Schools & Outreach | School of Physical Sciences
About School of Physical Sciences
Schools & Outreach
Dr Eilish McLoughlin coordinates the Physics Schools Liaison/Outreach Programme. For further information on any of these activities please email: physics@dcu.ie.
Schools visit Programme
This programme allows secondary school students to explore physics and undertake experiments in university laboratories in order to prepare for both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate examinations. The School of Physical Sciences can also arrange for visits to secondary schools whereby students can experiment in a familiar school laboratory.
Transition Year Programme
The Transition Year Programme takes place in January/February.
Summer Camps
Junior Certificate Science Camps take place in June..
Campus Visits
Visits to the DCU campus can be arranged so that second-level students can get a chance to meet physicists in their working environment and gain familiarity with the physics laboratories and the campus as a whole.
Science Open Day
The DCU Faculty of Science and Health (to which the School of Physical Sciences belongs) holds a Science Open Day each year. Everybody is invited to come along to see what courses the Faculty can offer the prospective student. Each School will have a number of stands showcasing various courses and demonstrating experiments. At these stands you are welcome to ask any questions you might have about the courses, the Faculty, or indeed the University itself. People are welcome to take home any literature and prospectuses available for their perusal later on.
DCU Open Day
DCU also has a university-wide open day each year where prospective students are invited to come along and explore the campus and find out which of the many available courses might be what they're looking for.
Attendance at Careers Fairs and Exhibitions
The School of Physical Sciences also has representatives available to answer questions at national events such as Higher Options, Young Scientist Exhibition.
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