Research and Innovation Support - People
office of the vice-president for research
Highly trained researchers are needed to advance science and innovation, and to attract and sustain public and private investment in research. Global competition ensures, that the development of an open European labour market for researchers and the diversification of skills and career paths are crucial. Activities proposed to implement this include:
Initial training of researchers to improve their career perspectives, implemented through Marie Curie Networks to overcome fragmentation throughout Europe .
Life-long training to support the career development of experienced researchers. This will be implemented through individual fellowships awarded directly at Community level and through the co-financing
Longer term industry-academia partnerships with a greater emphasis on SMEs.
Fostering mutually beneficial research collaboration with researchers from outside Europe , through international outgoing fellowships, international incoming fellowships, and partnerships to support the exchange of researchers.
Specific actions to support the creation of a genuine European labour market for researchers, and awards to improve the public awareness of Marie Curie actions.
People - Human potential and science careers