Research and Innovation Support - How to Collaborate with DCU
How to Collaborate with DCU
Research Strategy
Research in the 21st century by its very nature is collaborative: DCU is open to and actively encourages research collaborations at all levels with external organisations and in particular with industrial partners. It is essential that the research knowledge and expertise within DCU is transferred into tangible socio-economic impacts. This can best be achieved through partnerships with industry and other social partners.
Academic collaboration whether at national and/or international level are common place. These partnerships are normally established via staff/researcher linkages but increasingly a small number of strategic inter-institutional Memoranda of Understanding have been signed to facilitate institutional level research collaborations. These high level agreements are supported by the International Desk in the Office of the Vice-President for Research.
The enhanced research environment created through productive collaborations adds great value to the training of many young researchers who carry out their work within teams involving internationally leading PIs collaborating across educational institutions, external business/industrial partners and countries.
Collaborative Options
There are a variety of options for collaborating with DCU Research, ranging from undergraduate and postgraduate internships, access to specific research equipment and/or facilities, small scale contract research to large-scale research programmes, depending on the research area and the exact needs of the partner.
In many cases grant-aid support from national and international research funding may be available to help support the collaborative activities. Please contact the Office of the Vice-President for Research [insert link to Contact Us section http://www.dcu.ie/research/contact.shtml) for informal discussions on options to suit your needs.