Research Brazil Ireland programme launched in São Paulo

Research Brazil Ireland programme launched in São Paulo

Research Brazil Ireland programme launched in São Paulo

Research Brazil Ireland is an SFI funded programme coordinated by Dublin City University in partnership with many other Irish Third Level Institutions and Research Centres. The programme aims to develop research and educational links between Ireland and Brazil. Research Brazil Ireland will drive a coordinated national approach to promote Ireland’s scientific and technological reputation in Brazil and to highlight Ireland’s attractiveness as an international research partner. The programme was officially launched in São Paulo by the Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn on 21st October 2013. The launch attracted over 100 participants from academia, industry and Brazilian funding agencies.

Prof. Alan Harvey, Vice-President of Research and Innovation at DCU, expressed his support:

“Research Brazil Ireland is an excellent vehicle to promote Ireland’s scientific expertise in Brazil and we envisage that it will significantly increase the collaborative research engagement between the two countries. I would like to encourage our academics and researchers to explore the opportunities for funding under the Science without Borders programme and to avail of the support provided by the RBI offices in Brazil and Ireland to drive this collaborative research effort.”

Research Brazil Ireland will facilitate the collaboration between Irish Higher Education Institutions, research centres and Brazilian scientists and industry players. The focus is on five priority areas: Information and Communication Technologies, Environmental Science and Technologies, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Health, Sustainable Energy and Agroproduction. Two support offices, one based in Brazil and the other one based at DCU, will facilitate the communication between the two countries and provide numerous opportunities for engagement.

For more details visit


21st October, 2013. University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Research Brazil Ireland Launch. Left to right: Frank Sheridan (Ambassador of Ireland to Brazil), Robert Devoy (UCC), Brid Quilty (DCU), Mauro Ferreira (TCD), Prof. Oswaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior (Vice-Director of IFSC-USP), Ruarí Quiin (Minister TD for Education and Skills), Prof. Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado (Vice-President for International Relations- USP).