Research Newsletter – Issue 66: Information and Updates

European Research Executive Agency (REA) Call for Experts

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) invites experts from a wide range of fields to register in the European Commission’s experts database.  From this database, REA selects candidates with the most suitable profile for the following activities: 1) to evaluate project proposals applying for funding under Horizon Europe, the Promotion of Agricultural Products programme and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel; 2) to monitor the implementation of funded projects.

Currently the REA seeks experts in the fields of agriculture and food, environment and bio-economy, civil security, engineering, IT and technologies,  culture and creativity, democracy and society.

For a more detailed list of the required areas of expertise, please see here.


Research Engine downtime

The DCU researcher profile system, Research Engine, will be inaccessible from Friday 17th to Tuesday 21st September to facilitate a technical and functional upgrade to the system. 

No information wil be lost from existing profiles.  In some instances, profiles may need to be republished to the web after the system launches.

In line with the upgrade, we will be releasing updated training resources on the Research Engine homepage.  Two lunchtime sessions have also been scheduled to take you through the new system layout. You can register for these by clicking on the dates below:

Wednesday 22nd September (1-2pm)

Wednesday 29th September (1-2pm)

The sessions will be recorded and circulated to those registered.