Research and Innovation Support - SFI- PIYRA
Office of the Vice-President for Research
SFI-Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) 2008-09
Science Foundation Ireland - Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) 2008-09.
The SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) Programme provides an opportunity for excellent early-career-stage investigators to carry out independent research in the fields of science and engineering that underpin biotechnology, information and communications technology, and sustainable energy and energy-efficient technologies. The award also provides funding for a postgraduate student, who will be primarily supervised by the Starting Investigator (SI). The SI will work with an associated mentor, who will provide the necessary support and infrastructure for the project to take place. SIRG awards are up to €500,000 direct costs for a period of four years; up to 20 awards are expected to be funded through this Call.
All details in relation to eligibility for this scheme can be downloaded from the SFI website
Procedure to obtain DCU nomination: -
Interested candidates are requested to submit a nomination proposal to OVPR, which will be subject to internal review. This nomination should be emailed to ana.terres@dcu.ie as a single document by 5:00 pm on Monday 24 November 2008, and should contain the following:
a)Letter from head of School endorsing your application
b)Letter from mentor indicating willingness you host you in his/her lab as an independent investigator, to act as a mentor to you and as a co-supervisor for your students and confirming the existence of appropriate office and lab space for you and your PhD student.
c)A Cover Letter indicating why the candidate is interested in the position, your research area and title for your proposal.
d)A 250 word abstract for your proposal.
e) Up to a two-page CV including a summary of prior research and educational accomplishments clearly outlining the originality and the impact of these accomplishments, patents, previous funding, etc.
f) A full list of publications indicating the number of non self-citations and journal impact factor.
Please ensure that you have read the SFI eligibility criteria before applying to DCU. If you are not sure about your particular circumstances, email sirg@sfi.ie and they will be able to answer your questions.