Recruitment Toolkit 4: Post Interview
This section aims to provide Hiring Managers with an overview of the main actions and considerations involved in finalising an appointment following the conducting of the interview process.

Post Interview Overview
Procedures for the Appointment Process
Following the interview process, the DCU People Department will prepare a summary of the candidate(s) recommended for appointment by the Selection Board, which is forwarded to the President for their attention and approval. Where appropriate, the curriculum vitae will include a summary publication record for the candidate recommended for appointment.
Associate Professor or Professional Grade 8 (P8) level or below
For posts up to and including Associate Professor or Professional Grade 8 (P8) level, the President considers the Selection Board recommendation and approves the appointment. All approved appointments go to the Governing Authority for noting.
Professor/Full Professor and Professional Grade 9 Grades
For posts at Professor level or above, and roles aligned to Professional Grade 9 (P9), the President considers the Selection Board recommendation and if in agreement, approves the same. This recommendation then goes to the Governing Authority for consideration. If the Governing Authority agrees with the recommendation, the appointment is approved.
Notification of Outcome
It is the responsibility of the DCU People Department to formally notify all candidates of the outcome of the selection process via email. Where internal candidates are interviewed, the chair of the interview board will verbally notify all candidates of the outcome of their interviews, after which, the DCU People Department will confirm the outcome in writing.
If the external/internal unsuccessful candidate wishes to receive detailed feedback, feedback is normally provided verbally by the Chair of the Interview Board or Hiring Manager. Following this if a candidate requests feedback in writing, please contact your DCU People Representative who will advise next steps.
Providing Feedback Verbally
- Feedback promotes confidence in the selection process and can be helpful for candidates in future applications.
- Feedback provides an opportunity to discuss how the candidate was assessed against the selection criteria
- Feedback should be positive in outlook, highlighting the candidate's strengths as well as any weaknesses or areas for development, with a view to more successful future applications.
- The conversation must provide qualitative feedback to the candidate that is both informative and relevant to the candidate’s development.
- Feedback delivered in a constructive manner will the majority of times be received in a positive manner by an unsuccessful candidate.
In all instances the relevant DCU People Representative will make the appropriate offer of employment. The DCU People Representative will liaise directly with the candidate and will regularly update the Hiring Manager. If necessary, a meeting/call with the candidate and the Hiring Manager can be arranged to advise on queries or provide further information.
All external and offers of a permanent nature will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and in line with current Government pay policy. This process is applied fairly and consistently in all instances and does not provide scope for negotiation.
Offer Acceptance
When candidates are formally informed of the success of their application, they will be advised that the job offer is subject to the receipt by the University of satisfactory References, satisfactory medical report (please see next point), Verification of Qualifications, completion of Garda Vetting (if applicable), and obtaining an Employment Permit (if applicable) have been fully adhered to.
This section outlines guidelines on expenses for both candidates and external board members for attending interviews.
Board Members Travel
Travelling expenses based on public transport rates or the normal University mileage allowance will be paid. Please see the Interview Expenses Policy for more information.
Board Members Accommodation
Where an overnight stay is required, accommodation will be arranged by the DCU People Department and paid for by the University.
Candidate Travel
Candidates travelling from within Ireland will be reimbursed for the cost of train or bus transport only. A mileage allowance will not be paid. Candidates travelling from Britain will be reimbursed for the cost of flight, boat and train travel. Candidates travelling from mainland Europe, while being asked to avail of the most inexpensive fares available, will have the cost of air travel reimbursed. Candidates invited to interview from non-European countries will have a range of options as follows:
- Candidates who are selected for appointment and who take up appointment will have expenses fully reimbursed
- Candidates who are selected for appointment and who do not take up appointment will not receive any expenses payment
- Candidates not selected for appointment will receive half payment of expenses.
Candidate Accommodation
The DCU People Department will liaise with candidates for whom it is necessary to have hotel accommodation during the time of their interview. This accommodation expense is reimbursed by the University (€150 per night, generally for one night only with some exceptions to two nights). The DCU People Department will provide support with the process and candidates will normally organise their own accommodation.
Claiming for Expenses
The DCU People Department will liaise directly with candidates on this to provide instruction on submitting receipts through the University claim form.
The University may provide financial assistance to new appointees to assist in their relocation from areas greater than 100 kms outside of their new place of work in order to take up employment.
The payment of relocation expenses is determined by the budget available to the School/Unit and is also at discretion of the President, the relevant Executive Dean and the DCU People Director. The Relocation Expenses Policy outlines guidelines on eligibility and guidelines on how to apply for relocation expenses.
The candidates will be directed to the Hiring Manager/Head of School to organise this.
Dublin City University is committed to providing equality of opportunity to people with disabilities in all aspects of employment. As part of this commitment, DCU aims to ensure that people with disabilities have full access to employment, training, promotion and career development within the University.
The purpose of the Code of Practice for the Employment of People with Disabilities is to state the University’s policy in relation to the employment of people with disabilities, and to provide information within the University on the recruitment of people with disabilities.
The Code of Practice for the Employment of People with Disabilities is available from Code of practice employment disabilities