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School of Physical Sciences

Recent Physics Student Success Stories

As the academic year draws to a close, we'd like to highlight some of the recent achievements by DCU Physics students and postdocs.

Firstly, congratulations to PhD. student Adam Murphy, who recently won the Irish final of the Famelab Science Communication Competition at the Science Gallery in Dublin. There were 10 finalists and all were amazing. Another of the finalists was Triona O'Connell, another DCU student in Biotechnology. Adam will now go on to compete in the international Famelab final at the Cheltenham Science Festival, UK in June 2014.

You can visit the Famelab site at the following link, where Adam's presentation should be available to download soon: https://dublin.sciencegallery.com/events/2013/04/famelab-ireland

Elsewhere Jennifer Gaughran, another Physics BioAT postgrad, recently won the Rosse Medal for her poster presentation at the Institute of Physics Annual Meeting and shortly thereafter won the DCU 'Tell it Straight' competition, where students are asked to present their research in an accessible fashion. Congratulations again to both, for dispelling the notion that physicists don't have good communiciatons skills!

Lastly, Mossy Kelly, a postdoctoral researcher with John Costello and member of the NCPST was nominated recently for Tech Start-up of the week by online tech magazine Silicon Republic for his 'Bubble your TV' app: You can read all about the app and how it came about here: http://www.siliconrepublic.com/start-ups/item/36393-tech-start-up-of-the-week/