credential musings: Perceptions of industry in Ireland. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 14th January.
Bideau, Y-M., Brown, M., & den Hertog, P. (2021). Micro-credentials for just-in-time skills: The European approach. Paper [online] at European Association for International Education (EAIE) conference, 30th September.
Brown, M. (2021). What are the main trends in online learning? A helicopter view of possible futures. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 16 (2), 118-143
Brown, M. (2021). The global 'market' and micro-credentials: Untangling a twisted story. Invited presentation at Conference on Micro-credentials for Labour Market Education and Training, CEDEFOP, 26th November 2021.
Brown, M. (2021). Let's create future makers instead of future takers. Invited presentation and contribution to a panel discussion at Making connections or digitally divided? Disadvantage in the digital world [video]. Department of Children, Equity, Disability, Integration and Youth. 22nd November 2021.
Brown, M. (2021). Trends and best practices in pedagogical technology-enhanced innovation in higher education. Invited keynote presentation for DOBA Business School, Slovenia, 18th November.
Brown, M. (2021). Looking at the literature: Micro-credentials under the microscope. Presentation as part of EADTU Webinar Series, Implementing Microcredentials in Continuing Education, 16th November.
Brown, M. (2021). Learning with a digital edge: Hacking real educational problems.Invited main stage presentation at DigiEduHack, 10th November.
Brown, M. (2021). Current and future trends in education: Non-traditional learners.Invited keynote presentation at The Future of Learning, EIT Community, 5th November.
Brown, M. (2021). Like running to catch a moving train: Positive ageing in a digital society. Presentation at Engaging Ageing 21: The Future of Ageing and the Silver Economy Conference, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Brown, M. (2021). Micro-credentials - Policy to practice: With a few grains of research. Invited keynote presentation at Micro-credentials: Livslang læring og fleksible uddannelsesveje, VIA University College, Banegårsgade 2, Horsens. Denmark, 11th October.
Brown, M. (2021). The challenge of digital equity: An age-inclusive approach. Invited presentation as part of Positive Ageing Week and the UN International Day of the Older Persons, 1st October.
Brown, M. (2021). Higher education 4.0: Rebuilding with digital at heart. J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, 1st October.
Brown, M. (2021). Post-pandemic transformation of HEIs: From digital in part to digital at heart. Invited keynote presentation at presentation for Lehren und Arbeiten an Hochschulen nach Corona: Das neue Normale: Was bleibt? Was ändert sich? Switzerland, 28th September.
Brown, M. (2021). This thing called blended learning: Bliss or blight? Invited [online] keynote presentation at Let's Get Phygital, City of Glasgow College, 14th September.
Brown, M. (2021). MOOCs and micro-credentials: Exploring data deserts. Invited keynote [online] at FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN), Monash University, 24th August.
Brown, M. (2021). Untangling the micro: Is small beautiful? Keynote presentation [online] at STARS conference, Australia, 7th July.
Brown, M. (2021). Foreword: Teaching beyond the shadows. In O. Farrell, J. Brunton, C. Ní Shé, & E. Costello, (Eds.). #Openteach: Professional development for open online educators. Dublin: #Openteach Project. 10.5281/zenodo.4599620.
Brown, M. (2021). Closing ceremony: Some reflections on EDEN 2021. Invited presentation [online] as Rapporteur at EDEN Annual Conference, Madrid, 24th June.
Brown, M. (2021). Get smart: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Invited presentation at eMOOC and Learning@Scale conference, 23rd June.
Brown, M. (2021). Together we are stronger: Shaping the future through digitally enabled partnerships. Invited keynote at AdvanceHE Island of Ireland Symposium: Partnership for Student Success: Developing graduates for the 21st century, 23rd June.
Brown, M. (2021). How can universities remain attractive post-COVID? Invited presentation for Woolclap, 17th June.
Brown, M. (2021). State-of-affairs for micro-credentials: Modularisation in continuing education. Invited presentation at EADTU Summit, 17th June.
Brown, M. (2021). Playing with micro-credentials: Going beyond the sandbox. Invited keynote presentation at EUNIS 2021, Athens, 1st June.
Brown, M. (2021). The state of play of micro-credentials in the EU. Invited [online] keynote presentation at Learning to Be: Building Resilience in the Event Industry Labour Market in Europe, 29th April.
Brown, M. (2021). Telling the ECIU University story: Learner Transformation Framework. Presentation at challenges and micro credentials: Can the European framework for quality assurance be utilised for accreditation and recognition of challenges and Micro Credentials within the ECIU? If not, what are the alternative scenarios? ECIU University, 28th April.
Brown, M. (2021). Micro-credentials in Europe: A brief overview. Presentation at challenges and micro credentials: Can the European framework for quality assurance be utilised for accreditation and recognition of challenges and Micro Credentials within the ECIU? If not, what are the alternative scenarios? ECIU University, 28th April.
Brown, M. (2021). Unboxing higher education 4.0: An inside, outside and flipside view. Invited keynote presentation for National Institute for Higher Education of Belarus, 15th April.
Brown, M. (2021). Imagine: Let's get it on. Invited Gasta presentation for Gasta Goes Global II, 13th April.
Brown, M. (2021). Higher education 4.0: The new digital learning ecology. Invited keynote presentation at E-Learning Forum: The Future Aspirations and the Development Opportunities, Ministry of Education and the Ministry Agency for University Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11 April.
Brown, M. (2021). Micro-credential magic: Fairly-dust or star-dust? Invited [online] presentation at Munster Technological University, Cork. 3rd March.
Brown, M. (2021). Online learning unboxed: An inside, upside and outside view. Invited keynote presentation [online] at Online Teaching and Learning – Towards Building a Better Future. University of Qatar, Doha, 23rd February.
Brown, M. (2021). Unboxing Assessment: Training Memories or Educating Minds? Invited presentation at Sesta Conferenza Nazionale Sulla Formazione Superiore in Elettronica, SIE-EDU 2021, 17th February.
Brown, M. (2021). The Changing Credential Ecology: Overview of Micro-credentials. Invited presentation at Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Conference, 16th February.
Brown, M. (2021). Paving the road for the micro-credentials movement. Invited presentation [online] at ECIU University Expert Event on Micro-credentials. 28th January.
Brown, M. (2021). Integrating EdTech: Digital in part to digital at heart. Invited presentation [online] at Integrating EdTech at the Heart of British and Irish Higher Education, Wooclap, 27th January.
Brown, M., Beblavy, B., Rampton, J., Dumcius, R., Delkute, R., & van der Graaf, L. (2021). Feasibility study for a European exchange platform in education. Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Brussels.
Brown, M., Beirne, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2021). Student readiness for digital learning: Starting with the learner. Presentation as part of Digi-Tel Pro course launch, EADTU, 18th November.
Brown, M., & Keogh, D. (2021). A story of transformation: From digital in part to digital at heart (357-388). In D. Degang (Ed.), Beyond distance education: Cutting-edge perspectives on the future of global open universities. Open University of China Press, Beijing.
Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2021). Micro-credentials untethered: A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Ireland's Education Yearbook 2021. Education Matters, Ireland.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). The global micro-credential landscape: Charting a new credential ecology for lifelong learning. Journal for Learning Development, 8 (2), 228-254.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). Making 'Higher Education 4.0': The inside story. EDEN webinar (video), 8th November.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). Micro-credentials under the microscope: Making sense of the literature. Paper at I-HE2021, Innovating Higher Education Conference – EADTU, Bari, Italy, 4th November.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). The evolving landscape of micro-credentials: A global insights paper (translated by Junhong Xiao). Distance Education in China, 6,45-59. DOI:10.13541/cnki.chinade.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Beirne, E. (2021). The DigiTel Pro Strategic Partnership: Building capacity for digital education. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’. 28th May.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Beirne, E. (2021). Institutional critical self-reflection: Going beyond poctets of digital learning innovation. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’. 27th May.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Costello, E. (2021). Open reading with your eyes shut: Demystifying Foo-Foo the Snoo. Paper at OERxDomains21 conference, 21 April. [video]
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Costello, E. (2021). Red, blue, pickle colour too: Have you read about Foo-Foo the Snow? Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 14th January.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Costello, E. (2021). Learning how to teach online: A Rapid massive collaborative response to Covid-19. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 14th January.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2021). Higher education 4.0: Whose future and for what purpose? Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’. 28th May
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Mac Lochlainn, C., Pirkkalainen, H, Wessels, O. (2021). Paving the road for the micro-credential movement: ECIU University white paper on micro-credentials.European Consortium of Innovative Universities.
Brown, M., & O'Reilly, C. (2021). Talent, technology and transversal: A three-pronged approach to benefit gifted education. Invited keynote presentation at Developing the Future of Gifted Education, World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 8th August.
Brunton, J. et al. (2021). OpenGame toolkit. OpenGame project.
Brunton, J. (2021). The OpenGame toolkit: Your guide to the OpenGame project outputs. Invited presentation at Catch the Open Lx21: Novas abordagens pedagógicas abertas e gamificadas, LE@D, Portugal, 21st Sept.
Brunton, J. (2021). Where information comes from: The impact of an open pedagogy assignment on psychology students perception of knowledge production. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division of Academics, Researchers, and Teachers in Psychology (British Psychological Society), Online, 23rd & 24th June.
Brunton, J. (2021). Go open! An introduction to open educational practices (OEPs). Workshop delivered as Visiting Professor at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, The Philippines, 1st Oct.
Brunton, J. (2021). The power of open: What can open educational practices do for us?. Workshop delivered as Visiting Professor at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, The Philippines, 6th Oct.
Brunton, J. (2021). The power of open: What can open educational practices do for us?. Public lecture delivered as Visiting Professor at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, The Philippines, 14th Oct.
Brunton, J. (2021). Fitter, happier, more productive: Post-pandemic norms and wellbeing in higher education. Keynote paper for the 2021 International Conference on Education (ICE): Digital Transformation for a Better Future in Education, 20th-21st Sept.
Brunton, J. (2020). Online learning design, development, & presentation. Invited presentation for Amity University Online, 15th July.
Brunton, J. & Farrell, O. (2020). Professional development for part-time, online adjunct faculty. Invited presentation at BUKA project meeting, 15th October.
Costello E, (2021). Authentic Learning and STEM: Lessons from the ATS STEM project. Keynote Presentation to the 6th National Slovenian Conference of Science Teacher, October 14th 2021, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Education.
Costell E. (2021). Teaching STEM for Digital Skills: The ATS STEM Project. Invited panel presentation to NT konference, Portorož, Slovenia September 27
Costello E., (2021) One life for one world: How do we assess authentic STEM skills? Presentation to ATS STEM Slovenian science teachers professional development event. June 30.
Costello E, (2021). Post Pandemic Speculative Educational Futures. Empower Experts EADTU webinar series, April 7.
Costello E, (2021). Universities in a time of crisis: Dark Mirrors or torches in the dark? Invited presentation to 30 Minutes With series, School of Social Sciences, Education & Social Work, Queen's University Belfast, March 10.
Costello, E., Aral, N., Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Kirwan, C., Girme, P., & Brown, M. (2021). Is it in the bin? Seeking authentic assessment in STEM: ATSSTEM. In The 38th Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology Conference. PATT38. April 27–30, 2021 (pp. 31-31). PATT38 Organizing Committee, University of Turku, Finland.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Butler., D., Girme, P., Kaya, S., Kirwan, C., McLoughlin E. & O’Leary M. (2021). Transversal Skills in STEM: From policy to practice, digital and unplugged (pp. 29 - 31). In G. Ubachs (Eds.) The envisioning report for empowering universities (5th edition). European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Maastricht, NL.
Costello E., & Girme P. (2021) University V is alive! Now open to the closed, the cruel and the dead.OERxDomains21 conference, 22 April.
Costello E., & Girme, P. (2021). Plenary 2, Dupery By Design: The Epistemology Of Deceit In A Postdigital Era And The Critical Role Of Higher Education. Society for Research in Higher Education Digital University Network, March 17.
Costello, E., Soverino, T., Prajakta, G. (2021). Book (are not like people): A postdigital fable. Postdigital Science and Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-021-00256-2
Donaldson, L. (Ed.) (2021). Exemplars of Best Practice with EPortfolio Assessment at Dublin City University. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University. Dublin.
Donaldson, L (2021, October 11). Designing collaborative and interactive staff development learning activities [Blog post]. Enhancing Digital Teaching & Learning in Irish Universities, Irish Universities Association.
Donaldson, L. (2021). Active CPD – Podcasts on the go [Online]. EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better, 27-28th May.
Donaldson, L. (2021). Learning Technologist to Fellow in 5 minutes. [Online]. EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better, 27-28th May.
Donaldson, L. (2021). Adventures in Eportfolio: 2016-2021. Invited [Online]. TU Dublin, 26th May.
Donaldson, L. (2021). Here a fellow, there a fellow: Recognising good teaching in a time of crisis. EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 - Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education,15 January.
Donaldson, L. Farrell, O. Buckley, K., & Farrelly, T. (2021). Beyond Traditional Assessment: A Covid CreateAthon of EPortfolio Based Assessment, NF funded seminar, DCU, 18th February.
Donaldson, L., & O'Riordan, F. (2021). Active CPD: Podcasts on the Go!. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for Building Back Better. 27th-28th May.
Drumm, L., Brunton, J., & Honeychurch, S. (2021). Getting published in ‘Research in in Learning Technology’: A Workshop with the editors. Annual Conference of the Association of Learning Technologists, online, 7th-9th Sept.
Eaton, S., Goodman, K., Kelly, B., & Lowney, R. (2021) Building a shared culture of academic integrity. National Seminar Series. Online.
Farrell, O. (2021). The evolution of portfolio in higher education: past, present and future. Journal of Distance Education in China, (4), pp. 42-55. ISSN 1009-458X
Farrell, O. (2021). Eportfolio and Professional Learning. Invited presentation at L2L Professional development course, 11th October.
Farrell, O., (2021). Keynote panelist. OER21 Conference, 21st April.
Farrell, O., (2021). Eportfolios: an authentic and creative online assessment approach. Invited presentation at Linnéuniversitet, 4th May.
Farrell, O. (2021). Pivot and the pandemic: professional learning during the time of Covid-19. Invited presentation at CUA Digital Education week, 4th May.
Farrell, O. (2021). Presence and teaching online. Invited presentation at National Forum Getting Started with Online Teaching course. 3rd March.
Farrell, O. (2021). Review of Veletsianos, G. (2020) Learning Online: The student experience. Johns Hopkins University Press, TechTrends, 65.
Farrell, O. (2021). The evolution of portfolios in higher education. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 14th January.
Farrell, O., Aceto, S., Baldiris, S., Brown, M., & Brunton, J. (2021). The current state of OER in Europe: Going beyond altruism. OER policy and strategy position paper. ENCORE+ project.
Farrell, O. & Brunton, J. (2020). Walking the tightrope: Online student engagement experiences. Invited workshop for Council for Higher Education, Israel, 14th September.
Farrell, O. & Brunton, J. (2020). Redesigning assessment through digital technology. Invited workshop for Council for Higher Education, Israel, 14th September.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J. Ni She, C., & Costello, E. (2021). #Openteach: Professional development for open online educators. #Openteach project. Dublin City University, Dublin. Pressbooks.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Breen, E., Costello, E., Cox, R., Delaney, L., Gallagher, E., Smyth, V., (2021). Go Open: A beginners guide to open education. Dublin: DCU. Doi:10.5281/zenodo.4593103
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Breen, E., Costello, E., Cox, R., Delaney, L., Gallagher, E., & Smyth, V. (2021). Go open! Supporting higher education staff engagement in open educational practices. OE Global, Nantes, France7th September.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., & Ni She, C. (2021). #Openteach, Open Course, Open Online Teaching, Open Textbook. Full paper at EDEN Conference, 23rd June.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Breen,E., Costello, E., Cox, R., Delaney, L., Gallagher, E., & Smyth, V. (2021). Go open! Supporting higher education staff engagement in open educational practices. Paper presented at OE Global Conference 21-22, 28th September.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Ni She, C., Waters, M., Farrelly, A., Olohan, C., Shornikova, A., (2021). Open course, open textbook, #Openteach. Oral Presentation at OER21 Conference, 21st April.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Breen,E., Costello, E., Cox, R., Delaney, L., Gallagher, E., & Smyth, V. (2021). Go Open: A beginners guide to open education. Oral Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’, 27th May.
Farrell, O., Buckley, K., Donaldson, L., & Farrelly, T. (2021). Editorial: Good bye exams, hello eportfolio. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.22554/
Farrrell, O., Buckley, K., Donaldson, L., & Farrelly, T. (2021). Eportfolio in Ireland: A landscape snapshot of current practice. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(1), 89-109. https://doi.org/10.22554/
Farrell, A. M., Buckley, K., Glynn, M., Lowney, R., Symth, S., & Stone, S. (2021). Moving large classes online: Illuminating the experience of the sudden transition of large, face-to-face programmes to the online environment in Dublin City University, in response to the Covid-19 crisis. Dublin City University.
Farrell, O., Fagan, G., O’Neill, & O., Shornikova, O., (2021). Designing and developing digital skills for early years educators. Oral presentation at DCU IOE Teaching and Learning Day, 15th June.
Farrell, O., Gallagher, E., & Gorman, A., (2021). Pivoting placement online. Oral presentation at DCU IOE Teaching and Learning Day, 15th June.
Flynn, S., Munro, M., Byrne, J., Hamill, D., Lowney, R., Molloy, K., Moloney, D., O'Callaghan, C., O'Connor, M., O'Reilly, M., Scrochi, C. and Stone, S. (2021). Digital Learning and Teaching Post COVID-19: Learning from the Enhancing Digital Teaching 6 and Learning (EDTL) Approach, in M. Keane, C. McAvinia, & I. O’Sullivan (eds.), Emerging Issues IV: Changing Times, Changing Context. Educational Developers in Ireland Network (EDIN).
Flynn, S., Munro, M., Byrne, J., Hamill, D., Lowney, R., Molloy, K., Moloney, D., O'Callaghan, C., O'Connor, M., O'Reilly, M., Scrochi, C., & Stone, S. (2021). The EDTL Approach: From Emergency Remote Teaching to Effective Remote Teaching. Oral Presentation at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 15th January.
Gallagher, E., & Farrell, O., (2021). Moving tutors to a different place. Oral presentation at Moodlemoot UK & Ireland 2021, 11th May.
Gallagher, E., McDonald, J., Walsh, A., & Farrell, O. (2021). Smells like team spirit - a new team's adventure in digital learning. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 15th January.
Glynn, M., (2021). Online assessment and academic integrity. Invited presentation at Vienna University of Economics and Business Teaching and Learning Retreat, 22nd June.
Glynn, M., (2021). Enhancing student engagement through technology-enhanced learning. Keynote presentation at Limerick IT Teaching & Learning Day.
Glynn, M. (2021). Removing the grey hairs and ulcers out of teaching awards. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 15th January.
Glynn, M. (2021). Safe and sustainable post-its. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 15th January.
Glynn, M. (2021). How to design environments that optimize blended learning. Invited presentation [online] Zoom EMEA conference - Zoom in Teaching Spaces for Hybrid Learning.
Glynn, M., Farrell, A., Buckley, K., Lowney, R., Smyth, S., & Stone, S. (2020). Illuminating experience of teaching staff. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’21) 22-23rd June.
Glynn, M., Farrell, A.M., Buckley, K., Lowney, R., Smyth, S., & Stone, S. (2021). Suddenly moving large classes online: Illuminating the experience of the teaching staff in one university. [Oral Presentation], 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’21), Online.
Glynn, M., Farrell, A.M., Buckley, K., Lowney, R., Smyth, S., & Stone, S. (2021). Suddenly moving large classes online: Illuminating the experience of the teaching staff in one university. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’21). http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/
Glynn, M., & Henrick, G. (2021). Improving student engagement through Moodle board. Paper presented at MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 10-12 May.
Glynn, M., Menendez Tarraz, A., & Stover, A., (2021). Bringing The Best Back From Covid. Paper at EdTech Annual Conference 2021, Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’. 28th May.
Glynn, M., & Ryder, D.,(2021). UDL: Macro to micro: Policy, tools and practices. Invited presentation at UDLHE Network Quarterly meeting.
Gormley, C. (2021). How DCU is using ABC Learning Design. Invited presentation for Moodle Academy Webinar, 17th November.
Gormley, C. (2021). It's good to talk: Exploring the influence of facilitated teaching conversations at an Irish university. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/
Gormley, C., Keane, M., O'Sullivan, Í., McAvinia, C., & Fitzpatrick, M. (2021). 'Show me the impact! A practical online tool (EDIN Impact Analysis Tool) for evidencing the impact of academic development work', in Keane, M., McAvinia, C. & O'Sullivan, Í. (eds.) Emerging Issues IV. Dublin: EDIN.
Gormley, C., O'Brien, S., & O'Riordan, F. (2021). Peer Observation of Teaching: The PERFECT Project. Gasta Presentation at VIT&L Week, 12th November.
Gormley, C., Peat, J., & Broadbent, J. (2021). Episode 3: Time to Refocus. Staff and Educational Developers Association blog, 24th March.
Gormley, C., Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2021). Designs on the Future: Applying the ABC Learning Design Framework Online (National Seminar Series). Online.
Gormley, C., Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2021). Moving ABC Learning Design Online: A toolkit for the times. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for ‘Building Back Better’. 27th May.
Kirwan, C., Girme, P., & Costello, E. (2021). National Report for Ireland on Field Trials of Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM. Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5543165
Loftus, M., & Lowney, R. (2021). The Use of H5P to Improve Student Reflective Practice in Language Learning. [Invited Oral Presentation], DCU School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies Research Seminar Series 2020-2021, Dublin.
Lowney, R. (2021) Creating cognitively engaging quiz questions. Vevox Pedagogy Webinar Series. Online.
Lowney, R. (2021). Approaches to student partnership in assessment. RAISE Special Interest Group for Partnership. Online.
Lowney, R. (2021). Making student partnership in assessment work. [Oral Presentation], AdvanceHE Island of Ireland Symposium: Partnership for Student Success: Developing graduates for the 21st century, Online.
Lowney, R. (2021) The DCU Experience of Vevox. [Invited Oral Presentation], TU Dublin eLearning Summer School, Online.
Lowney, R. (2021) Supporting educators’ digital competence development through a community initiative. [Oral Presentation], MountainMoot, Online.
Lowney, R. (2021) Using Moodle to support student partnership in assessment. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland and UK, Online.
Lowney, R. & Loftus, M. (2021) 'Interactive videos' In: Hrastinski, S (eds). Designing Courses with Digital Technologies: Insights and Examples from Higher Education. New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.
Lowney, R., NíBheoláin, R., & O’Riordan, F. (2021). Students as Partners in Assessment (SaPiA). Invited presentation [online], IUADigEd, Dublin, 8th February.
Lowney, R., & O'Riordan. F. (2021). SaPiA: Principles and Practices. Leeds University Assessment Webinar Series. Online.
Lowney, R. & O'Riordan, F. (2021) SaPiA: Principles and Practices. Assessment Institute. Online.
Lowney, R., & O'Riordan, F. (2021). Running an Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign Online. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for Building Back Better. 27th-28th May.
Lowney, R. & O'Riordan, F. (2021). Facilitating Student Partnerships in Assessment with Technology. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for Building Back Better. 27th-28th May.
Lowney, R., & O'Riordan, F. (2021). The Practice of Promoting Academic Integrity. Presentation at European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism. 9th June.
Lowney, R., & O'Riordan, F. (2021) Students as Partners in Assessment. National Seminar Series. Dublin, Ireland.
Lowney, R., & O’Riordan, F. (2021). Assessment Design to Promote Academic Integrity using Learning Technology. Invited presentation [online], ALT, 15th February
Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2021). Crowd-sourcing an OER: Exemplars and Case Studies of Technology-Enhanced Assessment. Oral Presentation at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 14th January.
Lowney, R., Stone, S., Buckley, K., Farrell, A., Glynn, M., & Smyth, S. (2021). Moving large classes online - findings and guidance from a rapid research project. Oral Presentation at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education. 14th January.
Lowney, R., Uí Laighléis, G., Mac Risteaird, S., & Ní Mhuircheartaigh, É. (2021). Experiences of using Unicam for asynchronous video assessment of the Irish language. In Zoghlami, N., Brudermann, C., Sarré, C., Grosbois, M., Bradley, L. & Thouësny, S. (Eds), CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021 (pp. 194-199). Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/
Lowney, R., Uí Laighléis G., Mac Risteaird, S. & Ní Mhuircheartaigh, E. (2021) Reflections on asynchronous video assessment. [Oral Presentation], EUROCALL, Online
Lyons, R., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2021). Moving the hackathon online: Reimagining pedagogy for the digital age. Distance Education in China, 7, [English Version].
Mac Lochlainn, C., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Beirne, E. (2021). Clicking, but connecting? L2 learning engagement on an ab initio Irish language LMOOC. ReCALL, 33(2), 111-127.
McGreal, R., & Brown, M. (2021). Strategic reset for universities: Mobalising micro-credentials. Workshop at I-HE2021, Innovating Higher Education Conference – EADTU, Bari, Italy, 5th November.
MacKenzie, A., Bacalja, A., Annamali, D. et al. (2021). Dissolving the dichotomies between online and campus-based teaching: A collective response to The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020). Postdigital Science and Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/
Matthews-DeNatale, G., Chen, H., Reynolds, C.,, Kelley, K., Penny Light, T., Blevins, S., Gilbert, B., Powell, A., Sullivan, R., van Putten, C., Turner, J., Donaldson, L., Miller, A., & Mize, M. Swimming with the Sharks: Ideas and Feedback from the Annual Meeting . AePr: AAEEBL Eportfolio Review, 2021. 4(2).
Morrisroe, A., Volungevičienė, A., & Brown, M. (2021). Reflections on strategic approaches for digitally-enhanced learning and teaching. Presentation [online] at Assessment Tool and Incentive Systems for Developing Higher EducationTeachers' Performance. 4th March.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. & Brown, M. (2021). Micro-credentialing in DCU. Presentation to MicroBol Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks and ECTS, 27th January.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, C., & Brown, M. (2021). Digital badging for DigiCulture: A case study. Paper at I-HE2021, Innovating Higher Education Conference – EADTU, Bari, Italy, 4th November.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Brown, M., Beirne, E. & MacLochlainn, C. (2021). A Micro-Credential Roadmap: Currency, Cohesion and Consistency. Skillnet Ireland.
Ní Shé, C., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Costello, E. (2021). Integrating design thinking into instructional design: The #OpenTeach case study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33-52. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6667
O'Connor, M., Lowney, R., Stone, S., & Trench-Bowles, N. (2021). What are the digital skills that graduates need? #IUADigEd Webinar Series. Online.
O'Riordan, F. (2021). Students as Partners. ASCILITE, Bus Ed SIG. Invited panel member, September.
O'Riordan, F. (2021). Tricky Question on Academic Integrity: Was the Swift Move to Online Assessment Good or Bad for Academic Integrity? Invited Contribution to ENAI Newsletter, April.
O’Riordan, F. (2021). ICAI Conference. Invited moderator [online], ICAI, Albany, 1st March.
O’Riordan, F. (2021). Authentic Assessment in Business Education – a panacea for a hybrid teaching world? Invited presentation and panel contributor [online], ASCILITE, 17th February.
O'Riordan, F., Buckley, K., & Lincoln, A. (2021). Peer observation of teaching: Can peer observation of teaching enhance professional development practices within higher education? A literature scoping review. Dublin City University. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4494444
O'Riordan, F., & Gormley, C. (2021). Peer Observation of Teaching: Does online open it up?. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for Building Back Better. 27th-28th May.
O’Riordan, F., & Lake, G. (2021). Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign Across a University. Paper at ICAI Annual Conference [online], 4th March.
O'Riordan, F. & Lowney, R. (2021). SaPiA: The experiences of students and staff at Dublin City University. [Plenary Lecture/Keynote], National Congress of Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education (CNaPPES), [Online].
O'Riordan, F., & Lowney, R. (2021). What is the Future for the Assessment of Learning Through Final Examinations. Invited presentation and panel contributors. National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 28th May.
O'Riordan, F., & O Bróin, D. (2021). Technology in Challenge Based Learning. Presentation at EdTech 2021: Shaping Education Post Pandemic: Pockets of Innovation for Building Back Better. 27th-28th May.
Smyth, S., Buckley, K., Farrell, A.M., Glynn, M., Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2021). The opportunities and challenges of emergency, remote learning for large class students during the Covid-19 pandemic. [Oral Presentation], Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Symposium, Online.
Smyth, S., Buckley, K., Farrell, A.M., Glynn, M., Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2021). The opportunities and challenges of emergency, remote learning for large class students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Symposium, Online. https://doi.org/10.5281/
Stone, S., Scanlon, LA., & Lowney, R. (2021). What digital competences do our students need to develop? Association for Learning Technology Conference. Online.
Volungevičienė, A., Brown, M., Greenspon, R., Gaebel, M., & Morrisroe, A. (2021). Developing a High-Performance Digital Education System: Institutional Self-Assessment Instruments. European University Association, Brussels.
Ward, M. (2021). How EdTech can support alternative assessment for open-book exams. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 14th January.
Ward, M. (2021). Strategies for alternative online assessments. Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 14th January.
Waters, M., Farrelly, A., & Toohey, C. (2020). Zoom can you hear us? Paper at EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 15th January.
2020 Outputs
Beirne, E. (2020). What a feeling! A multistage, multimethod investigation of emotions and their antecedents in an Irish online language MOOC. PhD thesis.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Brown, M. (2020). Micro-credentials: An evolving ecosystem. Dublin City University. Dublin.
Bozkurt, A., Insung, J., Junhong, X., et. al. (2020). A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 1-126. Available from http://asianjde.org/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/462
Brown, M. (2020). Shaping the future: What's inside the box? Invited presentation for UA Shaping the Future Conference, Universidade de Aveiro, 16th December 2020.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing the future: Education for better times. Invited presentation [online] for Tatweer Global, Iraq, 14th December.
Brown, M. (2020). Online learning unboxed: A question of design. Invited presentation [online] for Prosthetics Orthotics Department of Polytechnic of Health. Jakarta. Ministry of Health. Republic of Indonesia. 5th December.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing micro-credentials: A welcome gift for the future? Presentation [online] at Exploring Micro-credentials: Why, How and Which Way Forward, SPHERE. 26-27th November.
Brown, M. (2020). Digital learning unboxed: So what now? Invited [online] presentation for Epigeum, 5th November.
Brown, M. (2020). A Digital Edge for New Times: Unboxing the Online Learner. Invited keynote presentation [online] at Higher Education and e-learning in a Post Emergency Era: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Padova, Italy, 21st October.
Brown, M. (2020). Hacking Online Learning: Developing a Digital Edge. Invited [online] presentation as part of DigiEduHack webinar, 21st October.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing Online Teaching: What Works and Why? Invited [online] presentation at Digital Education 21st Century: International Conference, Moscow, 20th October.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing Education 4.0: Digital in Part or Digital at Heart? Invited keynote presentation [online] for Taylor's 13th Teaching & Learning e-Conference, Taylor's University, KL, Malaysia, 14th October.
Brown, M. (2020). World Teachers' Day 2020 and Our Challenges. Invited keynote presentation [online] for Bangabandhu Shikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University, Bangladesh, 13th October.
Brown, M. (2020). Back Again to the Future: Unboxing Digital Education 4.0. Invited keynote presentation [online] at University Futures Festival, Germany, 7th October.
Brown, M. (2020). Certifying Gen Z for an Uncertain Future: Unboxing Micro-credentials. Invited presentation and follow up panel discussion at 12th INQAAHE Forum, 1st October.
Brown, M. (2020). Blended Learning Futures: Blended in Part, or Blended at Heart? Invited [online] presentation for QQI, 18th September.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing Digital Learning: Developing a Strategic Response to Education 4.0. Invited keynote presentation for Council for Higher Education, Israel, 14th September.
Brown, M. (2020). Transformative Leadership for New Times. Invited workshop for Council for Higher Education, Israel, 14th September.
Brown, M. (2020). Creating an Institutional Working Definition for Digital Learning. Invited workshop for Council for Higher Education, Israel, 14th September.
Brown, M. (2020). Covid-19: Digital Education - Leveraging New Learning Futures. Invited presentation for Young European Universities Research Network (YERUN), 15th June.
Brown, M. (2020). Towards a European approach to micro-credentials. Invited [online] presentation at the first meeting of the European Commission Consultation Group on Micro-credentials, 26th May.
Brown, M. (2020). Unboxing digital education 4.0: A look inside competing learning futures. Invited keynote presentation [online], University of Leeds, 21st May.
Brown, M. (2020). Learning in the light: Five lessons from the onlining of Irish higher education. Linkedin article, 11th May.
Brown, M. (2020). Backcasting into the future: Unboxing digital dualities and entangled narratives. Invited [online] presentation at NISE Research Seminars, University of Limerick, 15th May 2020.
Brown, M. (2020). Digital transformation and innovation in education: Embracing a new qualification. Invited presentation at EADTU-EU Online Summit 2020, 30th April.
Brown, M. (2020). Building creatve mindsets: Singing or dumping it down a pipe? Invited [online] presentation at Gasta Goes Global, 14th April.
Brown, M. (2020). Online and blended learning: Fairy-dust or star-dust? Invited keynote presentation at Maynooth University, 2nd March.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2020). Beyond the cover-story: Unpacking the place of open textbooks in Irish higher education. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 1, 53-65.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2020).Responding to Covid-19: The good, the bad, and the ugly of teaching online. ICDE Insider, 26th March.
Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2020). Certifying your future: Making sense of micro-credentials. Invited webinar for ICBE Skillnet, 14th July.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Costello, E. (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Volume 1, Dublin City University, Dublin. DO http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3804014
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Costello, E. (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Volume 2, Dublin City University, Dublin. Do http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3804256
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2020). Micro-credentials at Dublin City University: Impacts of Micro-Credentials on Institutional Processes. Presentation at MicroHE Conference as part of the EDEN 2020 Conference, 23 June.
Brunton J., & Brown M. (2020). Learner success and digital technologies. In: Peters M. (eds) Encyclopedia of teacher education. Springer, Singapore. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/
Brunton J., & Buckley, F. (2020). 'You're thrown in the deep end': Adult learner identity formation in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1767049
Brunton, J., & Delaney, L. (2020). A tale of two students: Off-campus, online adult learners and the systemic barriers they face in Irish higher education. Presentation at the Educational Studies Associate of Ireland (ESAI) conference, Online, 3rd Sept - 5th Sept.
Brunton, J. & Gaffney, M. (2020). Exploring the influence of an open pedagogy assignment on online learner perceptions of knowledge production in society. Presentation at the OER20: Open Education Conference, Online, April 1-2.
Butler, D., Leahy, M., Hallissy, M., & Brown, M. (2020). MOOCs, teacher professional learning and deep learning conversations. In A. Tatall (ed.), Section, Teachers and IT, S. Counder (ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Switzerland AG: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10576-1
Butler., D., McLoughlin E., O’Leary, M., Kaya, S., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2020). Towards the ATS STEM Conceptual Framework. ATS STEM Report #5. Dublin: Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/
Concannon, F., Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Welsh, S. (2020). Ireland’s Online Learning Call. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(1), 1 6.
Costello, E. (2020). “‘Requires Proofing by a Native Speaker’ – Colonization and Scholarship”. Insights 33 (1): 11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Girme, P. (2020). The pandemic will not be on zoom: A retrospective from the year 2050. Postdigital Science and Education, 2 (3), Available ftom https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-020-00150-3
Costello, E., Farrelly, T., Murphy, T.(2020). Open and shut: Open access in hybrid educational technology journals 2010 – 2017. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21 (1), 113-134.
Costello, E., Girme, P., McKnight, M., Brown, M., McLoughlin, E., & Kaya, S. (2020). Government Responses to the Challenge of STEM Education: Case Studies from Europe. ATS STEM Report #2. Dublin: Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/
de al Higuera, C. et al. (2020). The OpenGame course curriculum and content. OpenGame project.
Delaney, L., & Brown, M. (2020). Many happy returns! An exploration of the socio-economic background and access experiences of those who (re)turn to part-time higher education. Irish Educational Studies, 39 (1), 83-100.
Donaldson, L. (2020). WueMahara Eportfolio. Invited [Online]. University of Wurzburg, Germany, 2nd December.
Donaldson, L. (2020). Pandemic as Catalyst – the eportfolio evolution. Invited presentation [online] for LEAP project multiplier event. Institute of Technology, Tralee. 4th December.
Donaldson, L. (2020). Assessment Panel. Invited [online]. ALT Online Winter Conference, 15-16 December.
Donaldson, L. (2020). Eportfolio Ireland: past, present, future [Online]. Mahara UK & Ireland Virtual Hui 2020, 2nd July.
Donaldson, L. (2020). Ask the Expert panel. Invited [Online]. Mahara UK & Ireland Virtual Hui 2020, 2nd July.
Donaldson, L., (2020). Revise, re-write, repeat! The rewarding journey of a Learning Technologist to Senior Fellow . Advance HE blog, 19th May.
Donlon, E., Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2020). Collaboration collation, and competition: Crowdsourcing a directory of educational technology tools for teaching and learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 41-55.
Donohoe, D., & Costello, E. (2020) Data visualisation literacy in higher education: an exploratory study of understanding of a learning dashboard tool. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15 (17). pp. 115-126. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.
Erduran, S., Kaya, E., Cullinane, A., Imren, O., & Kaya, S. (2020). Practical learning resources and teacher education strategies for understanding the nature of science. In the Nature of Science in Science Education – Rationales and Strategies, 2nd Edition, Springer: Netherlands.
Farrell, O., (2020). From Portafoglio to Eportfolio: The Evolution of Portfolio in Higher Education. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1), 19, pp.1-14. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/
Farrell, O. (2020). (e)Portfolio: a history. Concise paper at Ascilite 2020 conference online, 30 Nov– 1 December.
Farrell, O. (2020). Five ways to engage your students online. Keynote presentation at CMETB FET eMeet 2020, 11th Dec.
Farrell, O. (2020). Learning design in a hurry: designing for online during the time of Covid-19. Invited learning design masterclass at University of Aveiro, 13th Nov.
Farrell, O. (2020). Online pedagogy: theoretical and practical ways to beat the pivot panic. Invited presentation at FESS meet, 8th Sept.
Farrell, O. (2020). Navigating the open sea: how do I become an open scholar? ESAI Conference, Online, 3-5 September.
Farrell, O., (2020). Pedagogy of online teaching and learning. Invited presentation at City of Dublin Education and Training Board, Dublin, 18th June.
Farrell, O. (2020). Creating and Sharing OER. Invited presentation at the National Forum, Dublin, 28th May.
Farrell, O., (2020). Teaching online is different: The #Openteach story. Invited presentation at the Sipping Point, DCU, 20th May.
Farrell, O., (2020). Professional development for online educators: The #Openteach story. Invited lecture at NUIG, Galway, 8th May.
Farrell, O., (2020). “Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.”: Assessment and the pivot online. Invited presentation at EDEN NAP Webinar, 20th April.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J. (2020). A balancing act: a window into online student engagement experiences. International
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J., (2020). Teaching online is different: theoretical and practical ways to beat the pivot panic. Invited workshop at Texas Region One Education Service Center.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J., (2020). Walking the Tightrope: Online Student Engagement Experiences. Proceedings of the Eden 2020 Annual Conference, Timisoara, 21-24 June.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Brown, M., & Foley, C. (2020). 'This is two different worlds, you have the asylum world and you have the study world': An exploration of refugees participation in online Irish higher education. Research in Learning Technology, 28, https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v28.2368
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Costello, E. (2020). Pivot and the pandemic: professional learning during the time of Covid-19. Paper in the proceedings at OE Global 2020 Conference, Online, 15th Nov - 20th Nov.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., Ní Shé, C. (2020). Openteach Pilot Evaluation Report. Dublin: #Openteach Project. Doi:10.5281/zenodo.3929263
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., Ní Shé, C. (2020). Plugging the gap in CPD for part-time online teachers. Invited workshop at National Forum Seminar: Teaching Online is Different. DCU, 23rdJanuary.
Farrell, O., Gallagher, E., & Waters, M., (2020). Learning design in a hurry: designing for online during the time of Covid-19. Invited presentation at BUKA project meeting, 9th December.
Farrell, O., & Gormley, C., (2020). From reactive to proactive: The DCU story of pivoting online. Invited presentation at E-learning Day at the University of Zagreb, 11th Dec.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2020). VLEs: A metaphorical history from sharks to limpets. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1), 20, pp.1-10. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2020). Educational Technology is not Open Education: A large scale empirical study of publications. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 910-918). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2020) Open and Shut: An Analysis of Open Access Publishing in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017. Presentation at OER20 (Online) 1st April.
Flynn, S., & Lowney, R. (2020). Pedagogy First: Concept and Practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], CCT Excellence in Teaching Series, Online.
Farrell, O., & Ni She, C. (2020). #Openteach: professional development for online educators. Invited presentation at ETTA EU project meeting, Dublin, 18th Feb.
Farrell, O., & Ni She, C. (2020). #Openteach: professional development for online educators. Invited presentation at GMIT Digital Discovery Webinar Series, Galway, 11th May.
Farrell, O., & Ni She, C. (2020). Online is different: Teaching and interacting with students online' work. Invited workshop at DKIT, Dundalk, 4th March.
Flynn, S, O'Riordan, F., O'Gallchoir, R., Scanlon, L., Ryan, B., & Lowney, R. (2020). Consider Technology to Support Academic Integrity. [Oral Presentation], #IUADigEd Webinar Series, Online.
Garcia-Holgado, A.; Nascimbeni, F.; Garcia-Peñalvo, F.J.; Brunton, J.; Bonaudo, P.; de la Higuera, C.; Ehlers, U.; Hvarchilkova, D.; Padilla-Zea, N.; Teixeira, A.; Teixeira Pinto, M., Vazquez Ingelmo, A., & Burgos, D. (2020). Handbook of successful open teaching practices. Logroño, La Rioja: Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). ISBN: 978-84-18367-08-3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/
Gillanders, R., Karazi, S., & O'Riordan, F. (2020). Loss aversion as a motivator for engagement with peer assessment. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, [DOI] [Details
Glynn, M., (2020). The Changing Educational Landscape in Europe, Zoomtopia International Conference - invited member of expert panel, 14th October.
Glynn, M. (2020). Edtech Innovation, Professional in International in Education webinar - invited member of expert panel.
Glynn, M. (2020). To gamify or to not gamify, Games to Teach symposium - invited keynote speaker, TU Dublin, 13th February 2020
Glynn, M. (2020). Academic Integrity by Design, invited workshop presentation, Queens University Belfast, 11th March 2020
Glynn, M. (2020). Moving Inclusively to Online Assessment and Teaching, AHEAD annual conference, invited speaker for panel presentation, 9th April 2020
Glynn, M., (2020). Moodle reports to inform practice, MoodleMunch webinar series, 21 April 2020
Glynn, M., & Farrell, O., (2020). Getting to know Zoom. Invited contribution at TEU DCU Staff development webinar, 12th March.
Glynn, M., Farrell, A., Buckley, K., Lowney, R., Smyth, S., & Stone, S. (2020). Moving Large Classes Online. [Oral Presentation], Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy 2020, [Online].
Gormley, C. (2020). ABC Learning Design Workshop. Invited workshop at University of Limerick, 23rd January.
Gormley, C., & Buckley, K. (2020). Building capacity in professional learning: Tips to maximise staff participation. [Poster Presentation ], QQI Exploring Models of Success: Professional Development of Higher Education, Further Education and Training, and English Language Education Staff, Croke Park Conference Center [Details].
Gormley, C., & Stone, S. (2020). Spin the Wheel: Introducing ABC LD and the DCU 'ABC to VLE' App Wheel (Workshop). [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 28-30 September.
Gormley, C., Stone., S. & Lowney, R. (2020). Online ABC Learning Design: A contribution to the conversation. Invited presentation at University College London webinar, 27th May.
Kaya, S. (2020). Teaching Entrepreneurship through Innovative Approaches: A practical example. Journal of Cukurova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 24 (1).
Kukulska-Hulme, A., Beirne, E., Conole, G., Costello, E., Coughlan, T., Ferguson, R., FitzGerald, E., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Holmes, W. & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2020). Innovating Pedagogy 2020: Open University Innovation Report 8.
Loftus, M., & Lowney, R. (2020) From cloning to self authoring video content in the language classroom: a reflection. [Oral Presentation], EuroCALL Gathering, Online.
Loftus, Maria; Lowney, Rob. (2020). From cloning to self-authoring video content in the language classroom: a reflection on practice. In Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete; Larsen, Sanne; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020 (pp. 195-200). Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2020.48.1188
Lowney, R. (2020).The Story of MoodleMunch. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot US, Online.
Lowney, R. (2020). Enabling simple peer review with the versatile Moodle Database. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 28-30 September, Online.
Lowney, R., & Logan, A. (2020). UDL, Moodle and Me (Workshop). [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 28-30 September, Online.
Lowney, R., O'Connor, M., Gilmartin, A., Scanlon, L., & Farrell, O. (2020). EDTL Approach: Consider Communication & Engagement. [Chaired Session], #IUADigEd Webinar Series, Online.
Lowney, R., O'Riordan, F., Benson-Healy, F., Gillanders, R., & Kirwan, A. (2020). The What, Why, How of Technology-Enhanced Assessment (National Seminar Series), Dublin, Ireland.
Lowney, R., O'Riordan, F., Buckley, K., Stone, S., Ahearn, S., & Kennedy, R. (2020), Assessing Your Stress: Connecting wellbeing and assessment (National Seminar Series), Dublin, Ireland.
Lowney, R., O'Riordan, F., Hosseini, M., Grant, C., & Kelly, B. (2020). The Ethics of Academic Integrity. [Other], QQI National Academic Integrity Week 2020, Online.
Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2020). Crowdsourcing an OER. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 28-30 September, Online.
Lowney, R. & Stone, S. (2020) Assessment and digital competences: building capacity with academic staff. [Invited Oral Presentation], AHE conference panel - looking to 2021 (A joint Assessment in Higher Education conference (UK) and Transforming Assessment webinar panel session), Online.
Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2020). Assessment and digital competences: building capacity with academic staff. [Oral Presentation], Association for Learning Technology Summer Summit, Online.
Lowney, R., & Stone, S. (2020). Insights into delivering a structured professional learning programme for academic staff: the DCU-IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning Project. Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Exploring Models of Success: Professional Development of HE/FET/ELE Staff, Dublin, 13th February.
Lyons, R., & Buckley, K. (2020). Student engagement in a large enterprise class showcase. Journal of Management of Education, https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562920969908
McLoughlin E., Butler., D., Kaya, S. & Costello, E. (2020). STEM Education in Schools: What Can We Learn from the Research? ATS STEM Report #1. Dublin: Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/
Mac Lochlainn, C., Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Beirne, E. (2020). Purposefully different approaches to flexible learning at scale: A Dublin City University case study. Paper [online] at European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), 12th November.
Mac Lochlainn, C., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Brown, M. (2020). The soul behind the screen: Understanding cultural enrichment as a motivation of informal MOOC learning. Distance Education, DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2020.1757408
Nascimbeni, F., Teixeira, A., García Holgado, A., García Peñalvo, F., Padilla Zea, N., Ehlers, U., Brunton, J., & Burgos, D. (2020). The OpenGame competencies framework: An attempt to map open education attitudes, knowledge and skills. Paper in proceedings of the 11th Eden Research Workshop, Online, 21st Oct - 23rd Oct.
Ní Bheoláin, R., Lowney, R. & O’Riordan, F. (2020). Students as Partners in Assessment: A Literature Scoping Review. Dublin: Dublin City University. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.427057
Ní Shé, C., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., & Eccles, S. (2020) DCU Case Study: Using ABC to Design an Online Teaching Course for Open Online Educators. ABC to VLE Case Study.
O’Riordan, F. (2020). CCT Graduation Commencement Address. Invited presentation [online] at CCT Graduation Ceremony, Dublin, 14th November.
O'Riordan, F., & Lowney. R. (2020). Promoting Academic Integrity. [Poster Presentation ], QQI Exploring Models of Success: Professional Development of Higher Education, Further Education and Training, and English Language Education Staff, Croke Park Conference Center [Details]
O’Riordan, F., O’Sullivan, I., Fitzpatrick, M.,Keane, M., McAvinia, C., & Risquez, A. (2020) Structured professional development for academic developers: A collaborative approach. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2020.1813189
Reynolds, K., O’Leary, M., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2020). Digital Formative Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM: A Review of Underlying Principles and Best Practice. ATS STEM Report #3. Dublin: Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/
Shao, Y., Zhang, Z, Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2020). Public perceptions towards MOOCs on social media: An alternative perspective to understand personal learning experiences of MOOCs. Interactive Learning Environments, 29, https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1799413
Shornikova, A., Farrell, O., (2020). Old wine in new bottles academics’ pedagogical beliefs and the pivot online. Oral Presentation at ALT Winter Conference.
Stone, S., Farrell, A., Buckley, K., Lowney, R., Smyth, S., & Glynn, M. (2020). Guidance for moving large class cohorts to the online environment. [Poster Presentation], EDEN 2020 Online Research Workshop, Online.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2020). Crowd sourcing Technology Enhanced Assessment. [Oral Presentation], Association for Learning Technology Summer Summit, Online.
Stone, S., & Lowney, R. (2020). Mapping Universal Design for Learning & Academic Integrity principles to Moodle assessment tools. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 28-30 September, Online.
Szendey, O., O’Leary, M., Scully, C., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2020). Virtual Learning Environments and Digital Tools for Implementing Formative Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM. ATS STEM Report #4. Dublin: Dublin City University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.3674786
Teräs, M., Teräs, H., Arinto, P., Brunton, J., Daryono, D., & Subramaniam, T. (2020). Covid-19 and the push to online learning: Reflections from 5 countries. Digital Culture & Education, 13 (1), Available from https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/reflections-on-covid19/reflections-from-5-countries
2019 Outputs
Beirne, E. (2019). How Are They Really Feeling? Making Sense of Emotion Data in MOOCs. Presentation at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2019). Curiouser and Curiouser: The Wonderland of Emotion in LMOOCs, in Calise M., Delgado Kloos C., Reich J., Ruiperez-Valiente J. and Wirsing M. (eds.) Digital Education: At the MOOC Crossroads Where the Interests of Academia and Business Converge. EMOOCs 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11475. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing
Beirne, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Brown, M. (2019). Doing it digitally: One university's approach. Poster at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3-7 November.
Boran, L., Glynn, M, Hopper, L., & McGrady, L., (2019). “To Gamify or not to Gamify - that is the question”, Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference for Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Brown, M. (2019). Shock to the system: Hacking for humanity. Invited presentation at DigiEDHack, Helsinki, rd October.
Brown, M. (2019). Online learning support and development: The Studiosity experience. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin 3-7 November.
Brown, M. (2019). Mega trands on the horizon: From AI / Blockchain / Alternative Credentials to what will the future hold. Invited presentation at Research and Innovation for a Digital Society: International Conference on Distance Learning, Bangkok, 3rd August.
Brown, M. (2019). The business of higher education: A view from the topside. Presentation as part of ACODE 79 Supporting Universities for Future Qualifications and Pedagogical Models, 22nd July.
Brown, M. (2019). Higher education for better futures: A strategic response to digital learning. Invited keynote presentation at National MOOC Symposium, Tunis,Tunisia, 3rd July.
Brown, M. (2019). The future of MOOCs: Online education is the new normal. Invited presentation at National MOOC Symposium, Tunis, Tunisia, 3rd July.
Brown, M. (2019). Best practices for online education: How do you address quality? Invited presentation at National MOOC Symposium, Tunis, Tunisia, 3rd July.
Brown, M. (2019). Education for better futures: The duality of digital learning. Invited presentation at EdMedia World Conference, Amsterdam, 25th June.
Brown, M. (2019). Matters of quality: Practices and policy. Presentation as part of EMBED workshop, Dublin City University, Dublin 3rd June.
Brown, M. (2019). Critical tales taking us off the rails. Invited keynote at Next Generation by Design, Barcelona, 21st May.
Brown, M. (2019). Lifelong learning for better futures: A story of entangled narratives. Keynote presentation at Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL), University of Wolverhampton, Telford, 11th April.
Brown, M. (2019). Future of inclusive online education. Invited MOONlite webinar, 10th April.
Brown, M. (2019). Online learning and student success: Gaps, leaks and new tools. Invited presentation at Student Success Inaugural Studiosity Symposium. London: 8th March.
Brown, M. (2019). The third wave of MOOCs: Strategic opportunities for transnational education. Invited keynote presentation at EURIE 2019, Istanbul, 1st March.
Brown, M., & Conole, G. (2019). Flight of the butterfly: Digital technology and educational outcomes. Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Hugher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Brown, M., & Conole, G. (2019). Unbundling of learning support and development: The Studiosity experience. Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Hugher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Brown, M., Conole, G., & Beblavỳ, M. (2019). Education outcomes enhanced by the use of digital technology: Reimagining the school learning ecology. EENEE Analytical Report No. 38 Prepared for the European Commission. March.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giollamhichil, M. (2019). A game of thrones: The open battle between publications. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin 3-7 November.
Brown, M., Conole, G. Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2019). Open scholarship 3.0: To what extent is digital transformation reflected in the literature? Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Hugher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Nic Giollamhichil, M., & Conole, C. (2019). Awash in a sea of openness: The inside, topside and downside of open scholarship. Paper at OER19 Recentering Open: Critical and Global Perspectives, Galway, 11th April.
Brunton, J. (2019). Supporting undergraduate psychology student transition to a higher education online distance learning programme. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division of Academics, Researchers, and Teachers in Psychology (British Psychological Society), Cardiff, 4th & 5th June.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2019). Pre-induction supports for flexible learners: The Head Start Online MOOC pilot. A Practice Report. Student Success, 10(1), 155-161. doi: 10.5204/ssj.v10i1.434
Brunton, J., Farrell, O., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Foley, C., & Brown, M. (2019). Duelling identities in refugees learning through open, online higher education. Open Praxis, 11 (4), 397-408.
Brunton, J., Farrell, O., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Foley, C., & Brown, M. (2019). “You have the asylum world and you have... the study world”: Duelling identities in refugees learning online. Presentation at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Brunton, J., Farrell, O., Delaney, L., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Foley, C. (2019). Providing open opportunities for access to higher education to refugees through an open education initiative: A Case Study of Dublin City University’s University of Sanctuary Scholarship programme. Presentation at OE Global 2019 conference, Milan, 26th Nov - 28th Nov.
Brunton, J., Farrell, O., Eccles, S., Giblin, M., O’Shea, H, Byrne, P & Martin, M. (2019). Strength in numbers: A co-teaching pilot in online Humanities modules. Poster presentation at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Brunton, J. & Gaffney, M. (2019). Using simple digital technologies to produce a public communication: Students first experience of an open pedagogy assignment in an online undergraduate psychology module. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Brunton, J. & Gaffney, M. (2019). From disposable assignment to a social good. Piloting an open pedagogy assignment in an undergraduate, developmental and educational psychology module. 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Brunton, J., O’Mahony, D., & McDonnell, D. (2019). GDPR, a DPIA, and don’t forget the PDSS: Teaching data ethics & responsibilities to online psychology students. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Brunton, J., O’Mahony, D., & McDonnell, D. (2019). What's a GDPR? Teaching data ethics & responsibilities to online psychology learners. Presentation at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Buckley, K. (2019). Shaping Change in an Educational Setting: UDL in DCU. Invited presentation. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Curriculum Seminar. Queen’s University Belfast, 2nd September.
Buckley, K., Curley, K., Ellis, C., Glynn, M. (2019). Staff development in the principles and practices of Universal Design for Learning to promote and implement an inclusive teaching and learning environment. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference. Sligo, 11th-13th April.
Buckley, K. & Gallagher, L. (2019). A professional development workshop to promote and implement an inclusive teaching and learning environment. Invited presentation. AHEAD Annual Conference, Dublin 20th & 21st March.
Buckley, K., & Glynn, M. (2019) “Universal Design for Learning in Dublin City University”. Online article published in the AHEAD Journal, Dublin, December 2019.
Concannon, F., Costello, E., & Farrelly, T. (2019). Open Science and Educational Research: An Editorial Commentary. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), ii-v.
Costello, E. (2019). Bronze, free, or fourrée: an open access commentary. Science Editing, 6(1), 69-72.
Costello E., & Bolger R. (2019). Textbooks authors, publishers, formats and costs in higher education. BMC Research Notes, 12 (1), 56.
Costello, E., Bolger, R., Soverino, T., & Brown, M. (2019). Determining textbook cost, formats, and licensing with Google books API: A case study from an open textbook. Information Technology and Libraries, 38(1), 91-99.
Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2019). Research Ethics of Twitter for MOOCs. Online Learning, 23(3). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.
Costello, E., Huijser, H., & Marshall, S. (2019). Education’s many “opens”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3). DOI:https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.5510
Costello, E., Johnston, K., & Wade, V. (2019). Crowded house: an analysis of how the Virtual Learning Environment Moodle is built via bug tracker participants. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-11. doi:10.1080/10494820.
Costello, E., Soverino, T., Brown, M.,, Conole, G., & Bloger, R. (2019). Should there be open access to textbooks? A study of higher education staff perceptions. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3-7 November.
Costello, E., Soverino, T., Brown, M., & Conole, G. (2019).What should textbooks be made of (and who should make them)? Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Hugher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Costello, E., Huijser, H., & Marshall, S. (2019). Education’s many “opens”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.
Costelloe, L., Gormley, C., & O’Riordan, F. (2019) “Reflections on the use of Electronic Portfolios to Support Professional Development”. Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Costelloe, L, Gormley, C., & O’Riordan, F. (2019) “Walking the talk: Academic Developers reflect on the use of digital learning portfolios to support professional development”. Article published in SEDA Educational Developments magazine, 20.4, December 2019.
Curley, K., Glynn, M., Brunton, J., Murphy, C., & Stover, A. (2019). Discover DCU - Innovative student orientation”, Student orientation: How innovative practices can improve outcomes for incoming students, National Forum Seminar, DIT, 15th January.
Delaney, L., & Brown, M. (2019): Many Happy Returns! An exploration of the socio-economic background and access experiences of those who (re)turn to part-time higher education. Irish Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2019.1647265 Available online at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03323315.2019.1647265
Donaldson, L. (2019). Lifelong professional learning through eportfolio. Association for Learning Technology annual conference, Edinburgh 3rd-5th September.
Donaldson, L. (2019). Open Technologies promoting Open Engagement, Mahoodle Fest, University of Gloucestershire, 1st July.
Donaldson, L. (2019). An Open Road, our Eportfolio Journey, OER, Galway, 10th-11th April.
Donaldson, L. (2019). Designing your Professional Portfolio, NF funded seminar, DCU, 14th February.
Donaldson, L., & O’Riordan, F., (2019) “Showcasing Professional Learning Portfolios” Poster presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Doyle, P., Glynn, M., Hourican, S., Kelly, M., & Lehwaldt, D., (2019) “Video-Based Scenarios for Work-Based Learning: an international collaboration for online nursing education” Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.Farrell, O., (2019). Developing critical thinking through eportfolio based learning: an exploration of the experiences of non-traditional online distance learners. Phd Thesis. Trinity College Dublin.
Farrell, O. (2019). Transforming learning portfolio practice: The Critical Folio Thinking Framework. Poster presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Farrell, O., (2019). A juggling act: Exploring student narratives of learning online. Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Farrell, O., (2019). Eportfolio for professional development. Invited presentation at National Forum PACT course, Dublin, 13th Nov.
Farrell, O. (2019). The future is online? Invited presentation. Taste of DCU, Dublin, 13th September.
Farrell, O. (2019). #Edtechie18: Insights about the Irish Edtech Community from Twitter. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Farrell, O. (2019).. First Steps to Introducing eportfolio. Invited Seminar presentation. WIT Seminar, Waterford, 18th February.
Farrell, O. (2019). The Future is online? Invited Keynote presentation. GMIT Teaching & Learning Day, Galway, 9th May.
Farrell, O., (2019.) A sounding board for learning: online learners experiences of learning portfolio. EdMedia World Conference, Amsterdam, 25th & 26th June.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, S., Eccles E., Ní Shé, C.,Trevaskis,, S. (2019). An investigation of effective online teaching: a needs analysis of online educators and online students. Dublin: #Openteach Project.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., S., Eccles E., Ní Shé, C.,Trevaskis,, S. (2019). Plugging the gap in CPD for part-time online teachers. Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., Ní Shé, C. (2019). Open, future, online teaching: enabling excellence in the student experience. Proceedings of the OE Global 2019 Conference, Milan, 26th - 28th November.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., & Ní Shé, C. (2019). An investigation of effective online teaching: a needs analysis of online educators and online students. Dublin: #Openteach Project
Brunton, J. (2019). Open, future, online teaching: Enabling excellence in the student experience. Presentation at OE Global 2019 conference, Milan, 26th - 28th November.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Eccles, S., (2019). Better together: A creative approach to team teaching online. DCU Teaching & Learning Day, Dublin, 11th September.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Conole, G., & Trevaskis, S., (2019). Mind the Gap: Supporting the professional development of part time online teachers. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Conole, G., Donlon, E., & Trevaskis, S., (2019). #OpenTeach: Rising to the challenge of supporting part-time online teachers. Presentation at ESAI 2019, Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge, Sligo, 11-13 April.
Farrell, O., Brunton, J., & Trevaskis, S., (2019). 'If I had missed it I would have been the lost little sheep’: Exploring student narratives on orientation to first year. Journal of Further and Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.
Farrell, O., & Ni She, C. (2020). #Openteach: professional development for online educators. Invited presentation at ETTA EU project meeting, Dublin, 18th Feb.
Farrell, O., & Seery, A., (2019). “I am not simply learning and regurgitating information, I am also learning about myself”: learning portfolio practice and online distance students. Distance Education, 40 (1). doi: 10.1080/01587919.2018.1553565
Farrell, O., & Seery, A., (2019). Documenting multiple selves: an exploration of the experiences of online distance students learning with an eportfolio. Presentation at ESAI 2019, Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge, Sligo, 11-13 April.
Farrelly, T., & Costello (2019). Free? Yes – Open? No. Journal Articles as OERs. Presentation at the Cascadia Open Summit, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, April 17th.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon E. (2019). Of Mice and Minivans: The use of Metaphors to deconstruct Virtual Learning Environments. Presentation at EADTU Conference, UNED, Madrid, October 17.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2019). Gold doesn't always glitter - An interactive workshop on Open Publishing Practices. OER 19 Conference, Galway, 11th April.
Foley, C.A. (2019). Online Learning: Moving from Optional Extra to a Must Have Teaching and Learning Option. Paper in the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 4th November.
Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2019). Caught in the middle: The experiences of educational technology leaders in Irish higher education. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3-7 November.
Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2019). Between the rocks and hard places: Exploring the experiences of educational technology leaders in Irish higher education. Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Hugher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Glynn, M. (2019). Does change mean progress? - the challenge for HE. Keynote presentation at SEDA autumn conference - New frontiers in educational and curriculum development. 14th November.
Glynn, M., (2020). Gamification features in your VLE. Invited presentation at Using Games to Teach: Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Higher Education.
Glynn, M., Fitpatrick, D., Henrick, G., & Holland, K., (2019). Does an increase flexibility of our courses result in reduced accessibility? Association for Learning Technology annual conference, Edinburgh 3-5 September.
Glynn, M., Fitpatrick, D., Henrick, G., & Holland, K., (2019). Assessing Accessibility Automatically - The triple A report. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Glynn, M., Henrick, G., Holland, K., & Fitzpatrick, D., (2019) Is Your Course Content Accessible? Let’s Do A Quick Check! Paper presented at the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3rd Nov - 7th Nov.
Glynn, M., Hopper, L., McGrady, L., & Boran, L.. (2019). Gamification - Does it work? Moodle Moot Ireland & UK conference, April 2019
Goos, M., & Kaya, S. (2019) Understanding and promoting students’ mathematical thinking: a review of research published in ESM. Educ Stud Math, 103, 7–25. https://doi.
Gormley, C. (2019). The Sipping Point: Can openness start with a cuppa? Presentation at OER19 Recentering Open: Critical and Global Perspectives, Galway, 11th April.
Gormley, C., & Glynn, M. (2019). Learning Our ABCs: DCU Adaptations & App Wheel Development. Invited presentation at ABC Learning Design Seminar, UCL, London, 14th June.
Gormley, C., & Stone, S. (2019). ABC Learning Design Life Hacks. ICEP Conference Proceedings, Limerick, 13th December.
Gormley, C., & Stone, S. (2019). DCU Teaching & Learning Day: Lessons Learned? Invited presentation at Irish Universities Association Webinar, 25th September.
Kaya, S., Brown, M., Butler, D., Eccles, S., McKnight, M., McLoughlin, E., O’Leary, M., & Costello, E. (2019). The challenges of harnessing the power of digital assessment of transversal skills in STEM education. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3-17 November.
Kelly, O., & Buckley, K. (2019). Universal Design for Learning: A framework to explore inclusion in outdoor learning? 18th Conference of the European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE). Tralee, 25th-27th September.
Kirwan, A., Raftery, S., & Gormley, C. (2019). Can anybody hear me? Exploring the potential for audio feedback in transforming student learning. Paper presented at the ICDE World Conference for Online Learning, November.
Lane, B., & Costello E. (2019). Learning Analytics, Ethics and Participant Privacy. Proceedings of the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference. Madrid, Spain. 16th Oct – 18th Oct
Lowney, R. & Stone, S. (2019). Professional Learning for Digital Assessment. Poster presented at International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy, University of Limerick, 13th December.
Lowney, R. & Stone, S. (2019). Crowd-sourcing an OER: Exemplars and Case Studies of Technology-Enhanced Assessment. Association for Learning Technology Winter Conference, Online, 12th December.
Mac Lochlainn, C., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Berine, E., & Brown, M. (2019). Culture vultures: How open is open? Full paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin 3-7 November.
Mac Lochlainn, C. .& Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2019). Making the connection: Creativity in distance adult Irish language learning through Fáilte ar Líne’’s MOOCs. DCU Teaching & Learning Day, Dublin, 11th September.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M,, Berine, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Brown, M. (2019). How are rhey really feeling? Making sense of emotion data in MOOCs. Concise paper at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, 3-7 November.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Brown, M. (2019). The story of MOOCs
Ní Shé, C., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S. (2019). Teaching online is different: critical perspectives from the literature. Dublin: Dublin City University. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3479402
O’Keeffe, N. (2019). Reinvigorating a Programme through Digital Transformation. Presentation at EdTech 2019, The Digital Transformation of Irish Higher and Further Education - Real or Imagined? Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
O'Riordan, F. (2019) Academic Development Provision: Impact and Sustainability Challenges ICEP 2019 UL, Limerick, [Details]O’Riordan, F., & Glynn, M., (2019) “Professional Learning to Promote Academic Integrity”, Poster presented at the World Conference for Online Learning
O'Riordan, F., Karazi, S. & Gillanders, R. (2019) Engaging Students Using Online Rubric and Peer Evaluation. [Oral Presentation], WCOL 2019, Convention Center Dublin [Details]
O’Riordan, F. & Lowney, R. (2019). Reflections on ‘Promoting Academic Integrity Week’. ICEP Conference Proceedings, University of Limerick, 13th December.
Peat, J., Broadbent, J. & Gormley, C., (2019). Taking back spaces, Episode 1. Staff and Educational Developers Association blog, 11th December.
Stokes, J., Brown, M., Keegan, R., & James, A. (2019). Digitalization of higher degree research(HDR) and its benefits to postgraduate researchers (Chapter 7, pp. 133-152). In Sim, K. N. (Ed.), Enhancing the role of ICT in doctoral research processes. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Stone, S., (2019). Turn and face the strange, ch-ch-changes: Are traditional change management models still relevant in educational technology?, Association for Learning Technology annual conference, Edinburgh 3rd-5th September.
Stone, S. (2019). Video and Universal Design for Learning: Challenges and Opportunities. Facilitated discussion. Video in HE Symposium, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. April 16th, 2016
Stone, S., Karazi, S., & Buckley, K. (2019). Walking the UDL Walk: Piloting a Universal Design for Learning Toolkit for staff Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
Uí Choistealbha, J., Donaldson, L., Buckley, K., (2019). Start small, think big! Building a local eportfolio professional learning network. Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Dundalk, 30th & 31st May.
2018 Outputs
Bernie, E. (2018). An investigation of emotion in a LMOOC context. Presentation at the Doctoral Symposium as part of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Beirne, E. (2018). Emotion during learning with an LMOOC: Insights from an Irish language MOOC. Presentation at FLAN meeting, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 7th September.
Bernie, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2018). Moody MOOCS: An Exploration of Emotion in an LMOOC. Paper in proceedings of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Beirne, E., Mac Lochlainn, C., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). Improving LMOOC design through usability testing. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Beirne, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). The rollercoaster of emotions in an LMOOC. Poster presented at 3rd International Conference on Language Education and Testing, Antwerp, 26-28th November.
Beirne, E., & Pomanoski, M. (2018). Instructional design in higher education: Defining and evolving field. OLC Outlook: An Environmental Scan of the Digital Learning Landscape. Online Learning Consortium. United States.
Broadbent, j., Gormley, C., & Peat, J. (2018). Taking back ‘space’: Writing the manifesto. Paper presented at 23rd Annual SEDA conference. Birmingham, 15th November.
Brown, M. (2018). Helicopter view of current state of open education around the world. Presentation at OEB Shaping the Future Conference, Berlin 8th December.
Brown, M. (2018). Reframing digital literacies: Beyond flashy, flimsy and faddish models. Presentation at OEB Shaping the Future Conference, Berlin 8th December.
Brown, M. (2018). Networked learning cultures: Reflecting on the FUN of esud2018. Invited keynote presentation at esud2018 conference, Natal, Brazil, 23rd November.
Brown, M. (2018). The challenge of
Brown, M. (2018). Tales of open education from two islands: Thrills, tensions and transformations. Invited keynote address at the Open University of China, Beijing, 18th October.
Brown, M. (2018). The fun of blended learning: Engaging students through scenarios and role-play. Presentation at EMBED workshop, Tampere, Finland, 27th September.
Brown, M. (2018). Why invest in MOOCs? Strategic institutional drivers (pp. 6 - 9). In D. Jansen & L. Konings (Eds.). The 2018 OpenupEd trend report on MOOCs. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Brown, M. (2018). Mind the gap: A critical guide to digital literacies (pp. 52 - 55). In G. Ubachs & L. Konings (Eds.) The envisioning report for empowering universities (2nd edition). European Association for Distance Teaching Univeristies (EADTU), Maastricht, NL.
Brown, M. (2018). The scary monster of Ed Tech: Future proof or future shock? Invited keynote presentation at EuroCALL 2018, Jyväskylän, Finland, 24th August.
Brown, M. (2018). Reimagining education for better futures: An intrepid journey through time, place and space. Invited keynote presentation at BB-ELT, Best of Britain and ELT in Colombia. Bogota, Colombia, 2nd August.
Brown, M. (2018). Digital learning: Challenges ahead. Invited workshop at Richmond Publishers, Bogota, Colombia, 31st July.
Brown, M. (2018). The future of distance education: Mind the gaps. Invited keynote presentation at Fern Universitat in Hagen, Hagen, Germany, 22nd June.
Brown, M. (2018). Global perspective: Creating educational environments of the future. Invited presentation at EduTechAU conference, Sydney, 7th June.
Brown, M. (2018). Looking ahead: The developing digital landscape. Invited presentation at ePortfolios & More: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape, Dublin, 23rd May.
Brown, M. (2018). Reimagining the future: Digital literacies for critical citizenship.Presentation at DigCit Summit, Science Gallery, Dublin, 28th April.
Brown, M. (2018). The story of FutureLearn at Dublin City University. Presentation at FutureLearn US Partners Summit, Purdue University, 24th April
Brown, M. (2018). The envisioning report for Empowering European universities (2nd edition). Presentation at annual EADTU Summit, Brussels, 17th April.
Brown, M. (2018). Taking the craic: Inception to infinity and back again. Invited keynote presentation at Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ) Annual Conference, From Inception to Infinity, Massey University, Palmerston North, 10th April.
Brown, M. (2018). Learning design for student success: The good, the bad and the ugly. Invited keynote presentation at Research & Innnovation in Distance Education (RIDE) 2018, University of London, 16th March.
Brown, M. (2018). The COOL school debate: Are we ready for the future? Presentation at 2018 Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Annual Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, 10th March.
Brown, M. (2018). Mind the gap: Digital literacies off the rails. Opening presentation at The Digital University, Social Justice and the ‘public good’. The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) .Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, 16th February.
Brown, M. (2018). Digital learning on shaping talent's future value. Keynote presentation at Knowledge Economy Forum, Kuwait. 8th February.
Brown, M., & Conole, G. (2018) How do you build a BOLD research culture? Insights from the NIDL experience. Paper in proceedings of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 25th October.
Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2018). Digital, open or still on the shelf? Textbook open educational practices in Ireland. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 10th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giollamhichil, M. (2018). Selecting the best open access journals: To what extent does this go beyond being a subjective exercise? Paper in proceedings of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 26th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giollamhichil, M. (2018). What should you be reading and why? Lessons emerging from the open access literature. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 10th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). From books to MOOCs and back again: An Irish case study of open digital textbooks. Paper at European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Genoa, 17th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). What should you be reading and why? Critical reflections on identifying the top 10 articles. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Costelloe, L. (2018). Developing a European maturity model for blended education: A research work in progress. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2018). Engaging in aging in the digital era: The potential of MOOCs for life-long learning. Presentation at Engaging Ageing 2018 Conference: New Frontiers of Ageing - Research, Policy and Practice, Croke Park, Dublin, 13th March.
Brown, M., Scully, D., & O’Leary, M.. (2018). Developing 21st Century skills: The (unrealised) potential of the learning portfolio. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 11th October.
Brunton, J. (2018). Psychology, in L. Donaldson (Ed), Eportfolio Based Assessment - Inspiring Exploration and Supporting Evaluation for Practitioners. [online book]. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Walsh, E. (2018). Designing and developing a programme focused assessment strategy: A case study. In J. Evans, S. Jordan, & F. Wolfenden (Eds.). Assessment in open, distance, and e-learning: Lessons from practice (1st Ed.). Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2018). Head start online: Flexibility, transitions and student success. Educational Media International, DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2018.1548783
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2018). “I expect to come up against some obstacles, but I expect to overcome them”: Facilitating transitions into higher education with a pre-induction socialisation MOOC. Presentation at the 48th annual conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Wexford, 8th November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2018). Opening up access for flexible learners: A case study of going beyond OERs. Presentation at Open Education Global 2018, Transforming Education through Open Approaches, Delft, The Netherland, 24th April.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Farrell, O., & Delaney, L. (2018). Sanctuaries of Study: An Online Initiative for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 1st June.
Brunton J., Costello, E., Farrell, O., & O’Keeffe, N. (2018). Attaining 21st Century skills online: A programmatic approach. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on eLearning, ECEL 2018, Athens, Greece, November 1-2, (pp. 60-67). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK.
Brunton, J., & McTiernan, K. (2018). Supporting transitions in education: A division of academics, teachers, and researchers in Psychology (DATRIP). Workshop. Workshop at the 48th annual conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Wexford, 9th November.
Conole, G. (2018). The future of education: designs, literacies and digital technologies. Keynote at University College North, Aalborg, Denmark, 26th October.
Conole, G. (2018). Learning design and open education. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER).
Conole, G., & Brown, M. (2018). Reflecting on the impact of the open education movement. Journal of Learning for Development, 5 (3), 1-9.
Conole, G., Brown, M., & Beblavy, M. (2018). Educational outcomes enhanced by the use of digital technology. Invited presentation at Strengthening Common European Values through Education: What Does the Evidence Tell Us? NESET II and EENEE Conference, Brussels, 22nd November.
Corby, D., & Lehwaldt, D. (2018). Assessment using professional practice portfolio for nurses and healthcare practitioners. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Bolger, R., Brunton, J., & Soverino, T. (2018). What do textbooks cost? An open question. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 1st June.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Brunton, J., Bolger, R., & Soverino, T. (2018). Textbook costs and accessibility: Could open textbooks play a role? In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on eLearning, ECEL 2018, 1-2 November, Athens, Greece.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Brunton, J., & Daly, L. (2018). Trust me I'm a MOOC: Trust and credibility in informal online learning. Presentation at Open Education Global 2018, Transforming Education through Open Approaches, Delft, The Netherland, 25th April.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Nic Giolla-Mhichil, M., & Zhang, J. (2018). Big course small talk:Twitter and MOOCs - a systematic review of research designs 2011-2017. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15: 44, 1-16.
Costello, E., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla-Mhichil, M. (2018). Institutional innovation and strategic reponses to MOOCs: An Irish case study.Best of Ireland Award paper at EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vol. 1.Amsterdam, 27thJune.
Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2018). Open goal: The case for open educational resources. Presentation in 3.0 Digital Learning: Valid, Vague or Valuable? Symposium, Educational Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) 41st Annual Conference, Values and Purpose in Education, University College Dublin, Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, 6th April.
Costello, E., Farrelly, T., & Murphy, A. (2018). An analysis of the QQI’s (2017 – Version 2) ‘Guidelines for Blended Learning’. Presentation in 3.0 Digital Learning: Valid, Vague or Valuable? Symposium, Educational Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) 41st Annual Conference, Values and Purpose in Education, University College Dublin, Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, 6th April.
Costello, E., Holland, J., & Kirwan, C. (2018). The future of online testing and assessment: question quality in MOOCs. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 42. doi:10.1186/s41239-018-0124-z
Costelloe, L., Glynn, M., & Gormley, C. (2018). More than the Metrics: Our deep dive into assessment workload. Presentation at SEDA Spring Conference 2018, Understanding and Improving the Student Experience: Making a real difference in the new age of metrics, Spring Conference, Leeds, UK, 10th May.
Daly, C. (2018). Problems everywhere. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Delaney, L. (2018) Information technology in L. Donaldson (Ed), Eportfolio Based Assessment - Inspiring Exploration and Supporting Evaluation for Practitioners. [online book]. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University.
Delaney, L., & Brown, M. (2018). Support holes: Distance students’ experience of support in a dual mode university. Paper in proceeding of European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN). Towards Personalised Guidance and Support for Learning, Barcelona, Spain. 25th October.
Delaney, L., & Brown, M. (2018). To walk invisble: Distance students in a duel-mode univesity, Distance Education, 33, 209-223.
Donaldson, L. (Ed.) (2018). Eportfolio based assessment: Inspiring exploration & supporting evaluation for practitioners [online book]. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University.
Donaldson, L. (Presenter) & McKinnon, T (Producer). (24th October, 2018). Eportfolio interview, ALTC Blog [Podcast]. Retrieved from https://soundcloud.com/teresa-
Donaldson, L. (2018). Eportfolio - the connective tissue that bridges curricular and co-curricular activities: The Irish context.Building Bridges with ePortfolios, Annual Meeting of The Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), Vancouver, 24th July.
Donaldson, L. (2018). Student showcase competitions and other stories… strategies to promote, reward and share eportfolio practice. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31stMay - 1st June.
Donaldson, L. (2018). Student showcase competitions and other stories…strategies to promote, reward and share eportfolio practice, Presentation at EdTech Conference: TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices,, Carlow, 30th May.
Donaldson, L. (2018). Digital trailblazers: ePortfolios and more: the developing role of ePortfolios within the digital landscape. CRA & AAEEBL International Symposium, DCU, 23rd May.
Donaldson, L., Buckley, K., Farrell, O., & Uí Choistealbha., J. (2018). Reflections on ePortfolio professional learning: Harnessing an unconference approach. AePR, 2 (3).
Donaldson, L., Buckley, K., Farrell, O., & Ui Choistealbha, J. (2018). Harnessing an unconference approach to develop eportfolio competencies. Presentation at ePortfolios & More: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape, Dublin City University, Dublin, 24th May.
Donaldson, L., Farrell, O., Buckley, K., & Uí Choistealbha, J. (2018). DIY Unconference: CPD with a twist. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Donaldson, L.., & Glynn, M. (2018). From a standing start to a sprint finish. In Eyon, B & Gambino, L. (Eds.), CATALYST in ACTION: Case Studies of High-Impact ePortfolio Practice. Virgina: Stylus Books
Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2018). TEL quality matters: The significance of teacher pedagogical beliefs. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Donlon, E., Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2018). Massive open online courses for teacher CPD: Potentials, problems and pedagogy. Presentation in 3.0 Digital Learning: Valid, Vague or Valuable? Symposium, Educational Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) 41st Annual Conference, Values and Purpose in Education, University College Dublin, Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, 6th April.
Doyle, P., Glynn, M., Kelleher, E., & Lyng, C., (2018). Practical skills assessments made easy using online video submission. Presentation at LIN/AISHE conference, 30th October.
Doyle, P., Glynn, M., Lehwaldt, D., Kelly, M., & Hourican, S. (2018).Using video to facilitate CPD in the workplace. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Egan, A. (2018). Improving academic Integrity through assessment design [Online report]. National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, Dublin.
Farrell, O. (2018) Failure to launch: The unfulfilled promise of eportfolios in Irish higher education: An opinion piece. DBS Business Review, 2. doi: 10.22375/dbr.v2i0.30
Farrell, O. (2018). Self-portraits of learning online: An exploration of the experiences of online distance students learning with an eportfolio. Presentation at the Doctoral Symposium as part of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Farrell, O. (2018). Sociology, in L. Donaldson (Ed), Eportfolio based assessment - Inspiring exploration and supporting evaluation for practitioners. [online book]. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University.
Farrell, O. (2018). Introduction Edtech. Guest Lecture at TCD MEd, 18th of September.
Farrell, O. (2018). Virtual insanity: Teaching and learning in the 21st Century. Presentation at The Taste of DCU, Dublin City University, 10th of September.
Farrell, O. (2018). Rethinking history assessment. Presentation at DCU Teaching and Learning Day 2018, Dublin City University, 13th of September.
Farrell, O. (2018). The History Lab: Promoting digital historical research skills. Presentation at 2018 Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Annual Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, 10th March.
Farrell, O. (2018). Critical thinking, discipline context and eportfolios. Invited presentation at Practices on Eportfolio, Leuven, 20th February.
Farrell, O. (2018). Developing critical thinking through eportfolio based learning: An exploration of the experiences of online distance learners. Presentation at the TCD School of Education 9th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 19th May.
Farrell, O. (2018). Developing critical thinking through eportfolio based learning: an exploration of the experiences of online distance learners. Presentation at ePortfolios & More: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape, Dublin City University, Dublin, 24th May.
Farrell, O., Brown, M., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Foley, C. (2018). Can you give me sanctuary? Exploring the transition experiences of refugees and asylum seekers to online distance learning. Paper in proceedings of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J. (2018). Whats up with Whatsapp? Formal & informal online student communities. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Farrell, O., & Seery, A. (2018). “I am not simply learning and regurgitating information, I am also learning about myself”: Learning portfolio practice and online distance students. Distance Education, 40, (1). doi: 10.1080/01587919.2018.
Farrelly T., & Costello, E.. (2018). Open access journals - Who pays and what do you get? Paper presented at Association for Learning Technology Conference, Manchester, UK, 12th September.
Fitzpatrick, M., O’Riordan, F., McAvinia, C., O’Sullivan, I., Risquez, A., & Keane, M. (2018). Motivations, outcomes and implications of structured professional development for academic developers – a collaborative approach. Presentation at SEDA conference, Supporting staff to meet increasing challenges in higher and further education, Birmingham, 15th November. [Details]
Foley, C.A. (2018). Online learning the gateway to lifelong learning in Ireland: rhetoric and reality? Paper in student session on Education & Learning, 1st Irish Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), Dublin, 8th November.
Foley, C.A. (2018) Is it time for the land of saints and scholars to teach globally online? Paper in PhD Symposium proceedings of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Glynn, M. (2018). Future classroom teacher. Keynote presentation at Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board Annual Conference, 12th September.
Glynn, M. (2018). Text matching: Carrot or stick approach for plagiarism detection. Urkund National Conference on Plagiarism, Sweden, 24th August.
Glynn, M. (2018). Reflections on spending other people's money. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 1st June.
Glynn, M., Kelleher, E., & Lyng, C. (2018). Online MCQ quizzes - do they enable student engagement and learning or are we just fooling ourselves? Presentation at LIN/AISHE conference. 30th October.
Glynn, M., & Young, P. (2018). Testing knowledge of one software using another! Gasta presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Gormley, C. (2018). The Sipping Point: A worthwhile space for refuelling teaching practice? International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Dublin, Dublin City University, 13th December.
Gormley, C., & Glynn, M. (2018). What’s wrong with this picture? Visualising the reality of student and staff assessment workloads. Presentation at LIN/AISHE conference, 30th October.
Hallissy, M., & Butler, D. (2018). Leading with learning: Development of a digital learning framework for practice. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Hegarty, S. (2018).Embedding eportfolios into module assessment – an incremental approach. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Kirwan, C. (2018). The machine in the ghost: Teaching computational thinking to Irish students. Paper in student session on Education & Learning, 1st Irish Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), Dublin, 8th November.
Kirwan, C. (2018) The machine in the ghost: Teaching computational thinking to second level students using a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Finalist at DCU Tell it Straight Competition, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Kirwan, A., & Gormley, C. (2018). Feedback in Soundbites: A sound approach in Nursing Education? Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 1st June.
Kirwan, C. Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2018). Computational thinking and online learning: A Systematic literature review. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on eLearning, ECEL 2018, Athens, Greece, November 1-2, (pp. 650-658). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK.
Lyng, C., & Kelleher, L. (2018). Can online quizzes foster student engagement? Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Mac Lochlainn, C. (2018). The motivations and self-concepts of online adult minority language learners. Presentation at the Doctoral Symposium as part of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Mac Lochlainn, C. (2018). Motivations and identities - contrasting learner archetypes and literature on the psychology of language learning. Presentation at FLAN meeting, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 7th September.
Mac Lochlainn, C., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Beirne, E. (2018). The usage of Padlet to promote learner expression of initial goals in a minority language LMOOC. Poster presented at EuroCALL 2018, Jyväskylän, Finland, 22nd August.
Mac Lochlainn, C., & Nic Giolla-Mhichil, M. (2018). The motivations of online second language acquisition (SLA) learners: The need for minority language perspectives.Best of Ireland Award paper at EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vol. 1. Amsterdam, 27thJune.
Mahon, P., Lyng, C., Crotty, Y., & Farren, M. (2018). Fostering student engagement with emerging technologies. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Mhic Dhomhnaill, S. (2018). Using digital technologies to facilitate learning: Does the integration of two animation robots in a MOOC enhance student learning? Presentation at the Doctoral Symposium as part of the 10th EDEN Research Workshop, Towards personalized guidance and support for learning. Barcelona, 24th October.
Mhic Dhomhnaill, S., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2018). Oscar and Niamh two MOOC Animation Robots: How did Learners Respond? Paper in proceeding of European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN). Towards Personalised Guidance and Support for Learning, Barcelona, Spain. 25th October.
Morrissey, A., Fahy, S., Foley, C.A., & Crowe, D., (2018). Teaching Sustainability Sustainably, 1st International Education with Sustainability Conference, Institute of Technology Sligo. 20th August.
Mulligan, D. (2018). Developing an online peer review tool for university group project based assessment. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). Making MOOCs and OERs part of the Mix: DCU An Irish Dish!. Presentation at EMBED workshop, Tampere, Finland, 27th September.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2018). To tweet or not to tweet: Integrating a hashtag as a voluntary activity in an Irish language MOOC. Presentation at FLAN meeting, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 7th September.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Mac Lochlainn, C. (2018). Integrating a Hashtag in an LMOOC Course - An analysis of learner engagement and pedagogical approach. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2018, Jyväskylän, Finland, 23rd August.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Lynn, T., & Pierangelo, R. (2018). Twitter and the Irish language, #Gaeilge - agents and activities: Exploring a data set with micro-implementers in social media. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2018.1450414
O'Keeffe, N., Brunton, J., & Farrell, O. (2018). Making group work visible through innovative online assessment: Wikis, group contracts and more. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
O'Keeffe, M., Gormley, C., & Ferguson, P.B. (2018). Moving the focus from grades to feedback: A case study of pass/fail marking. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, Special Assessment Edition, 11 (1), 70-79.
O'Reilly, N., & Donaldson, L. (2018)."Thank you, dear diary, for giving me this space": The use of e-portfolios to develop reflective practice during a study abroad year.Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
O'Riordan, F. (2018). Curriculum development discourse and practice, In: Craddock, G., Doran, C., McNutt, L., & Rice, D (eds). Transforming our World Through Design, Diversity and Education. Amsterdam: IOS Press, Vol. 256. [DOI] [Details]
O'Riordan, F. (2018). Transformation pedagogy through curriculum development discourse. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 23 (2), 244-260.
O'Riordan, F., Costelloe, L., & Glynn, M. (2018). Academic integrity and Moodle.Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May.
O'Riordan, F., Costelloe, L., & Gormley, C. (2018). Reflections on use of ePortfolios to support professional development: the academic developer perspective. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 2nd June.
O’Riordan F., Fitzpatrick M., O’Sullivan I., Risquez A., McAvinia C., & Keane M. (2018). Structured professional development for academic developers: A collaborative approach. International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Dublin, Dublin City University, 14th December, [Details].
O'Riordan, F., Glynn, M., & Buckley, K. (2018). What can educators do to promote academic integrity? International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Dublin, Dublin City University, 14th December, [Details].
Scanlon, E., & Conole, G. (2018). Interdisciplinarity in technology enhanced learning: An interview study. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, (1), 12, pp. 1-8.
Scully, D., O'Leary, M., & Brown, M. (2018). The learning portfolio in higher education: Like a game of snakes and ladders. Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE) and Natuonal Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, Dublin.
Scully, D., O’Leary, M., & Brown, M. (2018). The learning portfolio in higher education: An integrative review.Best of Ireland Award paper at EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vol. 1. Amsterdam, 27thJune.
Scully, D., O'Leary, M., & Brown, M. (2018). A game of snakes and ladders: An integrative review of learning portfolio in higher education. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Stone, S. (2018). Is H5P the new black? Gasta presentation at EdTech 2018,TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Stone, S., & Logan, A. (2018). Exploring students’ use of the social networking site WhatsApp to foster connectedness in the online learning experience. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3 (1) 44-57.
Stone, S., Logan, A., & Balfe, T. (2018). A digital makeover: Transforming a vocabulary assessment tool with TEL. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
Ward, M. (2018). How EdTech can help in peer review for transversal skills. Presentation at EdTech 2018, TEL Quality Matters – People, Policies and Practices, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Carlow, 31st May - 1st June.
2017 Outputs
Boran, L., Glynn, M., & Brunton, J. (2017). How to gamify your research literacy teaching. Presentation at the 47th annual conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Limerick, 9th November.
Brown, M. (2017). Supporting educators for innovative, open and digital education: Challenges and opportunities. Invited keynote [scene setting] presentation at PLA#7 Supporting Educators for Innovative, Open and Digital Education, ET2020 Working Group, Digital Skills and Competencies, Zagreb, 7-8 December, 2017.
Brown, M. (2017). DCU Fuse: 24-hour online collaborative brainstorm. Presentation under Ethical Leadership category at QS Wharton Reimagine Education Conference, Philadelphia, 4th December 2017.
Brown, M. (2017). Development of National platform for open on-line courses on quality assurance, implementation and accreditation. Invited two-day seminar as part of Euopean Commission's Technical Assistance Mission (TAM) for European neighborhood countries. Hosted by National Erasmus+ Office and Moscow City University, Moscow, 14th & 15th November.
Brown, M. (2017). What would successful open learning policy be for higher education? Presentation at Open Classroom International Conference: Open Professional Collaboration for Open Classroom, Kaunas, Lithuania, 10th November.
Brown, M. (2017). Images of education futures: Looking at the bigger picture. Keynote presentation at Open Classroom International Conference: Open Professional Collaboration for Open Classroom, Kaunas, Lithuania, 9th November.
Brown, M. (2017). Higher education for the future: Digital transformation at Dublin City University. Invited presentation at Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, 7th November.
Brown, M. (2017). Technology-enhanced learning: Telling tales out of class. Invited keynote presentation at U21 Educational Innnovation Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, 2nd November.
Brown, M. (2017). Walking the talk of innovation: Re-envisioning the future - online. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Brown, M. (2017). Blended with purpose:A fickle dance of hype and hope. Invited keynote presentation at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23rd October.
Brown, M. (2017). Higher education for the future: Infusing digital learning in institutional culture. Paper at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 17th October.
Brown, M. (2017). A critical review of frameworks for digital litercy: Beyond the flashy, flimsy and faddish. TELall ASCILITE blog, Part 1 [5th October], Part 2 [12th October] & Part 3 [23rd October].
Brown, M. (2017). DCU University of Sancturary. Poster at Conference on Higher Education and Refugees in the Mediterranean Region. Beirut, 26th September.
Brown, M. (2017). The next big thing(s): Thinking strategically for better futures. Invited presentation at the Allianz Forum, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin, 12th September.
Brown, M. (2017). The great digital literacy debate. Foresight Symposium, World Conference on Computers in Education, Dublin, 4th July.
Brown, M. (2017). DCU Fuse: 24 hour online envisioning for the future. Presentation at Diversity Matters, 26th Annual EDEN Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden, 15th June.
Brown, M. (2017). A critique of the unbundling movement: Challenges and opportunities for Irish Higher Education.Presentation at EdTech 2017, TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st June.
Brown, M. (2017). Methodological issues in learning analytics: Critical insights and reflections. Invited opinion paper and presentation at ICDE Leadership Summit, Nancy, France, 22nd May.
Brown, M. (2017). Transforming the future: The example of Dublin City University. Invited presentation at D-Transform Leadership School, Nancy, France, 20th May.
Brown, M. (2017). Quality in teachnology-enhanced learning: Old traditions, new delights. Invited keynote presentation at Enhancing Quality of Technology-Enhanced Learning at Jordanian Universities, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, 8th May.
Brown, M. (2017). The first Envisioning Report for EMPOWERING universities in the uptake of new modes of teaching. Invited presentation at the EADTU-EU Summit 2017, Innovations in Teaching and Learning: New Directions for Higher Education. Brussels, 25th April.
Brown, M. (2017). Digital learning revisited: Exploring some of the big questions. Opening presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, April 21st
Brown, M. (2017). Me, myself and madness: Breaking outside of the wall. Featured presentation at OLC Innovate, Online Learning Consortium (OLC) conference, New Orleans, 5th April.
Brown, M. (2017). Telling it straight: The 7 deadly sins of online learning. Keynote presentation at OLC Innovate, Online Learning Consortium (OLC) conference, New Orleans, 5th April.
Brown, M. (2017). The Open Academy initiative: Fostering an innovation culture with a local flavour. Open Education Week webinar, Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, Romania, 31st March
Brown, M. (2017). An ecological perspective: The whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Invited presentation at Next Generation Learning Spaces, London, 30th March.
Brown, M. (2017). Shaping the future of the digital humanities: Off the rails and other critical tales. Invited keynote presentation at #dariahTeach Open Education Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 23rd March
Brown, M. (2017). The great unbundling debate: Dystopia or utopia? Paper at Expanding the Horizons in Open and Distance Learning, Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia conference, Melbourne, 6th February.
Brown, M. (2017). How MOOCs boost student mobility and increase cross-institutional programmes. Invited presentation at at the Maastricht Innovation in Higher Education Days, Maastricht, 31st January.
Brown, M. (2017). Old debates, unanswered questions, better futures (pp. v-viii). Preface in A. Marcus-Quinn & T. Hourigan (Eds.), Handbook on digital learning for K12 schools. Switzerland: Springer.
Brown, M. (2017). How far will IT go? Could AL one day replace teachers? Invited presentation at Learning Tech Labs, The Vault at Dogpatch Labs, CHQ Building, Dublin, 12th January.
Brown, M., Brunton, J., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2017). Head start online: Plugging a gap in the study lifecycle. Paper at Digital Universities in the MOOC Era: Redesigning Higher Education, ICEM Conference, Naples, 22nd September.
Brown, M., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Glynn, M., & Gormley, C. (2017). Why Technology fails to transform pedagogy: Lessons for professional learning. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 2nd June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrelly, T. (2017). Why unbundling matters: Unpacking competing languages of persuasion. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, 21st April.
Brown, M., & de Vries, F. (2017). Empowering strategic leaders: The challenge of developing transformative leadership. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Brown, M., & de Vries, F. (2017). Wicked scenarios for the future: Developing strategic leadership for new times. Paper at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 17th October.
Brown, M., de Vries, F., & Farrelly, T. (2017). Empowering online learning leadership development: Wicked scenarios for emerging leaders. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 2nd June.
Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2017). The digital literacy movement: Utopian or dystopian development? Presentation at OEB Mid Summit, Reykjavik, Iceland, 8th June.
Brown, M., Ubache, G., & de Vries, F. (2017). Developing new generation leaders: The EMPOWER leadership development programme. Presentation at UNESCO / ICDE Visionary Leadership for Digital Transformation: Higher Education for the Sustainable World we want. OECD HQ, Paris, 24th May.
Brunton. J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Farrell, O. (2017). Promoting effective, strategic pre-entry and on-entry socialisation for flexible learners in higher education. Paper at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 16th October.
Brunton J., Brown M., Costello E., & Farrell O. (2017). Developing a Systematic Programme-FocusedAssessment and Feedback Strategy. In O'Neill, G. (Ed.) Enhancing programme approaches to assessment and feedback in irish higher education: case studies, commentaries and tools. Dublin: The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Brunton, J., Brown, M. Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2017). New models of flexible learner socialisation in the digital age: The Head Start Online MOOC. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Brunton, J., Brown, M. Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2017). Head start for online study: Reflections on a MOOC for new learners. Presentation at UK/Ireland MoodleMoot, London, April 11th.
Brunton, J., Brown, M. Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2017). Head start online: A good start is half the work. Paper at Expanding the Horizons in Open and Distance Learning, Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia conference, Melbourne, 6th February.
Brunton. J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2017). Developing a systematic programme focused assessment and feedback strategy. Technology-enabled feedback approaches for first-year: Y1 Feedback case studies in practice: Y1 Feedback. Available from: https://www.y1feedback.ie
Brunton J., Brown M., Costello E., Farrell O., & Mahon C. (2017) Giving flexible learners a head start on higher education: Designing and implementing a pre-induction socialisation MOOC. In: Delgado Kloos C., Jermann P., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Seaton D., White S. (eds.) Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus. EMOOCs 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 10254. Springer, Cham.
Brunton, J., & Farrell, O. (2017). Distributed and disaggregated: Developing excellence in teaching and learning in online distance learning teams. Presentation at the 22nd annual conference of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), Developing teaching excellence: Supporting and developing the work of groups and teams, Cardiff, UK, 16th November.
Butler, D., & Brown, M. (2017). We need to talk: Are we making the right connections? Presentation at Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Conference, St Patrick's Campus, Dublin City University, Dublin, 4th March.
Bulter, D., Leahy, M., Hallissy, M., & Brown, M. (2017). Different strokes for different folks: Scaling a blended learning model of teacher professional learning. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 14 (3), pp.230-245. Available from https://doi.org/10.1108/ITSE-
Corrigan, O., Glynn, M., Smeaton, A., & Smith, S. (2017). PredictEd: using VLE data to provide eeekly automated feedback on student engagement. Technology-enabled feedback approaches for first-year: Y1 Feedback case studies in practice: Y1 Feedback. Available from: https://www.y1feedback.ie
Costello, E. (2017). Hiding in plain sight: Researhc ethics of big open data. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Costello, E. (2017). Please explain: Peer feedback as teaching in first year computer programming. Technology-enabled feedback approaches for first-year: Y1 Feedback case studies in practice: Y1 Feedback. Available from: https://www.y1feedback.ie
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2017). Coding finding privacy in the big data education haystack. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, 21st April.
Costello E., Brown M., Nair B., Nic Giolla Mhichíl M., Zhang J., & Lynn, T. (2017). #MOOC friends and followers: An analysis of Twitter hashtag networks. In: Delgado Kloos C., Jermann P., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Seaton D., White S. (eds.) Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus. EMOOCs 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 10254. Springer, Cham.
Delaney, L., & Brown M. (2017). The pre-participation experience of distance graduates. Higher Education for the Future: Accelerating and Strengthening Innovation. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) Conference, Milton Keynes, 25-27 October.
Delaney, L., & Brown, M. (2017). University access: Complexity and technology. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 2nd June.
Donaldson, L. (2017). Impactful eportfolio practice in Ireland. Keynote presentation at Empowering Eportfolio Process (EEP) conference, Marino Institute of Education, 15th September.
Donaldson, L. (2017). Meeting the challenge of developing interactive video learning activities. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Donaldson, L. (2017). Leveraging an eportfolio community of practice as a catalyst for innovating teaching practices and supporting professional development. Presentation at AAEEBL Regional Conference 2017 RE-BUNDLING HIGHER EDUCATION: High Impact ePortfolio Practice and the New Digital Ecosystem., NE Regional Conference of the Association for the Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning New York, 2nd & 3rd March.
Donaldson, L., & Glynn, M. (2017). From super complex to super simple: distilling the planning and practice of eportfolio. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Donaldson L., Matthews, A., Walsh, A., Brugha,R., Manda-Taylor, L. Mwapasa, V., & Byrne, E. (2017). Collaborative tools to enhance engagement in a blended learning Master’s programme. AISHE-J. No. 9. [Online].
Donlon, E. (2017). The use of a custom-built online environment for communication with and support of student-teachers during school placement. Teaching Education, DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2017.1416349
Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2017). Supercomplexity in the age of artificial intelligence: Research challenges for 21st Century educators. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 2nd June.
Donlon, E., Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2017). The next big thing: The impact of Artificial Intelligence on education. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, April 21st.
Doyle, P., Kelleher, E., Keough, A., Kimmins, A., Lyng, C., & Glynn, M. (2017). Practical Skill Assessments - we need to talk about video. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Egan, A., & Costelloe, L. (2017) 'Case Study J: Assessment for all'. Enhancing programme approaches to assessment and feedback in higher education: Case studies, commentaries and tools. Available: https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Case-Study-J-with-doi.pdf.
Farrell, O. (2017). What is it like learning with an eportfolio for online distance learners? Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Farrell, O. (2017). Student voices on eportfolios "The learning portfolio differs to other modes of learning, I am not simply learning and regurgitating information, I am also learning about myself". Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Farrell, O. (2017). Using a Mahara Eportfolio with Online Distance Students. Presentation at Mahara US Usergroup Meeting, [Online], 23rd May.
Farrell, O., (2017). Using a Mahara Eportfolio with Online Distance Students. Presentation at MaharaIRL Usergroup Meeting, Dublin, 21st April.
Farrell, O. (2017), The learning portfolio differs to other modes of learning, I am not simply learning and regurgitating information, I am also learning about myself. Presentation at AAEEBL Regional Conference, Guttman College, New York, 2-3 March.
Farrell, O., Curran, C., Brunton, J. (2017). The History Lab: Developing digital research skills. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Foley, C. A. (2017). It’s a question of balance: Assuring quality on postgraduate online programmes at Dublin City University. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Foley C.A. (2017). Supervising Postgraduate Dissertations Online - A DCU Open Education Perspective. Invited Presentation at Irish Management Academy Seminar Series, National College of Ireland, IFSC, Dublin, April 21st. https://livestream.com/accounts/1086204/NCI/videos/154631433
Glynn., M., Donaldson, L., Walker, D., & Coombs, T. (2017). AIM Project: Advanced Analytics in Mahara. Presentation at Cambridge Mahoodle Moot 2017, Cambridge, 20th October.
Glynn., M., & Karazi, S. (2017). Turning Off TurnItIn. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Glynn., M., Donaoldson, L., Walker, D., & Coombs, T. (2017). Measuring student engagement with ePortfolios. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Gormley, C. O’Keeffe, M. Bruce Ferguson, P. (2017). Exploring the impact of small-scale accredited professional development. In Maguire, M., Harding, N., Noonan, G. & O'Connor, T. (Eds.), Teachers as Learners: exploring the impact of accredited professional development on learning and assessment in Irish Higher Education (pp. 96-107). Maynooth: AISHE.
Gormley, C., O'Keeffe, M., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2017). A question of confidence? Exploring academics' experiences of digital capacity building through engagement in academic development modules at an Irish university. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Harding N., et al. (2017). Developing digital pedagogy: The impact of national strategy and enhancement themes in an Irish Institute of higher education (pp.219-230). In: Teh G., Choy S. (eds). Empowering 21st Century learners through holistic and enterprising learning. Springer, Singapore.
James, A., & Brown, M. (2017). The case of DoctoralNet: An innovative online platform for doctoral students. Paper at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 17th October.
Kelleher, E., Lyng, C.,, Keough, A., Kimmins, A., Glynn, M., & Doyle, P. (2017). Online video submission for practical skills assessments – transforming supercomplexity into super simplicity. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Kirwan, C. (2017). Computational thinking for Post Primary students. Presentation at Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Conference, St Patrick's Campus, Dublin City University, Dublin, 4th March.
Kirwan, C., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2017). Complexities of a computational thinking age: Definitional challenges. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Kirwan, C., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2017). Computational thinking: Are we all on the same page? Presentation at Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, University College Cork, Cork, 21st April.
Logan, A., & Stone, S. (2017). Scaffolding for student engagement and debate in the supercomplex context of the online synchronous classroom. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Marr, L., Foley, K., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2017). From innovation to impact: Feeding learning back into the institution. Workshop at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Brown, M. (2017). MOOC myths and institutions? Implementation, observations, predictions and hype. Paper at Digital Universities in the MOOC Era: Redesigning Higher Education, ICEM Conference, Naples, 22nd September.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M.,Beirne, E., & Brunton, J. (2017). Language learning MOOCs: Classifying approaches to learning. Paper at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 17th October.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Brunton, J. (2017). MOOC platforms, participation and business models: Tensions in focus. Presentation at annual European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 26th October, 2017.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2017). Opening up education in Irish universities: An analysis of institutional strategy and macro-level policy. Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, April 21st
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., Lynn, T., & Nair, B. (2017). MOOC movers and shakers: Who is setting the agenda? OER17: The Politics of Open. London: 6th April.
O'Keefe, N. (2017). Promoting active engagement in online courses using breakout rooms. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
O’Keeffe, M., Gormley, C., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2017). Learning or grades? A case for changing assessment to pass/fail marking. Presentation at AHE Conference, Manchester, UK, 29th June.
O'Regan, L., Maguire, M., Brown, M., Harding, N., Munro, M., Gallagher, G., Farrell, O., & Ryan, S. (2017). Technology-enabled feedback approaches for first year: Opportunities, challenges and strategies. Presentation at EdTech 2017, TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st June.
O'Riordan, F. (2017). Authentic assessment as a change catalyst. In M. Maguire, N. Harding, G. Noonan, & T. O'Connor, (Eds.), Teachers as Learners: exploring the impact of accredited professional development on learning and assessment in Irish Higher Education (pp. 87-95). Maynooth: AISHE.
O'Riordan, F. (2017). Professional development with industry professionals. National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Dublin.
O'Riordan, F. (2017). Authentic assessment as a change catalyst in curriculum development. Presentation at The impact of accredited professional development in learning and teaching on assessment in Irish HE. Learning Innovation Network (LIN), (no date).
O'Riordan, F. (2017). Implementation of the professional development framework: Industry active part-time lecturers experience. Presentation at International Conference of Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Griffith College, Dublin, 15th December.
O'Riordan, F., & Broughton, F. (2017). Care to Share? A study of the extent to which an expectation sharing and setting induction exercise is an effective pedagogical tool for first year law students. All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J), 9 (1), 1-15.
O’Riordan, F., & Hegarty, D. (2017). Demographic trends: Possible solutions to urgent higher education access challenges. In: B. Mooney (eds.), Ireland’s Yearbook of Education: Mapping the past. Forging the future. 2017-2018. (pp.337-340). Dublin: Education Matters.
Stone, S. (2017). The drop-in approach to TEL support: Exploring ways to meet demands with limited resources. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
Stone, S., Doyle, P; Donlon, E; Gormley, C; Walsh, E; O’Keeffe, N; O’Keeffe, M; Crean, A; & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2017). Meitheal: an Irish case study in building a virtual community of practice in transitional times. Chapter 20, 445-475. In J. McDonald and A. Cater-Steel, Implementing Communities of Practice in Higher Education: Dreamers and Schemers. Singapore: Springer.
Vaughan, N., Andrews, C., Brown, M., Russell, M., & Cheong Li, K. (2017). Blended and online learning from design to evaluation: International case studies of evidence-based practice. Panel discussion at 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada, 17th October.
Ward, M. (2017). Coding and the curriculum: Potetial and challenges. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, Cork, April 21st.
White, B. (2017). Capturing technical competencies and graduate attributes developed during work placements using online reflection and eportfolios. Presentation at EdTech 2017 TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity - Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Sligo, 1st & 2nd June.
2016 Outputs
Bleach, J., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2016). Why do networks matter? Presentation to Integrating the Personal and Political in Professional Practice, Collaborative Action Research Network International Conference, Lincoln, U.K., 11 - 13 November.
Blin, F. (2016). Towards an ‘ecological’ CALL theory: theoretical perspectives and their instantiation in CALL research (Chapter 3). In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology. London: Routledge.
Blin, F., Jalkanen, J., & Taalas, P. (2016). Sustainable CALL development (Chapter 16). In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology. London: Routledge.
Brown, M. (2016). MOOCs as social practice: A kaleidoscope of perspectives (pp.31-41). In E. De Corte, L. Enwall, & U. Teichler (Eds.). From Books to MOOCs? Emerging models of learning and teaching in higher education. Wenner-Gren International Series, 88. London: Portland Press.
Brown, M. (2016). Beyond the digital horizon: new learning platforms, old technology debates (Junhong Xiao trans.). Distance Education in China, 10, 5-13.
Brown, M. (2016). Supporting the life-long learning agenda: The force of technology-enhanced learning awakens. Keynote address at Working Towards a Best-in-Class Further Education and Training Services for 21st Century Ireland. Further Education & Training Conference, 23 November.
Brown, M. (2016). Planes, trains and automobiles: Which way to the future? Keynote presentation at Consortium of National and University Libraries (CONUL), Annual Seminar, Dublin, 10th November.
Brown, M. (2016). Reflections on major themes: Weaving together the generations. Closing presentation at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Brown, M. (2016). EMPOWER online learning leadership academy. Invited Plenary presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 21st October.
Brown, M. (2016). New moves for new times: Dancing towards the future. Invited keynote presentation at Transforming Learning Conference, Swinburne University, Melbourne, 13th September.
Brown, M. (2016). Walking through the valley of the shadow of the MOOC. Invited presentation at International MOOC Colloquium: The MOOC identity. Capri, Italy, 3rd September.
Brown, M. (2016). Scary monsters and super creeps: Collaborating with the enemy. Invited COIL Fischer keynote, Pennsylvania State University, State College, 9th August.
Brown, M. (2016). The story of distance education: The future is not what it used to be. Invited presentation at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. 8th June.
Brown, M. (2016). Learning analytics: A messy research construct. Invited presentation at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. 9th June.
Brown, M. (2016). The future is not what it used to be: A mingled yarn of good and ill together. Invited presentation at IT Carlow, Carlow. 20th May.
Brown, M. (2016). The unbundling of higher education: A tale of two valleys. Keynote presentation at 5th HEA Forward-Look Forum, "Unbundling of Higher Education: What are the Implications and Opportunities for Ireland?" Dublin, 19th May.
Brown, M. (2016). The story of digital learning: The future is not what it used to be. Invited keynote presentations at Aalborg University, Aalborg and Copenhagen, Denmark, 11th & 12th May.
Brown, M, (2016). Taking the hype out of the hype cycle. Eden President’s Blog, 20th April.
Brown, M, (2016). Reimagining higher education: A global perspective. Invited presentation at Ashford University, San Diego, 1st April.
Brown, M, (2016). The digital learning revolution: Exploring the gap between rhetoric and reality. Colloquium Series, Institute for the Science of Teaching and Learning, Arizona State University (ASU), Phoenix, 30th March.
Brown, M. (2016). Seize the moment: Make the future extraordinary. Keynote presentation at Computers in Education Society Ireland (CESI) Conference, Dublin City University, 27th February.
Brown, M., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S. (2016). Making better choices: Self-regulative tools for flexible learner success. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 (pp. 502-506). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Limerick, Ireland, 28th April.
Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016). MOOCs in the Republic of Ireland: A gap in the policy landscape (pp.67-73). In D. Jansen & L. Konings (Eds.). European policy response on MOOC opportunities. Overview of papers representing a European policy response on MOOC opportunities as presented during the HOME policy forum in Brussels, 28th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Butler, D., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Thinking strategically about MOOCs: Developing an institutional response. Paper at e-Learning Africa Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 26th May 2016.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Shaping the future: The DCU Open Academy initiative. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Ciphered or shared? Questioning the role of the digital in opening up education. Digital Learning Symposium at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 2nd April.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). The Open Academy initiative: Fostering an innovation culture with a local flavour. Presentation at Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Connect, Collaborate, Create, University of Warwick, 6th September.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). MOOCs in the news: The 'real' story behind the Irish story. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 (pp. 337-345). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Limerick, Ireland, 28th April.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Images of openness: A kaleidoscope of competing discourses. Paper at OER16: Open Cultures, Edinburgh, 20th April.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Moodle in the age of the MOOC: The DCU Open Academy initiative. Paper at MoodleMoot Ireland UK 2016, London: 23rd March.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2016). Story of MOOCs in the Irish media: Hold the front page (pp.26-35). In D. Jensen & L. Konings (Eds.). MOOCs in Europe: Overview of papers representing a collective European response on MOOCs as presented during the HOME conference in Rome November 2015. Maastricht, The Netherlands: European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).
Brown, M., Costello, E., Lynn, T., & Nair, B. (2016). BidEdData: The MOOC story deconstructed. Synergy paper at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Budapest, 15th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & McKenna, A. (2016). Supporting new modes of teaching with technology: The role of institutional benchmarking. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). A strategic response to MOOCs: What role should governments play? Paper at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp.86-96), Adelaide, 30th November.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). The Irish online learning landscape: A critical tour through the valley of the shadow of the MOOC. Paper at 9th European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN) Research Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, 6th October.
Brown, M., & Gormley, P. (2016). Critical reflections on the Irish horizons report: What did we learn from the experience? Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Brown, M., Glynn, G., Gormley, C., & Doyle, J. (2016). Learning21: Shaping the future. Synergy paper at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Budapest, 17th June.
Brown, M., O'Hara, J., McNamara, J., & Poole, P. (2016). Factors affecting the introduction of digital portfolios in Irish education. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2016). The influence of Action Research and Living Educational Theory on my life’s work as an educator. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 9 (2), 24-37.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2016). Living, learning, leading - reflections on an action researched life. Presentation to Integrating the Personal and Political in Professional Practice, Collaborative Action Research Network International Conference, Lincoln, U.K., 11 - 13 November
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2016). Reflections on action research group Ireland symposium. Blog on www.eari.ie posted 5th July.
Bruce Ferguson, P., with Glenn, M., McDonagh, C., Roche, M., & Sullivan, B. (2016). Creating connections in action research. Presentation to Action Research Group Ireland Symposium, University College Dublin, 1st July.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Cleary, A., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Gilligan, J., O’Regan, L., & Ward, J. (2016). Developing a suite of flexible learner transition tools: The student success toolbox project. In Remenyi, D. (Ed.). e-Learning excellence awards: An anthology of case studies 2016. Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Cleary, A., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Gilligan, J., O’Regan, L., & Ward, J. (2016). Student success toolbox for flexible learners: Supporting transitions from thinking about study to the first weeks. Effective Practice Award Discovery Session at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 18th November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Cleary, A., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Gilligan, J., O’Regan, L., & Ward, J. (2016). Developing a suite of flexible learner transition tools - the student success toolbox project. 15th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), Prague, 27th October.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Cleary, A., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Galvin, C., Gilligan, J., O’Regan, L., & Ward, J. (2016). Lost in transition: A report on enabling success for flexible learners. Dublin: Dublin City University.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Cleary, A., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Gilligan, J., & O’Regan, L. (2016). How to support an effective transition process for flexible learners using digital readiness tools: A workshop. Workshop at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Clinch, G., Costello, E., Farrelly, T., Gilligan, J., Murphy, A. (2016). Teaching for Transitions: Reflecting on three nationally funded projects that developed digital tools to facilitate transitions into Higher Education. Conference Proceedings of The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference (pp.661-673), Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Cleary, A., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Gilligan, J., O'Regan, L. & Ward J. (2016). Staying the distance: Using digital readiness tools to support effective transitions into higher education for flexible learners. Poster at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp. 97-98), Adelaide, 28th November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S. (2016). ‘Begun Is two-thirds done’: Giving flexible learners a head start with a suite of online transition tools for supporting student success in higher education. Presentation at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 17th November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L. (2016). Student success toolbox - Supporting transitions from thinking about study to the first few weeks. Synergy paper at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Budapest, 15th June.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L. & Fox, S. (2016). Digital readiness tools for use in supporting flexible learner transition into higher education. Poster at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S. (2016). Making and sharing OERs that faciliate successful transition into higher education for flexible learners. Paper at OER16: Open Cultures, Edinburgh, 20th April.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S. (2016). Creating a toolbox of OERs to faciliate flexible learner transition into higher education: A collaborative project between four Irish higher education institutions. Paper at Open Education Global Conference, Krakow, 12th April.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Farrell, O., & Mahon, C., (2016). Head Start Online: A MOOC for effectively supporting flexible learner transition into higher education. Poster at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp. 99-101), Adelaide, 28th November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2016). A MOOC to facilitate flexible learner transition into higher education - Head Start Online: first steps to flexible study. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2016). ‘A good start is half the work’: Developing a MOOC to aid flexible learner transition into higher education. Conference Proceedings of The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference (pp.570-577), Rome, Italy, 21st October.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Farrell, O., & Mahon, C. (2016). Head start online: Thinking about, or preparing for, flexible study. Paper at 9th European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN) Research Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, 5th October.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Walsh, E. (2016). Designing and developing a programme focused assessment strategy: A case study. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 31 (2), 1-12.
Butler, D. (2016). Students need to have skills for life and for work in the 21st century. What teacher professional learning is needed? Microsoft’s European School Leaders Seminar, Cardinal Place, London, 22nd January.
Butler, D., Brown, M., & Mac Críosta, G. (2016). Telling the story of MindRising: Minecraft, mindfulness and meaningful learning. Paper in proceedings of ICEdTech16, International Conference on Educational Technologies, Melbourne, 8th December.
Butler, D., Brown, M., & Mac Críosta, G. (2016). Minecraft and digital learning: Building a research culture. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Butler, D., Hallissy, M., Donlon, E., Leahy, M., Hurley, J., & Brown, M. (2016). 21CLD MOOC: A triarchic response to teacher professional learning. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Butler, D., Leahy, M., Hallissy, M., & Brown, M. (2016). Scaling a model of teacher professional learning - To MOOC or not to MOOC? Paper in proceedings of ICEdTech16, International Conference on Educational Technologies, Melbourne, 8th December.
Butler, D., Leahy, M., Hallissy, M., & Brown, M. (2016). Embedding classroom practice in a 21st Century learning design (21CLD) MOOC framework. Poster at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp. 102-104), Adelaide, 28th November.
Byrne, E., Donaldson, L., Manda-Taylor, L., Brugha, B., Matthews, A., MacDonald, S., Mwapasa, V., Petersen, M., & Walsh, A. (2016). The use of technology enhanced learning in health research capacity development: lessons from a cross country research partnership. Globalization and Health, 12:19, 1-14.
Cannon, G., Doyle, J., Doyle, P., Glynn, M., Hickey, K, (2016). UniCam - A scalable, modular, affordable way to capture video in the classroom. Paper presented at ALTC Winter online winter conference,
Costello, E. (2016). Learning outside online classes: Social media and MOOCs. Designing Sustainable MOOCs in Europe. Madrid, 12-16 December.
Costello, E., Binesh, N., Brown, M., Zhang, J., Giolla-Mhichíl, M.N., Donlon, E. & Lynn, T. (2016). Social media #MOOC mentions: Lessons for MOOC mentions from analysis of Twitter data. Paper at ASCILITE 2016 conference. In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp.157-162), Adelaide, 29th November.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Land of the learning giants: The rise of MOOCs. Paper as part of Digital Learning Symposium at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 2nd April.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Nair, B., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Lynn, T., Zhang, J., & Perris, K. (2016). Towards a research agenda of MOOCs in Twitter through analysis of a large dataset. Presentation at Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Connect, Collaborate, Create, University of Warwick, 8th September.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Ward, M., & Butler, D. (2016). Massive open online coding: Exploring the role of MOOCs for post-primary computing education in Ireland. Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC), St Patrick's College, Dublin City University, 16th June.
Costello, E., Brown, M., & Holland, J. (2016). What questions are MOOCs asking? An evidence-based investigation. Proceedings of the European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, Graz, 24th February.
Costello, E., Brunton, J., & Brown, M. (2016). Before we begin: Guiding learner expectations via a preparatory MOOC. Paper at MoodleMoot Ireland UK 2016, London: 23rd March.
Costello, E., Brunton, J., Farrell, O., & Brown, M. (2016). Rising to the challenge of flexible learner transition: A pre-induction socialisation MOOC initiative. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Costello, E., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Building digital bridges: A special interest group in digital learning of the Education Studies Association of Ireland. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Costello, E., Hallissy, M., & O’Keeffe, N. (2016). Your turn to talk: Participant beliefs of synchronous classroom interaction. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 19th October.
Costello, E., Lynn, T., Brown, M., Nair, B., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Zhang, J. (2016). An exploration of #MOOC networks and their stories. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Costello, E., Lynn, T., Brown, M., Nair, B., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016). Rising or falling? Tracing MOOC trends in social media. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Costelloe, L. (2016). What’s it all about? A discourse analysis of 2016 general election manifestos on early years care and education. Early Childhood Ireland Research and Practice Seminar, 15th April.
Costelloe, L., & Egan, A. (2016). Peer assessment of, for and as learning: a core component of an accredited professional development course for Higher Education teachers. SLL/LIN Symposium, 27th October.
Costelloe, L., & Egan, A. (2016). Developing learning skills and dispositions among early years educators. Early Childhood Ireland Research and Practice Seminar,15th April.
Delaney, L. (2016). Using case study methodology to explore the relationship between digital learning and widening university access. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Delaney, L., & Farren, M. (2016). No 'self' left behind? Part-time distance learning university graduate: social class, gender graduate identity and employability. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 31 (3), 194-208.
Delaney, L. & Farren, M. (2016). Digital learning: an important ingredient in equity of access to university. Paper presented at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp. 99-101), Adelaide, 28th November.
Donaldson, L. (2016). Welcome to the m-assessment quiz show. Presentation at Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Connect, Collaborate, Create, University of Warwick, 6th September.
Donaldson, L. (2016). M-assessment quiz show. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Donaldson, L. (2016). M-enabling formative assessment. Paper at Computers in Education Society Ireland (CESI) Conference, Dublin City University, 27th February.
Donaldson, L., & Glynn, M. (2016). Computing, chemistry and business... Oh my! Learning technology is everywhere. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Donaldson, L., Glynn, M., Harding, N., & Maguire, M. (2016). Computing, chemistry and business... Oh my! Learning technology is everywhere. Presentation at Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Connect, Collaborate, Create, University of Warwick, 6th September.
Donlon, E. (2016). Open education. Presentation at Learning Tech Labs, Dublin City University, 19th October.
Donlon, E. (2016). The wisdom of the crowd: A crowdsourcing approach to compiling a directory of teaching and learning tools. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016). Power of the crowd: The promise and the potential of crowdsourcing in education. Paper at ASCILITE 2016 conference. In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp.206-211), Adelaide, 30th November.
Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016). Harnessing the crowd: Framing a research agenda. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Donlon, E., Brown. M., & Costello, E. (2016). Why the many are smarter than the few: Applications and aspirations of crowdsourcing for education. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016). Virtual learning environments: Locking in learning or opening educational opportunities? Paper as part of Digital Learning Symposium at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 2nd April.
Egan, A., & Costelloe, L. (2016) Peer assessment of, for and as learning: a core component of an accredited professional development course for Higher Education teachers, AISHE-J, 8(3), pp. 2913-2931.
Farrell, O. (2016). Developing Criticality using an Eportfolio. Concise paper at the Mahara UK Virtual Hui. 18th November.
Farrell, O. (2016). The next generation of online learning: How can digital portfolios enhance the nature of the learning experience and the development of criticality among flexible learners? Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Farrell, O. (2016). Opening minds with eportfolios: How can eportfolios enhance the nature of the learning experience and the development of criticality among flexible learners? Paper at ePIC 2016 Conference, Bologana, 27th October.
Farrell, O (2016). My Top 10 Tel Tools for Teaching. Presentation at Dublin Business School (DBS) Teaching Day. 6th September.
Farrell, O. (2016). If e-portfolios are so amazing, why don't we all have one? Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Farrell, O. (2016). Critical thinking and ePortfolios (with a Mahara focus). Presentation at Eportfolios in Ireland, What now? Where next? Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, 21st March.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J. (2016). Using online primary sources to foster historical thinking. In G. Ubachs & L Konings (Eds.), Conference Proceedings of The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference (pp.442-447), Rome, Italy, 19th October.
Farrell, O., & Brunton, J. (2016). Fostering historical thinking with digitised primary sources. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Farrelly, T., & Costello, E. (2016). Open educational resources: Open for business or closing down sale? Paper as part of Digital Learning Symposium at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 2nd April.
Farrelly, T., O’Grady, M., Raftery, D., Risquez, A., Mcavinia, C., Harding, N., Costello, E., Ryan, D., McSweeney, D., & Logan-Phelan, T. (2016). VLEs - what lecturers want and do. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Foley C.A. (2016). Digital learning in Ireland, Presentation at Erasmus+ Staff Week in Fern Universität, Hagen, Germany. 29th April.
Foley, C. A., & Brown, M. (2016). Gaming the system: Reflections on formative approaches to academic integrity. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Glynn, M. (2016). Why the VLE is not dead in DCU. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Glynn, M., & Hyland, J. (2016). Embedding core skills the easy way. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Glynn, M., Gormley, C., Brown, M., & Doyle, J. (2016). New approaches to old learning spaces. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Glynn, M., & Henrick, G. (2016). How Blended are your programmes? Paper at MoodleMoot Ireland UK 2016, London: 23rd March.
Gormley, C., Glynn, M., Brown, M., & Doyle, J. (2016). Mobile learning spaces for a mobile generation: Redesigning the classroom. 15th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL), Prague, 27th October.
Gormley, C., O'Keeffe, M., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2016). Exploring the impact of small-scale accredited professional development. Presentation at Learning Innovation Network (LIN) and Student Led Learning (SLL) Symposium, Dublin, 27th October.
Hallissy, M., O’Keffee, N., & Costello, E. (2016). Great expectations: Bridging gaps in live online learning. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Henrick, G., de Raadt, M., & Costello, E. (2016). The potential for using Moodle to deliver the content, facilitation, assessment and reporting of a MOOC. Paper at MoodleMoot Ireland UK 2016, London: 24th March.
Holland, J., Clarke, E., & Glynn, M. (2016). Out of sight, out of mind: Do repeating students overlook online course components? Anatomical Sciences Education, 9 (3),
Kirwan, C. (2016). Teaching computational thinking to Irish post-primary school students: A doctoral study in progress. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Lederman, D., with Anderson, T., Brown, M., Shea, P., & Swan, K. (2016). What do we know about online learning? The current and possible future state of online learning research. Panel discussion at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 17th November.
Logan, A., & Stone, S. (2016). What's up with Whats App. Rapid fire presentation at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Logan, A., & Stone, S. (2016). Education as public good: Faciliating student participation, engagement and learning in the sychronous online classroom. Paper at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 2nd April.
Lynn, T., Nair, B., Gourinovitch, A., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016). On-message out-of-class: An exploration in to the effect of message source credibility and message content on student engagement on Twitter. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Lynn, T., Hunt, G., Nair, B., & Lyons, R. (2016). Towards an online reciprocal peer learning dashboard. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Mac Griosta, G., Butler, D., & Brown, M. (2016). MindRising16: From blockheads to grayheads. 6th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning (IGBL 2016). Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 1st September.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2016). Researching usability and design in the Irish 101 MOOC. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Kirwan, C. (2016). Irish 101 - Incorporating cultural and strategic drivers. Paper at OER16: Open Cultures, Edinburgh, 19th April.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E, Donlon, E., Kirwan, C. Gormley, C., & O Ciardubhain, C., (2016). Classifying the Irish 101 LMOOC. Paper in published Proceedings of the European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, Graz, 24th February.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Ó Cléircín, G., & Beirne, E. (2016). LMOOCs? Language learning MOOCs – First steps and growing pains. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Ó Ciardúbháin, C., Brown, M., & Gormley, C. (2016). Engaging a diaspora: Representing an Irish Language and culture in the Irish 101 MOOC. Paper at American Conference for Irish Studies: The worlding of Irish studies, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, 2nd April.
O’Brien, R., Brunton, J., Costello, E., & Farrell, O. (2016). Developing a MOOC: My journey. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
O’Keeffe, M. (2016). Exploring higher education professionals’ use of Twitter for learning: issues of participation. Critical Perspectives on ‘Openness’ in Higher Education. Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) London, 18th November.
O’Keeffe, M. (2016). Exploring higher education professionals’ use of Twitter for learning. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2 (1), 1-16.
O'Keeffe, M. (2016). Twitter for professional learning: Myths and realities. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
O'Keeffe, M. (2016). Exploring higher education professionals' use of Twitter for learning. Doctor of Education Thesis, Institute of Education, University College London, London.
O’Keeffe, M. (2016). Twitter an ego boosting echo chamber or a learning tool? Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
O'Regan, L., & Farrell, O. (2016). Feedback approaches for first year. Workshop at DCU Teaching & Learning Day. 16th September.
O’Regan, L., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Harding, N., Walsh, E., Gallagher, G., & McDermott, G. (2016). Assessment feedback practice in first year – Findings from an Irish multi-institutional project. Poster at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
O'Regan, L., Harding, N., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Munro, M., McDermott, G., Ryan, S., Farrell, O., Cranny, D., Gallaher, G., & McKevitt, C. (2016). Y1 Feedback - the story so far: Progress and reflections from an Irish multi-institutional learning and teaching enhancement project. The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J), 8 (3), 2991-29914.
O'Regan, L., Harding, N., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Munro, M., Gallagher, G., McDermott, G., Ryan, S., Cranny, D., McKevitt, C., & Farrell, O. (2016). Y1 feedback: Technology-enabled approaches for first year. Presentation at Ed Tech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
O'Regan, L., Munro, M., Brown, M., Maguire, M & Harding, N. (2016). Show me the feedback: A multi-institutional project exploring technology-enabled feedback approaches for first year. Paper at ASCILITE 2016 conference: In S. Baker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show me the learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (pp. 476-480), Adelaide, 29th November.
O'Regan, L., Munro, M., Brown, M., Harding, N., & Maguire, M. (2016). Y1 Feedback: Enhancing feedback in first year using digital technologies. Synergy paper at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Budapest, 15th June.
O'Regan, L., Munro, M., Maguire, M., Harding, N., Brown, M., McDermott, G., Gallagher, G., Cranny, D., McKevitt, C., & Ryan, S. (2016). Y1 Feedback: Technology enhanced feedback approaches for first year. Paper at SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference, Edinburgh, 12th May.
O'Reilly, N. (2016). Are we there yet? Why has the virtual learning environment failed to transform teaching? Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
O'Reilly, N., Costello, E., & Farrelly, T. (2016). Lecturer engagement with the virtual learning environment in Dublin City University. Presentation at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Universita Telematica, Rome, Italy, 20th October.
Orellana, A., with Atwell, A., Brown, M., & Jowallah, R. (2016). Town hall international perspectives. Panel discussion at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 18th November.
Pedersen, K.L., & Brown, M. (2016). An exploration of ten quality assurance frameworks: A focus on technology enhanced learning. Newburyport, MA: The Online Learning Consortium.
Regan, L., with Brown, M., Swan, C., Weidemann, C. (2016) Leading the transformation: Emerging Issues. Panel discussion at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 16th November.
Stone, S., & Logan, A. (2016). Does Batman need Superman? The benefits of a multi-disciplinary collaborative approach to supporting student interaction, engagement and learning in an online sychronous classroom. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 26th May.
Stone, S., O'Keeffe, M., Gormley, C., Donlon, E., Ferguson, P., Doyle, P., Crean, A., & O'Keeffe, N. (2016). Meitheal - an old word for a new world: The challenges and opportunities of an online community of practice. Presentation at EdTech 2016, ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Dublin, 27th May.
Vaughan, N., Armatas, C., Zhou, L., Van Vuuren, M., Stenborn, S., Brown, M., MacDonald, D., (2016). Blended learning from design to evaluation: International case studies of evidence-based practice. Presentation at OLC Accelerate: Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide. Orlando, Florida. 17th November.
Ward, M. (2016). Two digital learning challenges at third level: Digital expectations and digital learning fatigue. Concise paper at The Next Generation Digital Learning Research Symposium, Dublin City University, 1st November.
Ward M., & Costello E. (2016). Education reform with technology - Difficult but worth the effort. Global Learn 2016, Limerick, Ireland, 28th April.
2015 Outputs
Bossu, C., Bull, D., & Brown, M. (2015). Enabling open education: A feasibility protocol for Australian higher education (Chapter 5, pp. 41-52). In C. Bonk, M. Lee, T. Reeves & T. Reynolds (Eds.). MOOCs and open education around the world. London: Routledge.
Brady, M., & O'Reilly, N. (2015). Learning management systems and virtual learning environments: Changing the nature of academic work. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Brown, M. (2015). Looking over the horizon: New learning platforms, old technology debates (pp.40-48). In B. Mooney (Ed.). Education matters: Shaping Ireland's education landscape. Galway, Ireland: Education Matters.
Brown, M. (2015). From click to brick: What is the future of higher eductaion? Invited [online] presentation for the Rotary Club of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 16th November.
Brown, M. (2015). Images of the future: Numbers, narratives and nomenclature. Invited presentation at International Symposium: The Future is Now - Open and Distance Universities in Europe. Athens, 5th November.
Brown, M. (2015). MOOCs as social practice: The political ecology of online education. Invited presentation at International MOOC Conference: Where are MOOCs Going? The Future of Distance Learning. University of Naples Federico II, Naples/Capri, 25th September.
Brown, M. (2015). Reframing the networked world: Transformative life-long learning for all. Keynote presentation at 10th European Conference on Technology-enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2015), Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, Toledo, Spain, 17th September.
Brown, M. (2015). Learning futures: Telling tales out of school. Keynote presentation at JMB Education Conference, Digital Technology for Teaching: Innovation, Integration, Invisibility. Croke Park, Dublin, 16th September.
Brown, M. (2015). The NIDL: Listening, linking and leading. Presentation at 1st Irish Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Symposium, Dublin City University, Dublin, 11th September.
Brown, M. (2015). A cross country comparison: The good, bad and ugly of blended learning. Invited [online] presentation at GW4 Alliance Away Day, 14th July.
Brown, M. (2015). The digital learning revolution: Godsend or gimmick?Keynote presentation at Blending your Learning: Incorporating Technology in your Teaching, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, 25th June.
Brown, M. (2015). Designs for learning: Blending with purpose. Workshop at Blending your Learning: Incorporating Technology in your Teaching, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, 25th June.
Brown, M. (2015). Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for Higher Education: A European perspective. Presentation at ‘How Europe Seizes the Opportunities Offered by MOOCs’, HOME Pre-Conference Workshop, European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 9th June.
Brown, M. (2015). Looking back over the horizon: Critical reflections on learning futures. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
Brown, M. (2015). Scenarios for the future: Reshaping the MOOC landscape. Invited presentation at Emerging Models of Learning and Teaching: From Books to MOOCs? Wenger-Gren Centre, Stockholm, 23rd May.
Brown, M. (2015). Internationalising the curriculum: Teaching and learning for the digital world. Keynote presentation at SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference, Internationalising the Curriculum: What does it mean? How can we achieve it? Manchester, 15th May.
Brown, M. (2015). Empowering European universities in their transition to new modes of teaching and learning. Invited presentation at EADTU-EU Summit 2015: Innovating higher education by new modes of teaching and learning. Brussels, 23rd April.
Brown, M. (2015). Developing a vibrant digital culture: Exploring the question of quality. Invited presentation at Talis Insight 2015, Birmingham, 15th April.
Brown, M. (2015). Learning leadership: Personal insights, lessons and reflections. Invited [online] presentation to Study Tour for Vice-Chancellors, Pakistan, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver. 27th April.
Brown, M. (2015). Developing a shared vision and goals for digital learning nationally - is this a realistic aspiration/how might it be approached? [Panel Discussion] National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Dublin, 10th March.
Brown, M. (2015). Making the future: Debates, designs and dilemmas. Keynote address at the International Conference on Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the American University of Beirut. Beirut. 7th February.
Brown, M., & Benke, M. (2015). Global scan in online learning. Workshop facilitated at Instituted for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL), Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania. 13th August.
Brown. M., & Brunton, J. (2015). Flexible toolbox project. Synergy session at European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 11th June.
Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2015). MOOCs in question: Strategic insights from two institutional experiences. In D. Jansen & A. Teixeira, A. (Eds). Position papers for European cooperation on MOOCs, European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), 130-148.
Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2015). Why adopt MOOCs? Defining institutional drivers. Presentation at Opening Up Education: National MOOC Symposium, Dublin City University, Dublin, 1st May.
Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2015). The VLE and open education: Problems, potentials and practicalities. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2015). A strategic response to MOOCs: How one European university is approaching the challenge. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16, (6), 98-115.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2015). Why institutions adopt MOOCs: Breaking down traditional barriers or reproducing privilege. Paper at Shaping the Future of Learning Together, Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference (ALT-C), Manchester, 8th September.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2015). The many shades of MOOCs: An analysis of high level strategic drivers. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015). Hold the front page: The story of MOOCs in the Irish media. Invited paper at WOW Conference: Europe Embraces MOOCs, Rome Italy, 30th November.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015). MOOCs in the media: The story behind the story. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015). What to do about MOOCs: Beyond the fear of missing out. Paper at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 9th June.
Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015). MOOCs in Irish media: Messages behind the story. Presentation at Opening Up Education: National MOOC Symposium, Dublin City University, Dublin, 1st May.
Brown, M., Donohue, F., Doyle, J., Glynn, M., & Spillane, I. (2015). New generation learning spaces: Investing in the digital campus. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Brown, M., & Gormley, P. (2015). Looking to the future: Lessons from the Horizon Report for Irish higher education.Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 30th October.
Brown, M., & Gormley, P. (2015). Thinking about the future: Reflections on the all Ireland Horison Report. Paper at Shaping the Future of Learning Together, Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference (ALT-C), Manchester, 8th September.
Brown, M., Hughes, H., & Delaney, L. (2015). Giving voice to distance learners: Methodological decisions and challenges. Special issue of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning (EURODL), Best of EDEN RW8, 170-185.
Brown, M., Hughes, H., Keppell, M., Hard, N., & Smith L. (2015). Stories from students in their first semester of distance learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16 (4), 1-17.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015) Building national and international action research communities of practice (pp. 109-122). In J. Kearney & M. Todhunter (eds.), Lifelong action learning and research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015) Reviewers’ comments (pp. xvii - xviii). In O. Zuber-Skerritt, L. Wood, & I. Louw, .(eds.). A participatory paradigm for an engaged scholarship in higher education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). ALARA events: Facilitating cross-cultural understanding. Invited symposium presentation to ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress, Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? 4-7 November, Pretoria, South Africa.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). How to strengthen the rigour of action research: reflections from the field. Presentation to 3rd Network for Educational Action Research in Ireland group, St Patrick’s College, Thurles, Tipperary, 12th September.
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). (Review of the book The courage to teach by Palmer, P.J. (2007) San Francisco: Wiley). Educational Journal of Living Theories, Vol. 8, Issue 1,, pp. 99-100.Available from http://ejolts.net/node/245
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). (Review of the book Let your life speak: Listening for the voice of vocation by Palmer, P.J. (1999) San Francisco: Jossey Bass). Educational Journal of Living Theories, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 101-102. Available from http://ejolts.net/node/245
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). Who am I who teaches? In Educational Journal of Living Theories, Vol 8, Issue 1, pp. 49-66. Available from http://ejolts.net/node/245
Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). Foreword. In E. Piggot-Irvine, Goal Pursuit in Education Using Focused Action Research. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Bruce Ferguson, P., with Gjɸtterud, S., Delong, J., Inan, H., & Salyers, S. (2015). Building transnational, cross-cultural skills through an online, open reviewed journal (pp.146-160). In N. Wright & D. Forbes (Eds.), Digital smarts enhancing learning and teaching. Hamilton: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, University of Waikato.
Brunton, J. (2015). Use these digital readiness/preparation tools to support your new flexible learners! Poster presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 25th November.
Brunton, J. (2015). The programme-level, strategic design and development of undergraduate psychology assessments. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 25th November.
Brunton, J. (2015). Learning at your leisure with distance and online learning. Public Seminar delivered at the 2015 Which Course Expo, RDS, Dublin, 5th September
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S.,& Lonergan, N. (2015). Toolbox for flexible learners: Supporting student success in the transition to higher education.Presentation at working meeting of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) Teaching and Learning Steering Committee, Aveiro, Portugal, 2nd October.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Galvin, C., & Lonergan, N. (2015). Free, focused and flexible: A suite of online transition tools for supporting student success. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Brunton, J., Brown. M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., Fox, S., Galvin, C., & Lonergan, N. (2015). Digital readiness tools for use in supporting flexible learners: A research and development transitions project. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Brunton, J., Brown, M., Costello, E., Delaney, L., & Fox, S. (2015). Student success toolbox: Digital tools for use in supporting flexible learners. Poster presented at OER15, 14th April, Cardiff.
Brunton, J., & Lonergan, N. (2015). Student success toolbox for flexible learners: Supporting transitions from thinking about study to the first weeks. Presentation at 2014 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Review Day, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Wood Quay, Dublin, 23rd June.
Brunton, J., & Walsh,E. (2015). Assessing ‘off-campus’ psychology students: Strategic design and development of psychology assessments from a programmelevel perspective. Presentation at the Northern Ireland Branch of the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Armagh, 21st May.
Butler, D. (2015). Self-determined teacher learning: A model of teacher professional development for the twenty first century. In D. Butler, K. Marshall & M. Leahy (Eds.). Shaping the Future: How technology can lead to educational transformation. Dublin: The Liffy Press.
Butler, D. (2015). Learning in a digital era: Incremental progress or fundamental change in thinking and practice? Invited keynote presentation at Finnish National Board of Education Conference, 7-8 December, Helsinki, Finland.
Butler, D. (2015). Invited Panel chaired by Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan, Education as a Gateway or Roadblock: Shaping the Youth of tomorrow, Teachers Skills Forum, King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, 6th December.
Butler, D. (2015). Digital Storytelling, Teachers Skills Forum. King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, 5th December.
Butler, D. (2015). Using BeeBots to Develop Problem-solving Strategies, Geometric Thinking and Oral Language in Early Years’ Classrooms. Teachers Skills Forum, King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, 5th December.
Butler, D. (2015). 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD). Pre-Conference full day Institute, King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, 4th December.
Butler, D. (2015). The Digital Strategy: Implications for Schools and beyond. Dublin eLearning Summer School, Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier Street Campus, Dublin, 25th June.
Butler, D. (2015). New Pedagogies and New Learning Challenge. Keynote address at the Finnish National Board of Education. Development School Network national seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 11th May.
Butler, D. (2015). Embedding the development and assessment of ‘key skills’ into the use of ePortfolios. ePortfolio International Conference, Dublin Castle, Dublin, 22nd April.
Butler, D. (2015). Promoting Equitable Access to 21st Century Skills: Global and Local Designs for Professional Learning Symposium (discussant). American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, 19th April.
Butler, D. (2015). Building Skills: The role of skills development in Education. Keynote address at British Council sponsored International Conference, Athens, Greece, 27th March.
Butler, D., & Leahy, M. (2015). Towards the development of a new Digital Strategy for Schools in Ireland. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.),Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 1355-1360). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Butler, D., & Leahy, M. (2015). Developing a vision and moving forward. In D. Butler, K. Marshall & M. Leahy (Eds.). Shaping the Future: How technology can lead to educational transformation. Dublin: The Liffy Press.
Butler, D., & Leahy, M. (2015). Moving towards innovation: The development of a sustainable framework for teacher professional learning. In D. Butler, K. Marshall & M. Leahy (Eds.). Shaping the Future: How technology can lead to educational transformation. Dublin: The Liffy Press.
Butler, D., Marshall, K., & Leahy, M. (Eds.). (2015). Shaping the future: How technology can lead to educational transformations. Dublin: The Liffy Press.
Conlon, S., & Glynn, M., (2015). Voting on Moodle: a sustainable approach to Students Union elections. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU 11-14th May.
Cooch, M., Foster M., Costello, E. (2014). Our MOOC with Moodle. In D. Jansen & A. Teixeira, A. (Eds). Position papers for European cooperation on MOOCs, European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), 74-98.
Corrigan, O., Smeaton, A., Glynn, M., & Symth, S. (2015). Using educational analytics to improve test performance (pp. 42-55). In G. Conole, T. Klobucar, C. Rensing, J. Konert, & E. Lavoue (Eds.). Design for teaching and learning in a networked world. Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Technology-enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2015),Toledo, Spain, 15-18th September.
Costello, E. (2015). Building an open knowledge network on joint European MOOCs offerings. Presentation at ‘How Europe Seizes the Opportunities Offered by MOOCs’, HOME Pre-Conference Workshop, European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 9th June.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Brunton, J., & Delaney, L. (2015). It's on the exam! Affecting student engagement through crowd-sourced assessment. Paper at Shaping the Future of Learning Together, Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference (ALT-C), Manchester, 10th September.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Brunton, J., & Delaney, L. (2015). Learning beyond the horizon: Using Peerwise to increase engagement for students in transition. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
Costello, E., Holland, J., & Brown, M. (2015). The future of online testing with MOOCs: An exploratory analysis of current practice. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Crotty, Y., & Kilboy, L. (2015). The co-creation of a video to inspire humanitarianism: Hiow an educational entrepreneurial approach inspired humanitarian workers to be mindfully innovative whilst working with technology. International Journal for Transformative Research, 2 (1), 35-43.
Davis, N., Leahy, M., Lewin, C., Charania, A., & Nordin, H., with Mejia, A., Orlec, D., Butler, D., Chang, V., Motidyang, B., Erstad, O., & Lopez-Fernandez, O. (2015). Smart Partnerships, EDUsummIT 2015 Summary Report, pp. 9-15. Available at: http://www.curtin.edu.au/edusummit/edusummit2015-ebook.pdf
Delaney, L. (2015). Who graduates from Irish distance university education? European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-learning. 18 (1), 100-113.
Delaney, L., & Farren, M. (2015). Online distance higher education: Access, graduates and employability. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Devine, T., Gormley, C., & Doyle, P. (2015). Lights, camera, action: Using wearable camera and interactive video technologies for the teaching and assessment of lab experiments. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (IJISME), 23 (2), 22-33.
Donaldson, L. Matthews, A., Walsh, A., Byrne, E., Manda, L. (2015). Collaborative tools to enhance engagement in a blended learning M.Sc. Paper at Shaping the Future of Learning Together, Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference (ALT-C), Manchester, 8th September.
Donaldson, L., Matthews, A., Byrne, E., Walsh, A., & Brugha, R. (2015). Seven minutes - many Web 2.0 tools for learning. Gasta presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
Donaldson, L., Matthews, A., Walsh, A., Manda-Taylor, L., Byrne, E., & Brugha, R. (2015). Developing digital literacies with a blended learning M.Sc. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2015). What’s on the horizon for the VLE: Extinction or evolution? Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Doyle, P., Bruce Ferguson, P., McKenna, A., & O’Sullivan, D. (2015). Seeking sustainability in student engagement online. Presentation to ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress, Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? 4-7 November, Pretoria, South Africa.
Doyle, P., Glynn, M., & Kelleher, E. (2015). This flipping video nearly drove me insane. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU 11-14th May.
Farren, M., Crotty, Y., & Kilboy, L. (2015). The transformative potential of action research and ICT in the Second Language (L2) classroom. International Journal of Transformative Research, 2 (2), 49-59.
Ferguson, P., Gormley, C., & Doyle, P. (2015). Moodle for newbies: Teaching the teacher. Poster at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU 11-14th May.
Fox, S., & Brown, M. (2015). ODL in the policy stream: A case study of Ireland. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Gimeno, A., Levy, M., Blin, F., & Barr, D. (Ed.). (2015). WorldCALL: Sustainability and computer-assisted language learning. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Glynn, M. (2015) 'Taking the pain out of managing assessments', in Brown, S. Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education : Global Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-142.
Glynn, M. (2015) 'Inducting students with diverse experience of technology pages', in Brown, S. Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education : Global Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 153-154.
Glynn, M. (2015). Learning analytics - Value what we measure or measure what we value. Presentation at e-Learning Summer School, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, 24th June.
Glynn, M. (2015). Getting staff engaged in Moodle - Experience from DCU. Keynote presentation [online] at 5th MoodleMoot, Croatia, 16th May.
Glynn, M. (2015). How am I doing in my module. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU 11-14th May.
Glynn, M., & Corrigan, T. (2015). Badging silver surfers - rewarding older people who learn basic ICT skills. ePoster at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May
Glynn, M., Corrigan, O., Smeaton, A,, & Smyth, S., (2015). Student data: Data is knowledge – putting the knowledge back in the students’ hands. Paper presented at the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Hatfield, UK, 29th October.
Glynn, M., Corrigan, O., Smyth, S., & Smeaton, A. (2015). Mining access logs with predictive analytics to improve student performance. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
Glynn, M., & Henrick, G. (2015). Moodle: Flooring the challenge of assessments. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU 11-14th May.
Glynn, M., Holland, J., & Kelleher, E. (2015). Selectively analysing your course data. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU. 11-14th May.
Gormley, C., Devine, T., & Doyle, P. (2015). Wearable technology in the lab - a useful new perspective? Paper presented at the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Hatfield, UK, 29th October.
Harnett, M., Brown, M., & Wilson, A. (2015). MOOCs down under: Insights from the Open2Study experience (Chapter 8, pp. 78-88). In C. Bonk, M. Lee, T. Reeves & T. Reynolds (Eds.). MOOCs and open education around the world. London: Routledge.
Hartnett, M., Wlison, A., & Brown, M. (2015). MOOC experiences from a staff perspective. Poster at Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference, Melbourne, 6-9th July.
Ives, K., Brown, M., & Ragan, L. (2015). Leadership in elearning: Developing the next generation of leaders. Workshop presented at European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 10th June.
Korpos, C., Soledad di Luca, M., & Ferguson, P. (2015). What kind of teaching course can best support postgraduate STEM tutors in their work? Presentation to Inaugural STEM postgraduate student symposium, UCC, 11th September.
Law, N., Niederhauser, D., Shear, L., Christensen, R., with Care, E., Smith, D., Park, J., Andresen, B., van Bergen, H., Butler, D., Christie, A., Downie, J., Bradley, T., & Starkey, L. (2015). Indicators of quality technology-enhanced teaching and learning, EDUsummIT 2015 Summary Report, pp. 49-55. Available at: http://www.curtin.edu.au/edusummit/edusummit2015-ebook.pdf
Leahy, M., & Butler, D. (2015). Key Elements of a Sustainable Framework for Teacher Professional Learning. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.),Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 1355-1360). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Appel, C., Ó Ciardúbháin, C., Jager, S., & Prizel-Kania, A. (2015). Designing the online oral language learning environment SpeakApps. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 33, 3.
MacCormac, A., Gormley, C., Devine, T., O’Brien, E., Doherty, G., Murphy, C. (2015). Development of an advanced immunology module to an online format. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
O’Keeffe, M. (2015). Twitter: An ego boosting echo chamber or a learning. Paper presented at the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Annual Conference, Dublin, 3rd September.
O’Keeffe, M. (2015). Twitter: Making better use of the conference backchannel for professional learning. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 28th May.
O’Keeffe, M., (2015). Value added learning using video. Presentation at Ireland & UK MoodleMoot, DCU, Dublin, 11-14th May.
O’Keeffe N., & Walsh E. (2015). Lights, Camera, Action…Moodle. Poster presented at MoodleMoot 2015, Dublin City University, Dublin. 11-14th May.
O’Keeffe N., & Walsh E. (2015). Lights, Camera, Action…Moodle. Poster presented at DCU Presidents Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2015, Dublin City University, Dublin.
O’Regan, L., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Harding, N., Walsh, E., Gallagher, G., & McDermott, G. (2015). Assessment feedback in first year using digital technologies - Preliminary findings from an Irish multi-institutional project. Poster session (Best Poster Award) at International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Birmingham, 25th June.
O’Regan, L., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Harding, N., Walsh, E., Gallagher, G., & McDermott, G. (2015). Assessment feedback in first year using digital technologies - A baseline review. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27th May.
O’Regan, L., Walsh, E., Brown, M., Maguire, M., Gallagher, G., Harding, N., & McDermott, G. (2015). Supporting transition: Enhancing (assessment) feedback in first year using digital technologies - A current practice review. Paper presented at The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Hagen, FernUniversitat, 29th October.
Ossiannilsson, E., Williams, K., Camilleri, A., & Brown, M. (2015). Quality models in online and open education around the globe: State of the art and recommendations. International Council for Open and Distance Education, Oslo, Norway.
Raftery, D., Farrelly, T., Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Harding, N., Costello, E., O'Grady M., Ryan, M., McSweeney, D., LoganPhelan, T. (2015). Exploring lecturer engagement with the VLE: initial findings from a multicollege survey. Presentation at EdTech 2015, Irish Learning Technology Association Conference, Limerick. 27-28th May.
Risquez, A., Raftery, D., & Costello, E. (2015), The open dataset on students’ perceptions of virtual learning environments in Ireland: Collaborating to listen to the student voice. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46: 1070–1074.
Salyers, S., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2015). Voicing our Identities. Presentation to ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress, Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? 4-7 November, Pretoria, South Africa.
Schuwer, R., Jaurena, I.G., Hakan Aydin, C., Costello, E., Dalsgaard, C., Brown, M., Jansen, D., & Teixeira, A. (2015). Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16, (6), 20-38.
Titlestad, G., Appel, C., Brown, M., Hadzilacos, T., Ruhl, P., & Tynan, B. (2015). The change: Connected and collaborative for quality learning outcomes. Invited presentation and panel discussion hosted by International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) at OEB 2015: Shaping the Future of Learning, Berlin, 4th December.
Ubachs, G., Guardia-Ortiz, L., & Brown, M. (2015). Empowering universities: The transition of European Higher Education to new modes of teaching and learning. Workshop presented at European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Conference, Barcelona, 10th June.
Walsh, E,. & Brunton, J. (2015). Assessment strategy: Online distance education. Poster session at International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Birmingham, 25th June.
Walsh, E,. & Brunton, J. (2015). Assessment strategy: Online distance education programmes. Invited presentation for the TALOE project’s webinars on e-assessment, 18th February.
Walsh E., & O’Keeffe N. (2015). Show and tell Moodle style. Poster presented at Moodlemoot 2015, DCU, Dublin, 11-14th May.
Walsh E., & O’Keeffe N. (2015). Show and tell Moodle style. Poster presented at DCU President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2015, Dublin City University, Dublin.
2014 Outputs
Appel, C., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Ó Ciardubháin, C., van Engen, J. & Jager, S. (2014). SpeakApps platform, tools and contents for Tellecolaboration, Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education , 12-Feb-14 - 14-Feb-14, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras University of León, Spain.
Appel, C., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Jager, S. & Prizel-Kania, A. (2014). European Projects 2: Speaking Practice in a Foreign Language through ICT Tools, EUROCALL 2014: CALL Design: Principles and Practice, 20-Aug-14 - 23-Aug-14, University of Groningen.
Blin, F., & Jalkahen, J. (2014). Designing for language learning: agency and languaging in hybrid environments. Journal of Applied Language Studies, 8, (1), pp 147-170.
Blin, F., Guichon, N., Thouesny, S., Wigham, C. (2014). Creating and sharing a language learning and teaching corpus of multimodal interactions: ethical challenges and methodological implications, XVIth International CALL Research Conference, Research Challenges in CALL. 7th - 9th July, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Bossu, C., Brown, M., & Bull, D. (2014). Adoption, use and management of Open Educational Resources to enhance teaching and learning in Australia. Final Report. Australia: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.
Brown, M. (2014). Digital learning & entrepreneurship education: Living and learning on the edge. Invited presentation at Digital Learning and Entrepreneurship Education Seminar, Dublin City University, Dublin, 5th December.
Brown, M. (2014). Online learning in the Irish context. Presentation to Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection, Dublin, 3rd December.
Brown, M. (2014). Twenty shades of grey: Reflecting on digital realities and digital futures. Invited presentation at Digital Futures Symposium hosted by Evaluation of Learners' Experiences of e-Learning Special Interest Group (ELESIG), Southampton Solent University, Southampton, 2nd December.
Brown, M. (2014). Blended learning: Putting policy and principles into practice. Keynote presentation at Epigeum Blended Learning Event, London, 18th November
Brown, M. (2014). Digital higher education and its potential for the innovation of European higher education systems. Invited presentation at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 25th November.
Brown, M. (2014). Digital higher education and its potential for the innovation of European higher education systems. Keynote presentation at The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Europeam Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Krakow, Poland, 24th October.
Brown, M. (2014). Diving deeper: Integrating Epigeum modules into Stream+. Presentation at University & College Teaching Conference, Birmingham, 19th September.
Brown, M. (2014). The digital dream: Myths, magic and monsters. Keynote presentation at 3U N-Step Conference. Dublin City University, 11th September.
Brown, M. (2014). My leadership story: Personal insights and reflections. Presentation at the Institute for Engaged Leadership in Online Learning, Penn State University, State College, 11th August.
Brown, M. (2014). Global developments in online learning: Around the world in 90 minutes. Workshop at the Institute for Engaged Leadership in Online Learning, Penn State University, State College, 14th August.
Brown, M. (2014). Dancing towards the future: Designing new moves for new times. Keynote presentation at the Annual Online (Sloan) Blended Learning Consortium Conference, Denver, 9th July 2014.
Brown, M. (2014). Flipping quality teaching: Licking, tasting and sustaining innovation. Keynote presentation at The Flipped Classroom: Facilitating the transition to blended learning. Athlone: Althone Institute of Technology, 16thJune.
Brown, M. (2014). Education and the digital world: Promise, progress, pain. Keynote presentation at e-Learning Summer School: Digital Futures. Dublin Institute of Technology: Dublin, 27th June.
Brown, M. (2014). Increasing flexible access: Better understanding the value of higher education. Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 30th May.
Brown, M. (2014). Thinking about digital learning: Opportunities for student support and development. Invited presentation at Student Support and Development Services retreat, Dublin City University, Dublin. 9th May.
Brown, M. (2014). Leadership for learning and teaching: Personal reflections and takeaways. Invited presentation at Training and Development Unit leadership course. Dublin City University, 7th May.
Brown, M. (2014). The digital age scholar: Building international research collaborations. International Research Afternoon, Dublin City University, 29th April.
Brown, M. (2014). Teaching matters: Education for change in the new digital world. Keynote presentation at the President’s Teaching Awards, Dublin City University, Dublin, 16th April.
Brown, M. (2014). Beyond braindead innovation: Moodling up from cottage to corporate. Invited opening presentation at the UK and Irish Moodle Moot, Edinburgh, 15th April.
Brown, M. (2014). Student success in a digital world: Designing transition pedagogy for first-time online and distance learners. Workshop as part of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Seminar Series, Dublin City University, Dublin, 12th April.
Brown, M. (2014). A BOLD agenda for higher education: Leading in uncertain times. Invited presentation at 2nd European Summit on Open and Online Learning, Brussels, 2nd April.
Brown, M. (2014). Making and managing MOOCs: An experience from the udder-side. Presentation at Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Annual Conference, Galway, 1st March.
Brown, M. (2014). Reframing the digital landscape: Painting a different version of the future. Online presentation at Future of Learning Conference, Park Royal Hotel, Sydney, 25th February.
Brown, M. (2014). The challenges of doing educational research: Exploring the layers of online, flexible and distance learning. Invited online keynote presentation at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Graduate Research Symposium, 14th February.
Brown, M. (2014). The new normal of online, blended and distance learning: The Massey University experience. Journal of Distance Education in China, 11, [Translated].
Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2014). MOOCs in question: Strategic insights from two institutional experiences. Paper presented at Mapping the European MOOC Territory Conference, Porto, Portugal, 27th November.
Brown, M., & Hughes, H. (2014). Understanding the student experience: Doing things better in studying first-time distance learners (pp. 57- 66). In A. Moreira Teixeira & A. Szűcs (eds.). Paper in proceedings of the Eight EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for research into open and distance learning: Doing things better - doing better things. Oxford, United Kingdom, 28th October.
Brown, M., Hartnett, M., Jamieson., A., Symonds, S., & Wilson, A. (2014). A view from downunder: Lessons from an institutional MOOC experience. Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 30th May.
Brunton, J. (2014). Psychology programmes’ teaching and learning models in the Irish context. Paper in proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Kilkenny, Ireland, 15th November.
Brunton, J. (2014). Facilitating the creation of a student identity through an effective socialisation programme. Presentation at Northern Irish British Psychological Society Conference, Belfast, 5th April.
Brunton, J. (2014). Teaching and learning/staffing model in an online distance education context. Poster presented at the President’s Teaching Awards, Dublin City University, Dublin, 16th April.
Butler, D. (2014). 21st Century Learning Design. Galway ETB, Galway Technical Institute, Claddagh, Galway City, 11th December.
Butler, D. (2014). Embedding the development and assessment of “key skills” into lesson design. Assessment for Key Competencies Conference, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment & KeyCoNet (http://keyconet.eun.org/), Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 13th November.
Butler, D. (2014). Transforming Education – Curriculum Reform. Education Leaders Briefing Microsoft Partners in Learning, Microsoft Executive Briefing Center, Brussels, 28th October.
Butler, D. (2014). Designing Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment & Collaborative Assessment Alliance (CAA), Microsoft Learning Suite, Sandyford, Dublin, 11th September.
Butler, D. (2014). Towards a Digital Strategy for Schools. Excited – Digital Learning Festival, PDST-TiE, DES, SFI, Dublin Castle, 30th May.
Butler, D. (2014). The National Digital Strategy. Spark the Imagination Conference, Computer Education Society of Ireland, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), 1st March.
Butler, D., Donlon, E., Egan, A., Galvin, C., Leahy, M. (2014). Discussion: A Digital Strategy for Ireland’s Schools. EXCITED Learning Festival 2014, Dublin Castle, 31st May.
Cooch, M., Foster M., Costello, E. (2014). Our MOOC with Moodle. Paper presented at Mapping the European MOOC Territory Conference, Porto, Portugal, 27th November.
Cosgrove, J, Butler, D., Leahy, M., Shiel, G., Kavanagh, L., & Creaven, A. (2014). Report on the 2013 ICT Census in Schools. Dublin: St. Patrick’s College of Education, Education Research Centre.
Cosgrove, J, Butler, D., Leahy, M., Shiel, G., Kavanagh, L., & Creaven, A. (2014). Summary Report on the 2013 ICT Census in Schools. Dublin: St. Patrick’s College of Education, Education Research Centre.
Costello, E. (2014). Opening up to open source: Looking at how Moodle was adopted in higher education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 28 (3), 187-200.
Costello E., & Glynn M. (2014). Using the student voice to plan our student path. Presentation at Moodle Moot UK/Ireland, Edinburgh March 14-16th.
Crotty, Y., & Farren, M. (2014). Keynote presentation to primary and post-primary teachers on the role of the e-tutor. Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) In-Service. 9-12 June.
Crotty, Y., & Farren, M. (2014). Pedagogy as inquiry into teaching: inspiring science educators. International Conference in New Development in Science and Technology., Corfu. 29-31 May.
Crotty, Y., Lowry, M., Farren, M. & English, V. (2014). Peer-based webinars to scaffold inquiry based narratives. Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. IEEE Xplore. IEEE Proceedings of Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies And Learning. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Delaney, L. (2014). Who graduates from Irish distance university education? (pp. 301- 310). In A. Moreira Teixeira & A. Szűcs (eds.). In A. Moreira Teixeira & A. Szűcs (eds.). Paper in proceedings of the Eight EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for research into open and distance learning: Doing things better - doing better things. Oxford, United Kingdom, 28th October.
Delaney, L. (2014). An exploration of student success in online Irish higher education. Presentation at the Fourth Annual Postgraduate Research Conference in Humanities and Education, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, 25th April.
Delaney, L. (2014). The systematic literature review. Presentation to PhD students, Dublin City University, Business School, 22nd May 2014.
Delaney, L. (2014). Theoretical contribution. Presentation to PhD students, Dublin City University, Business School, 23rd May 2014
Donaldson, L., et. al. (2014). The collaborative and pragmatic development and implementation of a blended learning MSc community systems health research programme in Malawi. Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 29th May
Donlon, E. (2014). The Use of the METIS 'E-File' for Compiling and Reviewing School Placement Portfolios. Presentation at ‘Eurovision 2020: Technology Enhanced Learning for a New Horizon’ (Irish Learning Technology Association annual conference, University College Dublin, 30th May.
Donlon, E. (2014). METIS: An Online Environment for Teacher Education. Presentation at ‘Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 2014’, University College Dublin, 29th May.
Donlon, E. (2014). The Use of an Online 'E-File' for the Compilation and Review of School Placement Portfolios. Presentation at ‘Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times’ (Educational Studies Association of Ireland annual conference 2014), Sheraton Hoel, Athlone, April 11th
Dooley, T., Dunphy, E., Shiel, G., Butler, D., Corcoran, D., Ryan, M., & Travers, J. (2014). Mathematics in early childhood and primary education (3–8 years): Teaching and Learning. NCCA Report,18.
Dunphy, E., Dooley, T., Shiel, G., Butler, D., Corcoran, D., Ryan, M., & Travers, J. (2014). Mathematics in early childhood and primary education (3–8 years): Definitions, theories, development and progression. NCCA Report,17.
Farren, M., & Crotty, Y. (2014). Researching our own practice: An individual creative process and a dialogic-collaborative process. International Journal For Transformative Research, 1, (1),. De Gruyter Open Publishing.
Farren, M., Crotty, Y., Lonergan, T. & Sotiriou, S. (2014). EU Action in developments in the curricula and teaching methods appropriate for the future global technical challenges. Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). IEEE Xplore, University of York, UK. 11-14-September.
Ferguson, P., & Spiller, D. (2014). The head and the heart: the personal portfolio and the development of identity as a tertiary educator. Paper presented at Screaming in a 20 mile zone: Academic identities 2014 Conference, Durham University, 8 & 9th July.
Ferguson, P. (2014). If we 'teach who we are', how do we know who that is? Paper presented at Openness and Criticality: Evaluating and Publishing Our Research. Fourth international conference on Value and Virtue in Practice-Based Research, York St John University, 22-23 July.
Foley, C. A. (2014). Digital learning – Exploring the leadership factor (pp. 425 - 428). In A. Moreira Teixeira & A. Szűcs (eds.). Poster in proceedings of the Eight EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for research into open and distance learning: Doing things better - doing better things. Oxford, United Kingdom, 27th October.
Foley C.A. (2014). Online Learning in Ireland. Presentation at Shanghai Open University Visiting Scholar Programme, Shanghai, China. 26th November.
Glynn, M. (2014). Using the data from eAssessment. Keynote presentation at eAssessment Scotland Conference. Dundee. 5th September.
Glynn, M. (2014). Technology enabled learning. Keynote presentation at the Annual Conference for SQT Training, http://www.sqt.ie/
Glynn, M. (2014). Engaging Adult Learners – what does the research tell us?. Presentation at National Forum for Teaching & Learning seminar on supporting adult learners: Dublin, 9th June.
Glynn, M. (2014). CPD for teachers. Presentation at Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Annual Conference, Galway, 1st March.
Glynn, M., Bohan, C., McConalogue, B., & Munnelly, B. (2014). ePortfolio – buy it or built it? Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 29th May.
Glynn, M., & Henrick, G. (2014a). Surveys without the hassle. Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 30th May.
Glynn, M., & Henrick G. (2014b). Surveys made easy. Presentation at Presentation at Moodle Moot UK/Ireland, Edinburgh. March 14-16th.
Glynn, M., & Smyth, K. (2014). Enhancing, extending and empowering your teaching through Moodle. Presentation at Presentation at Moodle Moot UK/Ireland, Edinburgh. March 14-16th.
Glynn, M., Tuite, D., & Dunne, S. (2014). Augmented reality in higher education. ePoster presented at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 29th May.
Gormley, C. (2014). Teaching the principles of effective online course design: What works. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 3 (1), [Online] Available from http://arrow.dit.ie/ijap/vol3/iss1/3
Hamel, M.-J., Blin, F., Guichon, N. (2014). Reflection on the complexity of managing a tutortutee online exchange. EUROCALL 2014 Conference, 20th - 23rd August, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Hartnett, M., Anderson, A., & Brown, M. (2014). Learning in the digital age: How are the ways in which we are learning changing with digital technologies? In A. St.George, S. Brown, & J. O’Neill (Eds.), Facing the big questions in teaching: Purpose, power and learning (2nd ed., pp. 116-125). Melbourne, Australia: Cengage.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2014). Considering Learning Analytics: SpeakApps and the Application of a Learning Analytics Reference Model, Innovation In Foreign Language Teaching, 19-Sep-14 - 20-Sep-14, Jagiellonian University, Kraków.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M, van Engen, J., Ó Ciardubháin, C. Ó Cleircín G. & Appel, C. (2014). Authentic oral language production and interaction in CALL: A conceptual framework for the use of learning analytics within the SpeakApps project, In: Thouësny, S., Jager, S.,Bradley, L. & Meima, E.J. ed.EUROCALL 2014: CALL Design: Principles and Practice, 20-Aug-14 - 23-Aug-14, University of Groningen.
Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Ó Ciardubháin, C. & Ó Doinn, O. (2014). Creating An Online Oral Language Learning Environment: Speakapps, In: Morris, L. & Tsolakidis, C. (ed.) International Conference on Information Communication Technology in Education, 03-Jul-14 - 05-Jul-14, Kos, Greece, 185 – 193
Ó Ciardubháin, C. & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2014). Creating tasks in a less-commonly taught language for an open educational resource. Why the CEFR is important for Irish, In: Thouësny, S., Jager, S.,Bradley, L. & Meima, E.J. (ed.) EUROCALL 2014: CALL Design: Principles and Practice, 20-Aug-14 - 23-Aug-14, University of Groningen.
Ó Doinn, O. & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2014). Learning a language online: Examining the evidence base to inform the practice of enhancing the reading competencies of learners. EdTech 2014: The 15th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), 29-May-14 - 30-May-14, University College Dublin.
O’Keefe, M. (2014). Learning futures of engineers: Innovations with pedagogies and technologies. Keynote presentation at ISEE 2014: International Symposium for Engineering Education. Manchester, 11th September.
Tan, E,. & Walsh, E. (2014.) Digital Assessment. Presentation at e-Learning Summer School: Digital Futures. Dublin Institute of Technology: Dublin, 27th June.
van Engen, J. Ó Ciardubháin, C., Prizel-Kania, A. Jager, S., Robbins, J. & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2014). SpeakApps Practicing Oral Skills Online, EUROCALL 2014: CALL Design: Principles and Practice, 20-Aug-14 - 23-Aug-14, University of Groningen.
Walsh, E. (2014). Fostering collaboration using online discussion forums. Presentation to students on the Teaching Enhancement Unit’s Online Teaching Module, Dublin City University, Dublin, 22nd April.
Walsh, E., & Brunton, J. (2014). Assessment strategy – Designing and developing assessments for online distance education (pp. 455 - 460). In A. Moreira Teixeira & A. Szűcs (eds.). Poster in proceedings of the Eight EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for research into open and distance learning: Doing things better - doing better things. Oxford, United Kingdom, 27th October.
Walsh, E., & Brunton, J. (2014). Designing and developing assessments - the assessment matrix and training for online distance education assessment writers. Paper at Ed Tech 14, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Learning Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, 30th May.
Walsh, E., & Brunton, J. (2014). Development of assessment plan and training of writers for online distance education degree programmes. Poster presented at the President’s Teaching Awards, Dublin City University, Dublin, 16th April.
Wilson, A., Hartnett, M., Brown, M., Jamieson, A., & Symonds, S. (2014). An Open2Study MOOC experience from a staff perspective. In B. Hegarty, J. McDonald, & S.-K. Loke (Eds.), Rhetoric and reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology. Proceedings ascilite Dunedin 2014 (pp. 416-420).